Hampton News

There will be a Republican caucus in the town hall on Monday evening, March 13, at 7:30 o’clock to choose officers to be supported at the Annual March town meeting, March 14, and to transact any other business that may legally come before the caucus.

The union meeting Sunday night will be held in the Methodist vestry.

The W. F. M. S. of the M. E. church met at the parsonage Tuesday afternoon. The pleading, wonderful field of India was under study.

Charles Stickney of Brownsville, Maine, always a welcome guest in town, visited in the family of Selectman J. B. Brown last week.

Dr. Henry Godfrey of Allston, Mass., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Godfrey, on Tuesday. Their daughter, Mrs. William Hill, is spending this month with cousins in Washington, D. C.

Gerald Smith has built a new hen house for N. J. Norton this week.

The ladies of the Rebekah Lodge met in their lodge room Tuesday afternoon, serving and visiting. Supper was served at six o’clock with Miss Toppan as chairman and they attended the evening meeting of the lodge.

The Ladies’ Aid met with Mrs. Emma J. Young on Wednesday. The meeting of the Woman’s Relief Corps on the same day kept a number away. The next meeting of the W. R. Corps will be April 12th. The Corps will present the schools with new silk flags.

On Tuesday a number of ladies responded to the invitation from the Exeter Woman’s Club to attend a lecture by the Rev. Abraham Ribhany upon the subject, “Can Humanity Be Civilized?” The ladies, among whom were Mesdames Munsey, Batchelder, Donnell, Shea, Ross, Toppan, Lane, Dodge, Merrill and Marston, enjoyed the lecture very much. Tea and sandwiches were served. A number of the ladies have standing invitations to attend the club meetings at any time.

John Janvrin has been on the sick list for the past few days.

The term of selectman Harry D. Munsey expires this year. He is a candidate for renomination.

Members of the Young Men’s Community Club are urgently requested to appear at the Club room on Friday evening to formulate plans for an entertainment to be given in the near future.

The annual business meeting of the Baptist Society was held on Monday afternoon with more than the usual attendance. Officers elected were: Clerk, Mrs. Belle Perkins; Treasurer, Miss Batchelder; Wardens, Fred Perkins, Frank James and Howard Lane.

Don’t forget the food sale of the W. C. T. U. in Lane’s block on Friday afternoon from 3 to 5 o’clock.

Rev. W. L. Linaberry will occupy the Baptist pulpit on Sunday morning.

The ladies of the Baptist Missionary auxiliary were disappointed in Miss Merrill who was to address them, as she could not be present at the meeting. The Dorcas circle is meeting with good success. It was entertained in the vestry on Tuesday.

Although the night was stormy and walking treacherous Saturday night a large audience was in attendance at the movies and well repaid by the fine pictures displayed. The vaudeville photos of slack wire feats, trained animals, acrobats and bicycle riding were marvelous. This week there will be the vaudeville pictures, Pathe pictures, a good comedy and the main picture, Anna Nilsson in “What a Woman Will Do.”

The H. T. G. Club was entertained by Mrs. Munsey in her pleasant home on Thursday. Beautiful favors were awarded to Miss Toppan, of a set of engraved hot dish boards; to Miss Ruth Palmer, a set of Pyrex custard cups; to Mrs. Day, a score pad. Dainty refreshments of fruit salad, hot biscuits, ice cream with maraschino cherries, cake, candy and coffee were served by the hostess. The guests were Mrs. Edwin Batchelder, Mrs. Byron Redman, Mrs. Ingersol of Exeter, and Miss Lorraine Lindsey. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Day in Exeter.

The service in the Congregational Church on Sunday was very impressive when eight persons were baptized and eleven joined the church, 10 by confession of faith and one by letter. It is results that count and surely this result must testify to the splendid work being done by the pastor, Rev. G. W. Clark, and the Sunday School. Mr. Clark devoted the whole time to reception of new members and baptism, explaining their duty to the church and the duty of the church to them. He spoke beautifully and instructively to the parents of the children who were baptized. The music was excellent and in harmony with the service.

Mr. Walcott Coffin took the place of one of the strikers in Newburyport, and one night last week was assaulted and badly bruised but not seriously hurt.

Miss Dorothy Hannington has returned from Waltham and is now boarding with Miss Mary Toppan. She has had a relapse of her illness and is now in bed.

It is reported that John Janvrin will built two houses on his lot opposite the depot, this spring.

The reports given at the annual meeting of the Congregational church were most gratifying. The pastor reported having spoken 200 times in sermons and address with an average attendance of 84. Children’s day 180 were present. The Superintendent of the Sunday School reported the average attendance 85 and the receipts for the year $321.13. Arthur Noyes, who has a record of perfect attendance for six years has been presented with a $5.00 gold piece from the Sunday School.

The Monday Club was very pleasantly entertained this week in the hospitable home of Mrs. Myers, with Mrs. Elliot as assistant hostess. Music was furnished by the club in singing several songs. Mrs. Donnell reviewed the book entitled, “Soviet Russia,” most entertainingly. She seemed to select the most interesting and connected articles in the book and everyone felt enlightened upon the subject when she had finished. Choice refreshments of ice cream, with nuts and maraschino cherries, delicious cake, crackers and coffee were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Olney with Mrs. Coffee as assistant hostess.

Have you heard the latest gossip? Why, it is the Junior play “Back to Nature,” by Allan Abbott, which is to be given Friday evening, March 24 in the Town Hall. The cast is made up of twelve Juniors and the rehearsals are progressing most favorably under the direction of the class advisor, Mrs. Jones. “Back to Nature” is one of Walter A. Baker’s famous editions and was originally produced with success by the Senior class of the Horace Mann School, New York. This three act play consists of both interior and exterior scenes, which are full of action, laughter and romance. Dancing will follow the drama. Tickets are now in circulation which should be bought early.

The West End Club met with Mrs. Jennie James at her home on February 23rd. The meeting opened at 3:10 with all repeating the quotation. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The oyster supper was postponed until some time this month. There were nine members present, five children and one guest. It being the day after Washington’s birthday, the literary program was in observance of the event. Pieces were read on Washington by our guest, Miss Theodate Hobbs, by Mrs. Greely. Questions and answers were given about George Washington by Miss Norah Maroney and were very good. The meeting closed by all singing America. A social hour was enjoyed and the hostess served a very dainty lunch, hot tea and coffee. He next meeting will be March 9 with Mrs. Batchelder and Mrs. Bowley.

The Parent-Teacher Association believes in preparedness-for the arts of peace. Of these certainly one is the wise conduct of our public schools. At the Congregational Chapel, tomorrow night at 7:45 sharp, Mr. Warren Hobbs will lead the discussion of the warrant for the District meeting, and Mr. Charles Francis Adams will conduct the investigation of the proposed budget for 1922-23. The new books or Community Songs will be used. This is the regular Social Meeting postponed from last month. Don’t fail to note the change of date. Next Monday is the fixed date but it had to be unfixed this month on account of the caucus. Tomorrow, Friday, night at 7:45. A meeting of the Executive Board will be held at seven.

The lumber has been brought to Thomas Cogger’s lot north of the Odd Fellow’s Hall on the Lafayette Road to be used in the construction of a new building.

Quite a number are either just recovering from a mild attack of the “flu” or are still in bed. Among them are: Mrs. Cash, Mrs. Roland Emery, Edith Emery, Constance Tobey and Wilmont Teague, all under the care of a physician.

Mr. Moses Brown is planning to return to Florida and will probably remain thru the summer. Mrs. Orla Stowe will leave for her home in Michigan this week and Mrs. Verne Wright will close her bungalow for the present and live in the Brown homestead.

The fifteenth birthday of Miss Leonore Lane was celebrated Monday evening in the Town Hall by the Sophomore Class of the High School, and the Camp Fire Girls in co-operation with Mrs. Lane. It was a complete surprise to Leonore. Games and dancing passed a very pleasant evening. The Camp Fire Girls presented her with a leather bag and the class with a handsome box of stationery, and there were other gifts. Mrs. Lane was assisted in serving the dainty refreshments, of ice cream and cake, by Mesdames Thompson, Noyes, Hobbs and Philbrook. About 45 were present.

For more than half a century the political, social, educational and economic aspects of prohibition have been discussed by the press, pulpit, lecture platform and the people themselves until 33 states, by their own votes at the polls, voted out the liquor traffic and became prohibition states. This, of course, occurred before the Constitutional Amendment. This ought to be convincing enough that the majority of the people in the country really want the legalized liquor traffic to go and in the two years of prohibition reports come in from all our big cities of its great benefit. The homes for delinquent, that cared for dependent children, came from families largely where the wages went for strong drink instead of food. Now our social workers find the number of inmates greatly reduced. Our state and federal officers have been centering their attention on Hampton the past week and were successful in capturing two parties that were bringing liquor from Massachusetts into New Hampshire. It would seem that it would be difficult to get truck drivers to handle anything to which such a severe penalty is attached.