Hampton News

Howard G. Batchelder is opening up his house on High Street for the summer.

Myron Norton has purchased the hen house just built for N. J. Norton and has moved it to his home on the Beach road and made it over into a fish market.

William T. Ross is completing the survey of the Batchelder tract on High Street into house lots, as there is already a demand for several of them.

Irving Brown is taking down the chimney at the power house which was in use before the fire several years ago destroyed a part of the building on the South side of the road. Mr. Brown has two men on the job who go up and down on the inside.

Miss Helen G. Tolman is home for the Easter vacation. She is teaching in Sunapee. Niel Tolman will arrive from Hanover Saturday.

Mrs. William Brown was taken to the Portsmouth hospital last Saturday for a serious operation. She came through the operation nicely and is now on the road to recovery.

“The Revivals of History and Their Lessons,” will be the subject for Rev. Mr. Clark’s sermon next Sunday. This sermon was delivered before the Windham, Conn., Ministerial Association, and published at the time in the Windham County Transcript.

Mrs. Myers visited her husband, Capt. Myers of the U. S. Coast Guard at the Portland hospital today. Capt. Myers is doing nicely since his operation and will be able to be home at an early date.

John Perkins is at home for the Easter vacation and has a friend of his, Mr. Ford, spending the holidays with him.

Oscar Garland who is teaching at Jefferson, N. H., is passing the Easter holidays at his home in town.

The union service Sunday night will be held in the Baptist church. Rev. Bernard Christopher, who supplies the pulpit in the morning will preach at the evening service.

The Holy Communion will be celebrated at the Methodist church Sunday morning.

The 25th anniversary of the organization of Rockingham Lodge I. O. O. F. was observed in this hall Friday evening.

The Salvation Army of Portsmouth will have charge of the evening meeting tonight at the Congregational chapel. Adjt. Chew of Brockton, Mass., will be the speaker. Opens at 7:30. An open air meeting in the square by Lane’s Store will precede the meeting at the Chapel.

Town Clerk Warren H. Hobbs drew Uri Lamprey to serve on the petit jury for the April term.

Mr. Frank Remick is now able to ride back and forth to Portsmouth after having stayed in that city throughout the winter.

Mrs. Addie B. Brown came from Kensington on Friday where she has spent four months with her sister, Mrs. York. She went to Lynn on Saturday to visit Mrs. F. L. Pratt, then a few days with friends in Boston and vicinity after which she will return home.

It is expected that quite a good number will attend the W. C. T. U. Convention in Portsmouth today.

Spring has come; besides bluebirds, robins and other birds singing, the frogs have piped merrily for a number of nights over in the Peat hole.

Mrs. Sumner Fall had a very serious time on Tuesday, after having two teeth extracted in Portsmouth. They bled profusely for many hours. Dr. Fernald at last succeeded in stopping the bleeding.

Mrs. E. G. Cole is still unable to go out as usual, but is better.

Miss Elisabeth Norris entertained her niece, Lucille Norris, and three of her friends from Wellesley over the week end; also some young men on Sunday.

Mr. John Elliot’s family on Highland avenue had the pleasure of having with them over the week end the Misses Nanette and Gertrude MacLaine of Hyde Park, Mass.

The West End Club met with Mrs. Nathaniel Batchelder, Thursday, March 23rd, all the members being present but one. The meeting opened at 3:30 by the members singing Juanita and then repeating the quotation. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved, and other business attended to. It was decided to observe Gentlemen’s Night by giving an oyster supper, Monday, March 26, at Mrs. Jessie Towle’s residence. The literary program was very good, all the members having some selection to read. The meeting closed by all members singing. A social hour was enjoyed and the hostess, assisted by Misses Beatrice and Dorothy, served a dainty lunch. The time seems to go quickly when we are with Mrs. Batchelder. We were glad to have Mrs. Yeaton and her little ones with us again. Next meeting to be held with Mrs. Willard N. Delano, April 6th, 1922.

Miss Janet Ward is home for the Easter vacation.

Rev. E. H. Timberlake, an evangelist and preacher of the plain gospel truths, will be at the Advent Christian Church in this town beginning Monday evening, April 3rd, and every evening following (except Saturday) until April 16th, at 7:30 each evening. Everyone is cordially invited. Come and enjoy these meetings one and all.

There will be a dance at the Rye Town Hall, April 4, 1922, with special music by Berkmeier’s Melody Orchestra of Salisbury. Come and bring your friends. A good time is assured.

Gentlemen’s Night of the West End Club was observed by the gentlemen being entertained Monday evening at Mrs. Towle’s residence. There was a merry party, 32 being present. The dining room was prettily decorated with crepe paper the colors being red and green. Two long tables were arranged very tastily by Misses Elsie and Louise Batchelder. A delicious oyster stew with pickles, crackers, cake of all kinds and coffee was served after which there was singing and playing games. As Mrs. Towle celebrated her 59th birthday Sunday we thought we would congratulate her although a day late. Mrs. Bowley, in behalf of the club and friends, presented her with a beautiful ring. She was greatly surprised and pleased and thanked us. The guests departed about eleven o’clock as the little folks were getting tired, and although it was stormy and the walking bad, had a very pleasant evening.

Growth of Co-Operative Bank:

The Hampton Co-Operative Building and Loan Association has just completed six and one half years of business and without doubt the people of Hampton will be interested in the growth and accomplishment of this local organization.

The first and chief purpose of the Hampton Building and Loan Association is to make good in Hampton and vicinity the motto which has been adopted by all similar associations in the country, namely, “The American Home, — The safeguard of American Liberties.” Its second object is to encourage the habit of thrift by providing a systematic plan of saving money.

Since October, 1915, the Association has had deposits totalling over $60,000 and has paid dividends at the rate of 5 per cent per year compounded semi-annually. Earnings have amounted to over $8,000. These deposits and earnings have been invested in loans to shareholders on real estate and on shares. The number of individual loans made from October, 1915, to the present time total 163 and represent over $65,000. Some of these loans have been paid and there now remains in force $40,374.00, divided as follows: real estate loans $37,620, share and collateral loans $2,754.

Many people believe that money deposited in a Building and Loan Association cannot be withdrawn until the shares mature. This is not so, for, while the plan of the Association is to allow shares to remain until maturity, a shareholder may withdraw his account, with interest, at any time upon giving sufficient notice to the Secretary.

The Building and Loan Association is mutual in its method of operation. The officers and directors serve without compensation and as the expense of maintaining an office is small, as compared with other banks, the entire amount of earnings from loans is divided to the shares, with a reasonable amount held for a Guaranty Fund and Surplus. This allows a better rate of interest than can be obtained from most savings banks.

The Hampton Co-Operative Building and Loan Association has been steadily and quietly increasing in shareholders and deposits since its incorporation and has proved its usefulness to a large number of people. It provides a desirable way to save money systematically and is the ideal method for the average individual by which to buy or build a home.

Radio Notes:

Considerable interest is being taken in the Radiofone programs by the more up-to-date boys in town. These programs consist of the higher class musical selections, instructive lectures and talks on world affairs. Wednesday night one broadcasting station gave a considerable selection of operatic selections from the best operas, sung by world famous singers in person. Fonograph records are not used in the broadcasting stations for their nightly concerts. Only the best talent is employed; so you see that radio is increasing our knowledge and love of the best music.

One of the amateurs who has listened in most every night this winter reports hearing only one station giving jazz music and the so-called popular songs for an entire evening. So one need not be afraid of his boy getting enthused over the cheaper class of music. Give your boy a chance to hear the best music of the world by giving him an inexpensive Radio Telefone receiving set.

Centre School Dedication

Hampton Centre School

[Photograph not in original article of 1922]

Not in many years has old Hampton-by-the-Sea had bigger reason for celebrating with a Boom and a Bang and a ‘Rah. For years the lovers of the boys and girls have dreamed of worthier facilities for their education. A. few have had bad dreams with specters of a big debt, and scaring tax rates. But most have said, “If any boys and girls in the Old Granite State — or anywhere else, for that matter — are worthy, Hampton’s young people are. And last night they signalized the realization of their best dreaming. The new Central School Building was dedicated with the worthy program commented upon below. The building Committee has every reason for gratification in the quality of the achievement that crowns their painstaking labors and exacting care. They deserve and have the appreciation of their fellow citizens. No figures can ever adequately register their tireless devotion and attention to minutest details. The Committee as organized consists of the following men: L. C. Ring, Chairman; George Ashworth, Secretary; Harry Munsey, Treasurer; Edwin L. Batchelder, and Christopher S. Toppan. The Committee has realized themselves fortunate in the helpers whom they secured,The Bacon-Forrest Company of Boston are the architects, The Hudson Construction Co., the contractors. The Heating and ventilation system has been in the hands of the Power, Heat and Ventilating Co. The old dependable firm of E. E. Babb and Co. supplied the school-room furnishings. The electric lighting will be a standing recommendation of the M. B. Foster Co.

The main building is 104 by 6O feet, two stories, excellently lighted, of western brick with stone trimmings. Ten rooms provide for the six grades and the Junior High, and in the basement for the domestic science and manual arts departments. A rear extension of the basement and first floor provides for the heating plant and the coal pocket and for the beautiful auditorium which seats 225. This hall is equipped with moving picture booth. In the main building are two rooms for teachers and in the room for the women teachers the district nurse will have her office. The total cost of the plant is about $90,000,000 [sic $90,000], which provides for the completion of the grading immediately about the building. At the rear is excellent provision for school campus, for the lot includes about ten acres. Drainage is already under way, and grading protected.

With this excellent and adequate provision for her young people, Hampton says to all her friends, “We yield to no town in appreciation of education and of the meaning of a thoroughly trained citizenry.”

Rev. Edgar Warren presided over the exercises of dedication and in the introduction of the speakers and other items of the program, spoke with keen appreciation and sympathy, Hampton’s educational ideals and history, and of the summit of achievement in this building.

The Hampton male quartet sang “Only Remembered By What I Have Done,” the leader suggesting that as long as this building stands the citizens who had the courage and wisdom to realize this great achievement will be remembered for what they have done. Prayer was offered by Rev. R. E. Thompson.

With apt words of appreciation of the labors and faithfulness of his fellow-members of the committee, and of all the contracting parties, and special tribute to the utter absence of friction on the whole job, unparalleled, he, said, in his long experience as a builder, Chairman Ring formally handed the keys of the building to C. S. Toppan, Chairman of the School Board.

Mrs. Lucy Marston, Patriotic Instructor to the Women’s Relief Corps, on behalf of the Corps presented to the five teachers, for their schools, new and beautiful American flags, and the officers of the Corps presented the flags for salute in which the whole gathering heartily joined. Immediately following all united to sing a verse of “The Star Spangled Banner.”

Mr. James N. Pringle, Deputy Commissioner of Education for New Hampshire, presented in his address a very interesting study of the educational history of the town, with sidelights from the records of many other towns. His quotation from pages 473-4 of Dow’s History of Hampton revealed to such as had not studied this history some very interesting facts. On February 2, 1649, the town of Hampton agreed with John Legatt to teach all children, “Mayle and femaile” (“who are capable of learning.”) every day — presumably except Sunday, when the weather permitted. The subjects were two, with an elective: to “write and read and cast accounts (if it be desired).” His compensation was to be “Twenty pounds, payable in corn, cattle and butter at price currant.” This was while New England was making educational provision, for the most part, only for its boys. Two hundred ten years ago, in 1712, the first school house on the site of the new Central Building was built, 24 feet long and 20 feet wide. This stood for twenty-four years, when it was, burned, Another of the same size replaced it. Hampton Falls and North Hampton had been set off and were taking care of themselves. In 1873 this was removed and the building which has been used for grammar school for almost fifty years was erected. Mr. Pringle’s address was full of interest. Supt. Justin O. Wellman, of Amesbury, spoke briefly, offering hearty congratulation to the district Supt. Walker emphasized particularly the demand upon teachers and parents to maintain as far as possible the pristine beauty of the new school home. He also pleaded that the community make full use of the building as a community center.

Letters of congratulation were received from former superintendents, Messrs. S. Brooks and Albert T. Lane, who deeply regretted their inability to be present.

“America” was sung in closing. Those who know the field assert that no town of its size in the state has better provision for its pupils than our town of Hampton.