Hampton News

The Senior honors at Bates College have just been announced. Raymond B. Buker received an honor in Philosophy.

Miss S. Belle Lane and friend, Mrs. Frances Perkins, spent Easter in Boston, attending the Easter church services and the oratorio “Elijah” given at Symphony Hall.

The Banner Class of the Congregational Church will give an entertainment in the Chapel on Monday evening beginning at 7:30. A farce “Girls Will Be Girls,” will be presented. This will be worth hearing; small admission.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational Church will meet with Mrs. Henry Perkins on Tuesday afternoon, April 25th at 2 o’clock.

The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are invited to attend the services in the Congregational Church on Sunday morning at 10:30 o’clock We hope all members will be present. A special sermon has been prepared by the pastor. Everybody welcome.

Easter Sunday was one of the pleasantest days of the Springtime. At the Congregational Church the pastor gave a wonderful Easter sermon with good music, to a large congregation. The Sunday School of this church is a live one with an average in attendance of 104 members. On Easter Sunday 126 were present. This is one hour in the week that the children look forward to and it is one hour of happiness. If the parents could only see those little faces all interested in this work they would be as eager to get them there as the children are to go. In the evening a splendid concert in the church by the young folks, consisting of exercises, pieces spoken by little ones and songs by different classes with the choir and school, the Banner Class, Golden Glove Class and quartette of four young ladies. We congratulate the Superintendent, Miss Mary Craig and her assistants, Miss Olive Nudd, Mrs. Gertrude Young and Mrs. Margaret Noyes.

When is Hampton going to have a clean up day?

Mr. Albert Johnson has a new powerful tractor for his farm work. An enterprising farmer.

We are glad to announce that Rev. Bernard Christopher of Amesbury will again preach in the Baptist church next Sunday morning.

Two little grades in Miss Cutts’ room prepared an entertainment and presented it in the new Assembly hall on Friday evening of last week, netting $18.00 toward a graphaphone, doing great credit to themselves and their teacher. Cake and candy were on sale and the audience were delighted with the chance of enjoying the beautiful hall as well as hearing the children.

Just to remind you for the last time that the biggest hit Hampton has ever witnessed will be unfolded before your eyes next Wednesday evening , April 26th. “No Trespassing,” has been played in many places and all who have seen it have pronounced it a snappy play full of life and laughter. Berkmeier’s Orchestra for the dance and special features between the acts. Candy and ice cream on sale. Don’t fail to see this drama.

A Community Farewell Reception to Rev. and Mrs. Roger Thompson, of the Methodist Church, on Monday evening , April 17, was held in the vestry, made very cozy and homelike with rugs and potted plants and flowers. The Elliot Orchestra furnished music. In the receiving line, Rev. and Mrs. Thompson, Rev. Edgar Warren and Mrs. Warren, Miss Alice and Lawrence Thompson, Mr. Beede and Mrs. Beane. An entertainment had been prepared. Readings by the young ladies, also a fine reading by Mrs. Lewis, the Ladies’ Quartette furnished two musical numbers, Mrs. Warren, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Palmer, Miss Alice Elliot, Mrs. Young at piano, which were much enjoyed. Rev. Edgar Warren, Master of Ceremonies, as usual always saying the “right thing in the right place,” presented to Rev. Thompson, in behalf of his friends, a solid gold Hamilton watch, who responded in a very pleasing and fitting manner. Then to Mrs. Thompson, Miss Brown presented a very nice wrist watch from her Sunday School Class. To Miss Alice and Mr. Lawrence a $2.50 gold piece, from their respective classes. Mr. Warren spoke very fine of Mr. Thompson who especially had taken so much interest in the welfare of the young men in the community. After listening to a well rendered solo by William Elliot refreshments were served to the company and reluctant goodbyes were spoken at the parting of the ways. Rev. Mr. Thompson and family leave Hampton on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Thompson has made many friends in town and will be missed from the Mother’s Circle and other orders she used to attend.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burnham of Roslindale, Mass., spent Monday with Miss Trefethen at the Elmwood.

A demonstration of the efficiency of the Florence Oil Stoves will be held in Cole’s store, April 22. Everyone invited to attend. Food will be cooked on the stoves on that day by a practical cook. Come in and try it.

A food sale will be held in the Periodical Store by the S. P. Class of the M. E. Church on Friday (tomorrow) afternoon. Pies, cakes, doughnuts, rolls and candy will be on sale. Come in and buy the things that will appeal to your taste.

May 13 has been fixed as the date for the appearance of the “Invincible Club” of Lynn in the drama, “Sunshine,” which is to be given for the benefit of the Red Cross. As the date falls on Saturday Mr. Crocker has kindly consented to have his moving pictures on Friday evening, May 12.

Mrs. Elsie J. Godfrey passed away on Sunday after two years of suffering. Sunday was her 68th birthday. She had borne her suffering with great patience and fortitude and always greeted her friends cheerfully and kept always a smiling face in their presence. Mrs. Godfrey before her marriage was Elsie J. Marden of Rye. She married Samuel F. Godfrey in 1871. There were 10 children, six died in early life. She leaves her husband, one daughter, Grace, three sons, Ralph, Arnold and Warren, one granddaughter and two grandsons, two sisters, Mrs. Ida Philbrick of Portsmouth and Mrs. Emma Young of Hampton. The services were held at the home on Wednesday conducted by Rev. A. B. Thompson, a neighbor, who had seen much of Mrs. Godfrey during her illness. There were many relatives and friends present. The Women’s Relief Corps, of which the deceased was a faithful member, held their service at the close. They sang, “Nearer My God to Thee” and “Abide with Me.” Each placed flowers in the beautiful bed in which she was sleeping, and left her, glad to know that she was free from her suffering, though she will be sadly missed by her family and many friends.

Reciprocity Day of the Monday Club, in charge of the Philanthropic and Civics Committees, was held Monday, the 17th. The invited guests were as follows: The Women’s Club of Hampton Falls, West End Club, Mother’s Circle, Camp Fire Girls and Whist Club. Although the afternoon proved dull the interior of the chapel was made pleasant with ferns and potted plants and a warmth of friendship prevailed among a goodly number, the invited guests bringing a varied and interesting program as follows:

A splendid paper, written and read by Mrs. Sewall Marston on Radio, was very much enjoyed, as was the paper prepared by Mrs. Esther Cram on the Four Peace Treaties, and still another very interesting paper by Mrs. Helen Batchelder, “Our Neighbors;” then a very fine piano duet by Mrs. Florence Page and Mrs. Laura Wadleigh.

The West End Club contributed a very fine paper read by Miss Frances Towle in a pleasing manner, also a duet, sung very sweetly by Mrs. Katherine and Addie James. The Mother’s Circle presented the Camp Fire Girls, 16 in number, who gave a very delightful drill, the costumes of the girls adding greatly as each one kept in perfect step to the music, Mrs. Gertrude Young at the piano. Then the ladies’ quartette, consisting of Mrs. Belle Perkins, Mrs. Bernice Palmer, Mrs. Edith Warren and Miss Alice Elliot sang “Spring, Sweet Spring,” with encore, accompanied by Mrs. Young. It was finely rendered. Seated on the platform with the President, Mrs. Margaret Noyes were: Mrs. Burlin of Hampton Falls, Mrs. Bowley, West End Club, and Mrs. Toppan, President of the Mother’s Circle. After the entertainment a social hour was enjoyed and sandwiches and coffee were served by the Monday Club, all declaring the afternoon well spent.

Tuesday afternoon an exciting ball game between the East End School and the Grammar School was watched by quite a number of spectators. The East End won the game the score being 6 to 3.

One was fortunate in having received an invitation to the Guest Night of the U. W. Club held on Wednesday evening, of April twelfth, in Odd Fellows Entertainment Hall. This occasion coming so near Easter, the decorations were carried out along these lines: the two yellow shades of jonquil harmonizing prettily with the green of spring. That the members who did the decorating are artists in this line, it is easy to believe. The larger hall, and the banquet hall as well, were both very beautifully and daintily decorated, crepe paper in the two shades of yellow and green being used. The banquet table was particularly dainty with festooning from the chandeliers to all corners. An unusually pretty finishing touch was given by the jonquil cups filled with nuts and Easter eggs and placed at each plate. Attached to these cups in a unique way were the place cards, and much sociability was added to the occasion by each guest being requested to find their own place at the table. Fifty-three members and guests were present. A pleasing program of music was given by Miss Lindsey and Mr. Clifford Lindsey in the early evening, followed by a social hour and a half at whist. Miss Gladys Jordan was successful in taking home the pretty casserole given as ladies’ first prize, Mrs. E. G. Cole receiving ladies’ second prize of a cut-glass vase; Mrs. Roscoe Palmer was well pleased with the ladies’ booby prize of a cut-glass cheese dish. The gentlemen fortunate in carrying away prizes were: John Janvrin, first prize of a necktie; Robert Brown’s second prize was a nice flash light, and Mr. Frank Brooks was delighted with a pack of cards received as the booby prize. Refreshments of ice cream, cake and hot coffee were served. The individual moulds of cream in form of fruits, vegetables, etc. added much to the attractiveness of the table. After the Lindsey’s furnishing another short musical selection, music for dancing was played by them, and a very enjoyable evening was brought to a close.
All guests voted the evening a most enjoyable one and hope to be in the front line when the club’s guest night invitations are again extended.

In the superior court last Friday a verdict was awarded by the jury to the plaintiff in a suit brought by Charles Buck against John A. Janvrin to recover a claim for a commission in the sale of the Antler hotel.

The poll taxes for 1922 have been committed to the collector and are now payable. Prompt payment of this tax is required by the state authorities and will be much appreciated by the collector.

The many friends here of Miss Grace Symes of New York City will be pained to hear of her very sudden death at her home last Friday. Miss Symes had spent 15 summers at the Elmwood and was well known here.

Miss Elizabeth F. Perkins passed away on Sunday after many years of suffering, confined to her home by an accident causing a broken hip. Miss Perkins was faithfully cared for by her niece, Mrs. Donnell, but personal care had been given for the last eight months by Mrs. Blanch Damsell who has been wonderfully faithful and efficient. Miss Perkins was a woman of very strong character, the daughter of David and Aseneth Batchelder Perkins, she was the youngest but one of the family, born March 31, 1835. One brother, Thomas L. Perkins, survives. Miss Perkins was a pioneer teacher in the West. About 1859 she crossed the Rocky mountains on horseback, being one of the first women to accomplish this journey. She taught school in Texas and other places for 20 years then returned to Hampton to care for her aged mother. Miss Perkins was a woman whose influence was felt wherever she lived. Outspoken in her opinions, which were like herself, strong and for the right, she in her passing, has left one less whom we call of a bygone generation, but which we often feel the need of in these present times. There is much need of women like her who are not afraid to express their convictions as to what is right. Miss Perkins was buried from her late home, the last of one of the old and respected family homes. Her brother, who lived near her has the sympathy of many friends in his failing health. Rev. G. W. Clark of the Congregational church of which Miss Perkins was a member conducted the funeral services. Beautiful flowers and the presence of many neighbors and friends showed the respect of all. R. E. Tolman had charge of all the arrangements for the funeral

Hampton vs. Exeter:

The Hampton Academy ball team lost to Exeter in its first game of the season with a score of 8-3. The Hampton boys did well until the 8th inning when several disastrous errors were made, letting the opponents score seven runs. Clark of Hampton excelled Hobbs of Exeter in pitching but the Exeter team excelled in fielding.

A Tribute to Mrs. John C. Sanborn

Mrs. Ann H. Coffin Sanborn, wife of the late John C. Sanborn, passed away at her home in Hampton Falls on April 7th. Mrs. Sanborn will be affectionately remembered for her gracious, cheerful personality, open hearted hospitality and enduring, helpful interest in many good causes. At her attractive home the door was wide open and a hearty welcome was always assured to her large circle of friends and relatives. Surrounded by the flowers in whose culture she was successful and which she loved to share with others was a characteristic of her high ideals in life. The largely attended funeral was at the home on Sunday p.m. The casket reposed on pedestals of roses and the profusion of exquisite emblems and Easter lilies testified to the love and affection of the givers. She leaves to mourn her loss six devoted children: Mrs. George L. Garland of Gloucester, Mass., Mrs. Charles C. Seavey of North Hampton, Miss Fidele Sanborn and Miss Annie C. Sanborn of Hampton Falls and two sons, J. Elmer Sanborn and Everett P. Sanborn. A noble life has ended, but there remains a precious legacy of memories, of looks, of words, of deeds. To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.

G. A. R. Encampment:

Following is the report of the delegates from Perkin’s Post, G. A. R. and the W. R. Corps of this town to the Annual Encampment of the order last week in Concord.

Camp-Fire was held at the auditorium, on the night of April 13, under the direction of Adjutant General, Frank A. Battles.

Gov. Brown was unable to be present, having been called to Lancaster to attend the funeral of one of New Hampshire’s most prominent men, the Secretary of State. Edwin C. Bean brought from the governor his deep regrets and extended a welcome to the G. A. R. and all present. Addresses of welcome were also given by Mayor Chamberlin and Comrade Allen of Haverhill, Mass., a veteran of the Vermont Regiment, who spent his 14th birthday in the city of Algiers, Louisiana, in 1861.

The usual tokens of respect and esteem were presented by the Women’s Relief Corps and the Sons of Veterans to the Adjutant General of the G. A. R.

The W. R. C. this year presented a beautiful silk flag to the Unitarian church of Concord, in loving memory of Addie Dionne.

Rev. Patterson, pastor of that church accepted the flag with a few selected and appropriate remarks.

The Commander-in-Chief of the G. A. R. gave a very able and forcible address, his theme being, “Preparedness for Our Country Against Possible Invasion of Foreign Powers.”

Comrade Hosely of Chester, N. H., addressed the assembly and he also preaches preparedness. He mentioned also that there was a movement to make the birthday of Robert E. Lee a national holiday, and reported that the G. A. R. at their last meeting voted not to accept the motion to make Lee’s birthday a national holiday. Women’s Auxiliary and other orders reported taking the same action.

President of National W. R. C. and Women’s Auxiliary also gave interesting and able addresses of welcome. Other organizations represented were the Ladies of the G. A. R. and the Daughters of Veterans.

Excellent musical program was provided and Charles Nevers of Concord Band rendered a cornet solo, “Silver Threads Among the Gold,” in a most pleasing manner.

Camp-Fire closed with the singing of America by the audience at 10:30.