Hampton News

Mrs. White, mother of Ernest White, is still in the Boston hospital where she has been for the past five weeks. Mrs. White is a member of the W. R. Corps.

Mrs. Abbott Joplin will go to Methuen on Saturday to remain over Decoration Day.

Wallace H. Philbrick returned Monday from Shelton, Conn., where he spent a week with his sister, Mrs. Benjamin Colvin. He made the trip in his auto.

The Friendly Class will meet with Miss Irene J. Trefethen on Friday evening. There will be fines for those not attending the meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. James Hazelhurst of Methuen are spending two weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Joplin.

Wednesday evening the U. W. Club was pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cash. Dainty refreshments were served. Prizes were awarded as follows: First prizes, Mrs. Chas. Martin and Mr. Chas. Raymond; Consolation prizes, Mrs. Gertrude Young and Mr. Clyde Brown.

Miss Dorothy Thompson, formerly of Hampton, was a member of the costume committee at the annual out door pageant, “Much Ado About Nothing,” which was given with great success last Saturday at Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass.

There was a noticeable decrease in the auto traffic over the State Road on Sunday. The reckless driving and innumerable accidents are causing many to abandon their cars for safer methods of travel by train where the conveyance is not only rapid but comfortable and besides, eliminate the almost constant fear of collisions.

An advertising car for the Carroll County Auto Show, to be held at Ossipee, passed thru Hampton on Monday and was in charge of Phil Lush, the manager.

Martin Whenal of North Hampton was a visitor in Portsmouth, Monday.

Several local people are making arrangements to attend the big musical comedy production “Spring Time” to be given under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. at the Portsmouth Theatre on the evening of May 31st.

The lecture by Mrs. Lora LaMance next Tuesday evening in the new school auditorium should attract a large audience inasmuch as it has been years since a speaker has been here who has her kind of a message. She is an indefatigable work with a message which is appealing, attractive and convincing. She relates the battles that have been going on for the emancipation of children from long hours of toil and of the numerous other problems confronting our nation. Mrs. LaMance has a wealth of information and presents vital truths with logical power. A silver offering will be taken and there will be good music. Everyone is invited to be present.

May 18th and another rainy day for the West End Club but most of the members were present and our faithful judges were present. Mr. Toppan’s car was disabled so Mr. Frank James called for them. Mrs. Katherine James was the hostess and we were pleasantly entertained. We were pleased to have with us as guests Mrs. Asbury Marston, Mrs. James Cotter, who is visiting Mrs. Addie James, and Mrs. Littlefield, who is visiting Mrs. Delano. The Meeting was opened by singing “Juanita” and repeating the quotation. The report of last meeting was read and the Treasurer’s report and other business matters attended to. The program was in charge of Mrs. Bowley and was as follows: Song, “Long Ago,” sung by a chorus of ladies; a reading about Ireland, very descriptive, about the scenic beauty of work buildings, written and read by Miss Norah Maroney; reading by Mrs. Jessie R. Towle, song by Mrs. Addie James, “Somewhere a Voice is Calling Me;” reading by Mrs. Ethel Greeley, “Man the Life Boat;” singing “Uncle Ned,” by a chorus; selection on the piano, Mrs. Greeley.

We then had a sample of some favorite recipes of members who were entertaining and the recipe was given with the sample. A dialect reading “Biddy’s Trials Among the Yankees,” was read by Mrs. Bowley and the program was finished. Next meeting to be held with Mrs. Jessie R. Towle as hostess when the contest will be finished. Mrs. Helen Yeaton has the next program. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and all enjoyed a pleasant afternoon.

Miss Lois Tucker of Newburyport was a visitor in town on Wednesday.

Owing to considerable trouble with the Linotype machine we are obliged to leave out considerable matter in this issue.

Winslow White returns from the hospital today. His early return was brought about by the first aid treatment given him at the Centre School by our district nurse, Mrs. Hemingway.

Francis Donnell is home from the hospital.

In another column will be found the E. H. and A. Street Railway schedule for Memorial week end.

The next regular business meeting of the Mother’s Circle will be held with Mrs. R. E. Tolman on next Wednesday, May 31st.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Lamprey wish to announce that their grandson, Harold D. Merrill, who recently returned from three years service in the army, has passed the examinations for West Point Military Academy.

His appointment was from the regular army at large. He went to the Army school at Camp Lewis, Washington, where he prepared himself for the examinations.

On Saturday evening Oscar Blaine Pevear of Hampton and Frances Elizabeth DeVeau of Gloucester, Mass., were united in marriage by Rev. Bernard Christopher at the Baptist parsonage. A double ring ceremony was used. The bride was attended by Miss Anna L. Chamberlain of Lynn, Mass. The best man

was Mr.Charles DeVeau of Gloucester, Mass., brother of the bride. The ceremony was performed in the presence of friends and relatives. After the marriage a wedding supper was served at the home of the bride’s uncle, Mr. Frank L. Henaff, Beach Rd., Hampton. The newly weds will spend the summer with the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. DeVeau, Bass Rocks, East Gloucester, Mass., and in the fall it is expected they will make their home in Hampton.

Memorial Observance:

Memorial Day is almost here. The few veterans of the Civil War are trying to carry out their yearly program. Sometimes it seems it may be the last time they can perform these duties. Who will decorate the lowly beds of those who gave their lives for their country when these few old men are gone? It is not for the sake of these few old men that you are asked to come and join in Memorial Day exercises, but for what this day commemorates.

By request of the Post the speaker will be the same as last year, Rev. Lucien E. Follansbee D. D. of Portsmouth. Many have expressed pleasure at the opportunity to hear him again. The program on Memorial Day will include reading of orders by Major Charles W. Godfrey, who, since his father’s death, has helped the Post every Memorial Day since he returned from France. There will be selections by a ladies’ quartette consisting of Belle Perkins, Edith Warren, Bessie Hamilton and Alice Elliot. There will be other music.

The services on Memorial Sunday will be held in the Methodist church at 2:30 o’clock. The sermon will be by the pastor, Rev. Robert L. Barker. There will be singing by a male quartette consisting of Hartley Kierstead, William Redman, Harry Caswell of Portsmouth and Gilbert Haley of Exeter.

The public is cordially invited to this service. Post and Corps meet in the vestry before the service.

The W. R. C. held a memorial service at their meeting on Wed. for the deceased Dept. President, a beautiful woman who died suddenly of shock soon after her election to office. Also in memory of two members of the Corps, Mrs. Lydia A. Dow and Mrs. Elsie J. Godfrey, two valued members of the Corps.

The oldest member of the W. R. C. will attain her 91st birthday the 22nd of June. Mrs. Elizabeth Ray, who is one of the charter members of the Corps and in years past was one of its most efficient officers. She retains her faculties in a wonderful manner.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Merrill of Portland were among the motorists here on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. David Joy of Lynn were among the autoists here this week.

At Miss Mary Toppan’s last week two of the teachers announced their engagements. Miss Dorothy Hannington to Carl LeGrow, Miss Elizabeth Cutts to Russell Merrill.

Mr. Harrington and crew of Lowell are in town today installing a Tydol gasoline tank in front of the Hampton Café and it is said to be the latest device in this line.

Mrs. Fannie Hanscom and Mrs. B. F. Lombard of Portsmouth were visitors in Hampton Wednesday.

The big lumber truck belonging to R. S. Sugden of Portsmouth got caught in the car track at the North Beach transfer station on Wednesday just as the beach car came along to connect with the Portsmouth one, with the result that the beach car had to go to Hampton Depot before the arrival of the Portsmouth car.