Hampton News

Mrs. Herbert Perkins is quite ill.

Little Roberta Tolman has been quite sick with a bad throat. Miss Carrie Marston is caring for her.

Miss Bernice Godfrey returned from Exeter Hospital last Saturday.

Mrs. Charles M. Batchelder has been ill for some time, being cared for by Mrs. Twing.

The bad weather has been a great injury to the strawberries which were very fine and abundant.

Next Sunday in the Methodist church the subject of the sermon will be “Stewardship of Personality.”

Old friends and schoolmates of Major Edward E. Philbrook, who was made surveyor of the port in Portland recently, will be interested to hear of his marriage to Mrs. Alice G. Reagan. His first wife died a few years ago.

Will all who expect to attend the Alumni dinner at the Ashworth on Saturday please report if they have not already done so. Some always are very prompt, some never report, although always asked to do so. It is necessary that Mr. Ashworth should know somewhere near how many to expect. Telephone to president or secretary.

Lawrance Thompson, a former member of the class of ’22 at H. A., was present at the graduation exercises held in the town hall last Friday evening.

Miss Hazel Myers has had a very sore throat for the past week, being under the care of Dr. Thompson.

Miss Leonore Lane played at a piano recital last Saturday afternoon at Amesbury and this Saturday will play at another in Exeter.

Miss Abby J. Pillsbury passed away on June 11, at the home of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Miller, in Hampton. She was a native of Candia where the funeral service was held in the Congregational Church.

Mrs. Belle Perkins and Miss Irene Trefethen attended the graduation of Miss Mabel Perkins at Keene Normal School.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Williams of Newbury St., Boston, have been recent guests in the family of I. E. Lamprey.

Miss Adeline Marston and Miss Mary Gookin will fill the two vacancies made in the Centre School in September by Miss Cutts and Miss Brown.

Mrs. Warren Hobbs and little Miss Isabel attended the graduation exercises at New Hampton Institution with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lane.

Mrs. Austin Gill of New Mexico is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wilson Olney.

The Whatsoever Circle will meet with Miss Helen Lamprey on Saturday afternoon at three o’clock.

About seven inches of rain have fallen during the past week-a record for June at least forty years.

The North Shore Realty Co. of Hampton Beach has leased the North Shore Hotel to N. F. Quirk of Brookline, who ran the Pine Hotel at Old Orchard Beach for several seasons. They open up here and make a specialty of Shore Dinners.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Hoffman announce the marriage of their daughter, Ethel Fay, to Mr. Kingsley Dearborn Church on Saturday the third of June. Mr. and Mrs. Church will make their home in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

The group of Camp Fire Girls, chaperoned by Miss Bradbury, must be having a gloomy time of it camping out at Hedding. They went last Saturday and it has rained most of the time since.

Charles Walker and family motored to Lewiston on Tuesday to attend commencement at Bates College, Mr. Walker’s Alma Mater.

The Baptist Sunday School will hold a food sale on the Baptist parsonage lawn next Tuesday at 3 P. M. Cake, candy and ice cream, bread and rolls will be for sale.

A union service was held at the Baptist vestry last Sunday evening and practically every seat was taken. A sermon, clear, comprehensive and concise was delivered by Rev. G. W. Clark on the Holy Spirit. A union choir furnished two special numbers. Next Sunday evening the service will be at the Methodist church.

The final Algebra test given the Sophomore class last week must have been rather a stiff one as only seven in the class passed it with a percentage high enough for a promotion without another examination. There were three students who obtained A in it, showing it was not over their heads of the pupils. They were Harold Clark, Leonore Lane and Madeline Nudd.

Miss Beatrice Howe finished her course at Robinson Seminary yesterday afternoon when she graduated with a class of twenty-one members. Her father, mother and brother Philip, attended the exercises in the afternoon and several of her young friends were present at the reception and dance in the evening.

The union services at the beach will open Sunday, July 2. They will be held every Sunday morning at 9 A. M. until Sept. 3. There will be speakers of interest each Sunday morning. Everybody welcome.

Station Agent Kelly is slowly improving.

Thomas Moore and George Moore have each recently purchased new cars.

Several of the students and school teachers have returned to Hampton for the summer recess.

The Hampton Beach Baseball team plays Somersworth this Saturday on the Beach diamond. The boys have played one game before this year which resulted in a score of 1-0 after thirteen innings. They aren’t going to lose any more this season unless you fail to back them up. Don’t miss this game Saturday. The boys can play better if you are there to cheer, so if you want Hampton to win back them up.

The Health entertainment given by the children of the schools under the direction of the Public Health Nurse and the teachers was one of the most novel and attractive entertainments given at Hampton for many months. The children took their parts with efficiency and zeal and showed that they had been well drilled. Miss Cutts’ children did especially well and their physical exercise drill was particularly pleasing. It is hoped that regular physical exercise training may eventually be introduced in the school curriculum. The little Mother Goose children all looked and spoke their parts admirably and the domestic science girls displayed an intelligent appreciation of the importance and values of well balanced diets. All this means better health for our own children as well as for the generations to come. The singing by the entire school was one of the most pleasing features of the entertainment. Everyone must feel better informed in regard to the health work which is being taught in our schools. The short talks by Miss Douglas, New England superintendent of Public Health nursing, were most interesting. And, incidentally, Miss Douglas considers Hampton one of the most progressive towns in the matter of school and public health work which she visits. About $35 was cleared which will be used for supplies which are need in the First Aid room at the school. Special thanks is due to Mr. Crocker who came over from Amesbury to run the Red Cross reel for this entertainment. He has shown a splendid interest and cooperation in this work. Among the needs of the First Aid room was a blanket. Several times children have been taken ill during school hours and brought to the nurse who had to use a coat to cover the child. This was to have been purchased but Mr. Cole very generously took one from his store and gave it to the school. Thank you Mr. Cole! Mrs. Hemingway has been very busy making out the health report cards for the children which will soon be sent out to the parents.
Remember her hours at the school will be from 9 to 10 daily during the summer months.