Hampton News

Mrs. Frances Young chaperoned her Sunday School class to the Isles of Shoals on Wednesday. They enjoyed a motor boat trip to and from Portsmouth being carried by Wheaton Lane.

Charles A. Blake has sold his place to out of town parties. He will continue to reside in Haverhill where he has been been making his home.

Mrs. Belle T. Colvin is spending this week in town with relatives. She will leave on Saturday for another week in the Adirondacks.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barker Shelton visited friends in Amesbury on Wednesday. A joint reception to the new Baptist and Methodist pastors will be accorded them by the members of their respective parishes in the Baptist vestry on Friday evening, August 11. It is desirous that there be a good attendance.

A baby boy, Roland, arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sargent Smith on Monday afternoon of last week.

A very pleasant meeting of the Woman’s Relief Corps was held on Wednesday.

One of the things decided upon on Monday evening at the Pastor’s and Laymen’s Association was a union picnic of the Sunday School to be held next Wednesday, August 16th at Leavitts grove. The time appointed is 9:40 from Whittier’s corner.

Ernest Tetlow, Herbert Tetlow and son Robert of Fall River, Mass., on their tour to the White Mountains spent Tuesday and Wednesday with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Gilpatrick.

Mrs. Anna Shelton visited cousin Mrs. R. R. Leavitt on Wednesday.

Mrs. Romanzo Ladd has as her guests her sister, Mrs. Harvey Nutter of Pittsfield, and her daughter, Rachel.

Mr. James Perkins of Rye came over in a fine big car and took Jacob T. and Oliver H. Godfrey and Otis H. Marston to Seabrook to see Daniel Boyd who was in the 14th N. H. with them in the civil war. They had not seen him for many years. They found that another comrade was living 86 years old but he was out picking berries so they did not see him. The old veterans are fast passing away.

The many friends of Mr. J. Warren Perkins will be glad to hear that he has returned to his home in Newburyport, from the hospital there.

Friends of Mrs. Joshua Lane were glad to see her out walking on Wednesday. She is very bright and interesting for one of our oldest residents.

Miss Elisabeth Norris and her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. B. Norris, are taking a trip to Denmark, Maine, where Mrs. Norris’ little daughter, Caroline, is in camp. Mrs. Jennie Godfrey is staying with Miss Laura Norris.

Miss Julia Cronin’s friends are glad to welcome her in town. She is a guest of Mrs. Flora Lane.

Mrs. Addie B. Brown has as guests Forrest Pratt and family from Lynn.

Mrs. Sumner Fall is enjoying a visit from her sister in Canada.

The committee for the lawn party recently held on the M. E. church lawn wish to thank the boys’ orchestra for their part of the program.

The date of filing for local candidates expired on August 8. For Hampton the Clerk has received the following Republican candidates: for representative, Warren H. Hobbs; for delegate to the State Convention, Charles F. Adams; for supervisors, William T. Ross, Oliver W. Hobbs, Lewis F. Stevens; for Moderator, Ernest W. Towle. Joseph B. Brown has filed for representative on the Democratic ticket.

In case of bad weather the lawn party will be held Thursday evening, August 17th. A most delightful evening is promised. Come and bring a friend.

The North Shore Colony having been subjected to many electrical showers during the month of July has ushered in the month of August with a much more enjoyable shower. On Monday afternoon, at the residence of Reverend Victor M. Haughton, a delightful shower was tendered Miss Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Farrington, whose engagement has recently been announced to Mr. Benjamin Pearson, Jr. Under the management of Miss Nancy Haughton, about thirty residents of North Shore Road assembled at 3:30 P. M. bringing useful household gifts of practical and humorous nature, and after recipient of these gifts had examined them and gracefully responded to the various good wishes, delicious refreshments were passed by the young men present and enjoyed by all. Captain Charles Newcomb passed away at his cottage at North Shore on Wednesday of last week. The burial was at Wellfleet, Mass. His age was about seventy years. For several years Captain and Mrs. Newcomb lived in town, Mrs. Newcomb conducting a dry goods store. For many years the Captain followed the sea, making voyages to South America on trading schooners. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lamprey of Mace Road have had visiting them, the past week, their brother-in-law, Mr. Egerton R. Williams of Rome, Italy. Mr. Williams, who is a well known author and art critic, is in New England for a few weeks organizing special parties who are to tour France, Switzerland and Italy this fall under his direction. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Hull of Everett, Mass., visited Mr. and Mrs. Lamprey to meet Mr. Williams on their trip to Maine. The spacious music room at “The Willows” was a scene of gaiety last Tuesday evening when the children, under the able management of Mr. A. L. Whittemore of Wollaston, gave an entertainment for the guests of the house and their friends in the nearby cottages.

At the North School House in Hampton Falls on Wednesday, August 16, a lawn party will be held under the auspices of the Unitarian Church. A play entitled “Rev. Peter Brice Bachelor” will be presented by a popular cast and there will be several other interesting and amusing features of entertainment.

Ice cream cones and homemade candies will be on sale and the event will close with community singing led by Mr. Joseph Cram.

The admission for adults will be 20 cents and for children under 12 years, 10c.