Hampton News

The funeral of Mrs. Thomas A. Brown, who passed a way on Tuesday of this week, will be held on Friday.

Mrs. Fannie Elkins of Newmarket is visiting relatives in Hampton.

John W. R. Brooks is taking a week’s vacation.

A. W. Gookin, having sold his place on the Beach road, has purchased a lot of Thomas Cogger, facing the new school building, and will erect a residence there.

The employees and friends of the First National Bank at Portsmouth hold a banquet at Cutler’s Seaview this evening.

Mr. Edward E. Whittaker will do automobile repairing in the town this winter. He is a first class man and has had a good deal of experience in this line. Mr. Whittaker will make his home at Elmwood Farm.

Don’t miss the wheelbarrow dance at the piano fund entertainment in the Centre School building tomorrow evening.

The Monday Club will hold their first meeting for this season on next Monday at North Beach. A picnic dinner will be served.

A wire fence is being erected to enclose the land surrounding the new Centre School building.

The exterior of the Advent Church has been brightened with a fresh coat of paint.

The annual meeting of the shareholders of the Hampton Co-operative Building and Loan Association will be held at the office of the Association on Monday, October 2, for the purpose of hearing the report of the directors and to choose new officers and directors for the ensuing year. The report of the directors will show a most gratifying progress in the growth of the institution. The assets of the association are now above $50,000 and of this $45,245 is invested in loans on real estate, which is evidence that the home builder is patronizing his home institution very largely. The report will also show a surplus of $852.69 and a guarantee fund of $432.74. Shareholders are approaching the 1,000 mark and will pass it with the closing of the 15th series which is now on sale. Citizens of Hampton have a very valuable institution in the co-operative bank.

Louis Ewer, the well known artist in oil colors, is planning to visit Woodstock and secure a sketch of the old man of the mountain, which he has desired for the past three years. Mr. Ewer has recently sold Mrs. H. G. Lane one of his valuable paintings.

The West End Club held the fourth annual meeting Thursday, September 21st, at the home of Mrs. J. E. James. The meeting opened by the president requesting all the members to join in singing one of the old songs. The quotation was then repeated. Minutes of the last meeting were read and treasurer’s report given and other business matters attended to. As there was no program prepared we finished the meeting by telling stories and singing. The meeting closed and a social hour was enjoyed and delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. We were sorry to hear that Miss Maroney cannot be with us as she will not be in Hampton. We departed for home about five o’clock, thanking the hostess for the pleasant afternoon.

Donald Warren has joined the Hampton colony at Exeter Hospital, where he has been operated on for appendicitis. The attack came on very suddenly on Wednesday evening of last week, and on Thursday Donald was taken to the hospital for observation. Doctor Nute said that the case was very critical and that there was no time to lose if the boy’s life was to be saved, and assisted by Doctor Day proceeded at once to operate. Considering the severity of the attack and the seriousness of the operation Donald is doing well, and every day shows a slight advance toward recovery. Donald was to enter Bowdoin College this week, but the attack will delay his entrance for a month at least.

The Whatsoever Circle will meet with Miss Louise Mullen Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The girls are expected to take their own work.

An entertainment for raising funds for the new piano in the Centre School building will be held in the auditorium of that building Friday evening, September 29. An excellent program has been prepared consisting of music, recitations, tableaux, etc., and a special feature of fancy dancing by out-of-town talent. Home made candy will be on sale.

An opportunity was presented Wednesday afternoon for testing the merits of the handsome new triple combination fire engine at the Beach, the occasion being the starting of a blaze in the upper part of the building at the corner of B Street and Ocean Boulevard. This section of the building is occupied by Dave Mahoney, the barber, as living quarters, and the explosion of an oil stove started a fire which but for the response of the fire department might have been as serious as the two former conflagrations. The old chemical with its years of experience was first on the scene and had the fire well under way when the combination arrived. It was thought best, however, to put the new machine into operation, rather than take any chances, and as a result the large crowd which soon gathered were delighted by the perfect working of the big engine and pump. The fire damage was small but the novelty goods of W. A. Shipley in the store beneath were well soaked out with water.