Hampton News

All members of the W. R. C. are urged to be present at a meeting on Oct. 23 for rehearsal for inspection on Oct. 25.

The West End club was very pleasantly entertained Thursday, Oct. 5th, at Beecholme Cottage, North Beach, Mrs. Helen Yeaton acting as hostess. A full report of the meeting will be given next week

The Whatsoever Circle will meet with Miss Caroline Philbrook and Miss Isabel Hobbs at the home of the former on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 14, at 3 o’clock.

Charles A. Huckins – Helene Gertrude Roberts:

The rain storm of Tuesday in no way marred the beauty of a home wedding at Shadylawn, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts, when their daughter, Helene Gertrude, was united in marriage with Mr. Charles A. Huckins of Bar Harbor, Me.

The ceremony, which took place at 5:30 o’clock, was the double ring service and was performed by the Rev. Bernard Christopher of Baptist church, beneath an arch and bell which had been constructed of cedar and crepe in the parlor, amid exquisite decorations of autumn foliage and flowers. The wedding march was played by Miss Clara J. Powers.

The wedding was strictly private, only members of the family being present.

The bride was attired in Canton crepe and carried a bouquet of bride’s roses. She was accompanied by Miss Ella Ramsey, her maid of honor. The best man was Malcolm Roberts, brother of the bride. A reception followed the ceremony.

The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents.

Robert Elliot is having a ten days vacation, most of which is being spent in Maine.

The regular meeting of the Men’s club will be held in the chapel on Monday evening, Oct. 16. Major Frank Knox of Manchester has been invited to speak and has accepted the invitation. Maj. Knox is the editor of the Manchester Union, a leader in all the great progressive movements of the day in New Hampshire, and one of the leading citizens of the Granite State. It will be a great privilege for the members to meet Maj. Knox and the club is highly honored by the acceptance of its invitation. Let every member be present and give him a cordial reception.

Hazel Ruth Myers – Percy Badger Brown:

A very pretty home wedding was held Tuesday afternoon at two o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Myers, when the Rev. R. S. Barker united in marriage their daughter, Hazel Ruth, with Mr. Percy Badger Brown of Hampton Beach.

The couple was ushered in by Romeo and Leo Morin, cousins of the groom. Philena Morton, a cousin of the bride, and Hazel Brown were the bridesmaids and were dressed in orchid and pink organdies respectively.

The maid of honor was Miss Greta Myers, sister of the bride, who was costumed in pale pink georgette and carried a bouquet of roses. A cousin of the groom, Claude Morin, was best man. The ring bearers were Imogene Godfrey, a cousin of the bride, and Barbara Jennings, a cousin of the groom. They were very prettily dressed in blue and yellow organdie.

The bride came in with the groom. She wore a wedding gown of white georgette and a bridal veil caught up with orange blossoms, and carried a shower bouquet of bride’s roses.

The wedding march from Lohengrin was played by Mrs. Alice B. Noyes.

The ceremony was performed under a pretty arch of pink and white crepe paper and evergreen in the presence of only relatives and a few friends of the couple.

An informal reception was held from three to five. Mrs. Brown was the recipient pf many beautiful gifts. The newlyweds left Tuesday night for a wedding trip to Canada by way of Niagara Falls.

At the close of the ceremony the bride received by telegram congratulations from Lubec, Me. Guests were present from Portsmouth and Rye; Haverhill, Newburyport and Boston, Mass., and Portland, Me.

Miss Margaret Murray, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Murray, is one of the winners of gold medals for efficiency in typewriting at the Salem Commercial School. Miss Murray was one of four out of the entire shorthand department of this big school to win the coveted prize in the September contest. The Remington Typewriter Co. holds these tests at Salem Commercial School every month and awards a gold medal to those who are able to write over 55 words a minute for 10 minutes with less than five errors.

A most entertaining meeting of the Parent-Teacher association was held in the auditorium of the Centre school building on Monday evening. The bad weather kept some at home, but enough were present to make a most pleasant meeting. The new president, Mr. John Donald, principal of the Centre school presided in a most able manner.

The new song books, the purchase of which had been voted at a previous meeting, were on hand and several selections from these songs, with Miss Bradbury as pianist, added much to the program. It also afforded an opportunity to test the beautiful new piano which has been installed in the auditorium. During the course of the evening action was taken in regard to the association assisting in raising the balance due on this piano and it was decided to adopt the plan of Mrs. C. S. Toppan, whereby through the sale of fifty boxes of chocolate a profit of $22.00 would be obtained. Mr. David Hamilton, chairman of the Improvement committee, was put in charge of the matter.

Supt. C. H. Walker was elected chairman of the Educational committee to fill a vacancy.

The preparing of a program for the several meetings of the year was put in the hands of the executive committee, and this committee will meet in the school building next Wednesday evening.

David Hamilton reported for the Improvement committee that a number of teeter boards for the children were under construction and would have been in use before this but for the non-arrival of some of the stock. The labor in the manufacture of these teeter boards is given to the association by Mr. David Hamilton and Mr. Roy Hamilton and the only outlay will be the cost of stock.

After the business session there was an able address by Supt. C. H. Walker. His subject was a most important one, “General Intelligence and Intelligence Tests,” and treated it in such a masterly manner as to hold the close attention of his audience to the end.

Following the address the social committee served ice cream and cookies.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church will give a harvest supper in the chapel on Wednesday evening, Oct. 18th, from five to seven o’clock. Price 35 cents. All invited.