Hampton News

N. H. T. A. Wait for it. (1)

Norman Coffin is making his headquarters at Henry Hobbs’ and family for the winter.

The Monday Club will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Harry Munsey on Monday afternoon, December 4th at three o’clock.

Lawrence True of N. H. College is home for Thanksgiving vacation.

Messrs. Ware, Moore, Teague and Tarleton of N. H. C. and Perkins of Harvard are home for Thanksgiving.

John Donald, president of the Parent-Teacher association is negotiating with the Manufacturers of moving picture machines and hopes to have an exhibition of films at the next meeting, Dec. 11.

The Boston and Maine R. R. have quite a substantial water tank near the station, replacing the old one and improving the looks from the street.

On Friday evening the young people of this town visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Merrill of Hampton Falls and serenaded them. Many pretty gifts of cut glass and silver were presented them. Games were played. Ice cream, cake and cocoa were served by Misses Jordan and Bradbury.

H. T. G. Club was entertained by Mrs. Harry Munsey on Thursday. The favors were awarded to Mrs. Edwin Batchelder, Mrs. C. M. Batchelder and Mrs. F. Brank. The next meeting is at Mrs. Wallace Day’s.

Mr. Clifford H. Davis has returned home after a four year’s cruise in foreign waters with the U. S. Navy.

The regular meeting of the Mother’s Circle will be held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Farnsworth, Monday evening, Dec. 4th.

“Cast your bread upon the waters.” This golden rule was carried out to the full extent by the committee chosen from the Congregational Church Sunday School when they sent to the Little Wanderers Home in Boston on Friday a barrel and large box of good things for their Thanksgiving table. The committee thank all who so generously responded.

Prof. Dawber of Boston University who spoke at the Men’s Club meeting, Monday evening, proved to be all that those who knew him said he was-a marvelous worker in the upbuilding of the community. He spoke rather informally, but his theme was “The Men’s Work in the Community” and the seriousness with which he urged the importance of a higher spirit of Community Service, although presented largely in the form of suggestions, was not lost upon his audience. The Professor’s talk was full of humor and some of his stories were the funniest we ever heard. At the close of the address many questions were answered. Following this part of the program came the supper which was prepared by the committee, William Gilpatrick, Elroy Hamilton, and Rev. R. S. Barker. Many new faces were seen at this meeting and new life is coming rapidly into this organization.

What does N. H. T. A. mean? You will learn soon its meaning.

The K. G. Whist Club was entertained by Misses Lorraine Lindsay and Mary Gookin at Miss Gookin’s home on Saturday evening. The favors were awarded to Mary Toppan, James Eastman and Olive Bradbury. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses.

The Sunday Post gives warning to all New England from Chief John J. McGrath to examine closely all five dollar bills. Some have been turned out by persons not recognized by Uncle Sam. The counterfeit is said to be a photo, mechanical production printed on two pieces of paper with faint ink lines to imitate the well-known silk threads of the genuine bills. The printing on the face of the note is somewhat too dark says Chief McGrath, but the coloring and serial number is good. The back is light in color, which is noticeable.

On Saturday evening, Nov. 25th, the Odd Fellows entertained a large number of Brother Odd Fellows from Cliftondale Lodge of Saugus. A good time and good supper followed.

Mr. Joshua James is still critically ill at his home, Drakeside.

Sunday morning at the Congregational Church Rev. George W. Clark gave a splendid sermon with an inspiring anthem from the choir. Our Sunday School is constantly increasing, one hundred and one in attendance. This must be gratifying to the Superintendent, Miss Mary Craig, who is ever alert for the welfare of the pupils and is always present.

In the First Aid Room of the new school building and under the direction of the Red Cross Committee a reception was given Monday afternoon to Miss Douglass, who is the State Supervisor of Nurses. The teachers of the schools and new nursing committee were presented, after which refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. E. G. Cole and Mrs. Toppan.

Thanksgiving Day on Thursday, Nov. 30th. I wonder, do we stop a moment in this busy week or day, as they go rushing by, to think how much we have to be thankful for? Our beautiful town, our houses, our families, with the lovely children to care for, our churches, our schools, peace and prosperity around us, where we can go to rest at night, safe from all intrusion or danger, and ready with good health and strength to start the day again? Do we think of the other poor fellows who have not all these blessings? Let us stop a moment during the week and lift the burden for someone else by word or deed.

There will be a Union Thanksgiving Service on Wednesday evening at the Advent Church at 7:30 o’clock. All are cordially invited. No service at the other churches on Thursday.

On Monday evening, “Astra” the Red Cross health fairy entertained a large company of people with most of the school children in town present. “Astra” is a cute fairy and demonstrated to the children all the good things for them to eat to keep well and strong. The school children gave very good exhibitions of first aid for different accidents; a credit to themselves and their instructors. Health day was well observed and very interesting. “Astra” was indeed as real a fairy in appearance and manner as any child could wish to see. She delighted them all from the first. In half an hour or so she taught them rules of health that mothers and teachers have tried for years to teach them. The best possible time to teach children these rules is when they are in the first five grades of school, for once learned they are never forgotten and habits formed at this age are never broken. Astra descends from the Milky Way upon a shooting star to teach the children of earth. She warns them of the witch who appears, followed by the good moon-man with his powerful friend, the Cow-That-Jumped-Over-The-Moon. The children learn to fear the witch and dislike the witch’s child, and to love the good cow.

The Ladies’ Aid met at the home of Mrs. Henry Perkins, a good number being present. All are busy getting ready for the Fair which will be held on Dec, 20th, Wednesday, afternoon and evening. There will be a supper and entertainment in the evening; later notice will be given. Plans were made by the committee in charge for a drama, but, after choosing a royalty play and sending for it the publisher waited ten days and then returned the money, not having the books in stock. Consequently the committee will secure out of town talent for the entertainment and have a drama later in the season.

Look for the real explanation of the meaning of N. H. T. A. in later issues of the Union.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lane returned from their trip on Friday.

John Perkins of Harvard College spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Perkins.

Miss Anna M. Cole from Fairfield, Vt., is spending the week with her brother, Mr. Ernest Cole and family.

There are two attractive California-style bungalows in own worth looking at with more than a passing glance, that of Capt. Kernan’s and Mr. and Mrs. Moses Littlefield’s on the Exeter Road. They are both convenient as well as attractive and good homes to copy for small families especially.

Mr. Milton Dearborn is building a fine looking house on the Exeter Road.

Mrs. Thomas Cogger is slowly improving from her injury to her foot some weeks ago, caused by stepping into a hole in the yard.

The Mother’s Circle was delightfully entertained at the Willows last week with Mrs. Irvin Leavitt and Mrs. Ruth Palmer as hostesses. A company of thirty-six went down by automobiles. After business transactions a social hour with delicious lunch of creamed chicken sandwiches, ice cream, cake, coffee and tea were served, after which the guests reluctantly departed for their homes.

Friends of Rev. A. B. Thompson and wife are glad to hear that they are both improving after their illness.

Though the friends of Mr. Henry W. Emery knew that his health was very poor, his death seemed sudden to many. Mr. Emery was born in Hampton, May 24, 1852, son of Isaac and Susan Payson Emery. He married Luella A. Dow, daughter of Jona Dow, who died many years ago leaving one daughter, Mrs. Annie Drysdale, who has cared for her father. He leaves also one grandson. Mr. Emery was an honest, upright man, a deacon of the Baptist church for many years. He was buried from that church on Tuesday. Rev. Bernard Christopher, pastor, was in charge of the service. Mr. William Brown was the undertaker. Hollis Johnson is the proud possessor of a new saddle horse and rides like a major upon it.

Mrs. Nellie A. Flaherty Wightman, formerly of Hampton Beach and New York, while en route to New York from Hampton caught a cold which developed into pneumonia. She died on October 24th. She was loved by all who knew her for her kind heart and charitable acts to the needy poor. She will be remembered for her many gifts to churches in New Hampshire and New York.

Lewis Perkins and wife started on Friday for California, stopping on their way in Washington, D. C., to visit Mr. Perkins’ son, Mahlon Perkins, who was been transferred from China, where he and his family have been for fourteen years as American Consul. Mr. Lewis Perkins has the pleasure of seeing his grandson for the first time. They expect to remain in California for the winter, their home in Hampton being closed.

[Notes: (1) New Hampshire Tuberculosis Association.]