Hampton News

The Friendly Class of the Congregational Church are to have a supper and entertainment, Friday evening, January 12.

Mrs. Alys G. Hemingway, Hampton’s Community Nurse, received news Christmas morning, from the West, of the sudden death of her husband, Mr. Fred Hemingway. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Hemingway in her bereavement.

Mrs. Gilpatrick and daughter, Helen, have gone to Fall River to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gilpatrick’s sister, Mrs. Joseph Lambert, who died very suddenly.

Mrs. Clara Dudley of Hampton Beach chaperoned a party of 16 young people to Portsmouth on a sleigh ride and Theatre party on Tuesday evening.

Mr. Carl Smith, a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lane returned to his home in Norwood on Monday.

Mrs. Edwin Batchelder is spending a few weeks in Bennington, Vermont, with friends.

The welcome news of two car loads of coal for Mr. Thomas Cogger was hailed with delight from many patrons of his. The coal question has been a serious matter here and elsewhere this winter.

The regular meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association will be held in the school auditorium next Monday evening.

Mr. Joseph Dudley and family spent the holidays in Haverhill, Mass., with his brother, Mr. Lewis B. Dudley.

The severe storm of Thursday and Friday put our electric car service out of commission until Sunday evening, when the snow plough went through to the Beach. Friends there turned out and gave a helping hand. This is the first time this winter the roads have been blocked and for two days the automobiles were tied up.

Officers elected for the Congregational Church Sunday School are: Mr. Warren Clark, Supt.;

Mrs. Gertrude Johnson Young, Assistant Supt.; Mrs. Ruth Merrill, Secretary; Miss Isabelle Thompson, Assistant Secretary; Mr. Scott Noyes, Treasurer; Mrs. Jessie Toppan, Superintendent of Cradle Roll. The retiring Superintendent, Miss Mary Craig, was presented with a beautiful bouquet of white carnations in appreciation of her faithful services.

Store keepers and their clerks are very busy these days and nights taking their yearly account of stock.

The Monday Club was entertained at the home of Miss Emma Young with Mrs. James Hutchings assistant hostess. Although the afternoon was rainy and the walking bad, many ladies braved the storm and a most delightful meeting was held. As this was the first day of January, after greetings were exchanged, Mrs. Anna Ross read a New Year’s greeting, written and read by her fifteen years ago when Mrs. Mack was first President. It was much enjoyed. Mrs. Carolyn Cole read a paper prepared and read in 1907, a prophecy of Hampton ten years hence and many things have proven true as prophesied. This paper was very interesting. Mrs. Caroline Shea read Hampton’s legends, prepared by Mrs. Martha Blake, which held the closest attention, of happenings many years ago. Several musical selections from the Victor machine ended a very interesting meeting. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. The next meeting will be January 15 at the home of Mrs. Harold Winchester.

Otis H. Marston:

The funeral services for Otis H. Marston were held at the home on Saturday. Mr. Marston’s son arrived from Idaho on the morning of that day.

The services were in charge of the Rev. Edgar Warren, an old friend of the family and one who has always been very near and helpful to the old veterans. Mr. Warren spoke very appropriately of the different phases of the life of the departed. The male quartette, comprised of Hartley Kierstead, Charles Teague, Melzar Dunbar and Rev. Bernard Christopher, sang two beautiful selections, the last, “Farewell”, being very touching. The large gathering of neighbors and friends, who, in spite of the bad traveling, gathered to pay their last respects, showed the esteem in which Mr. Marston was held. Frank Leavitt, Henry Hobbs, Warren Hobbs and Charles Leavitt were the bearers. William Brown was the efficient undertaker and was kindness itself during the week of storm and waiting.

The flowers were as follows: family, pillow; I. Edward Marston and family, large wreath ivy and carnations; G. A. R., wreath; W. R. C., pink roses; Missionary Society and Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational Church, pink carnations; Mrs. R. R. Leavitt and sons, large spray pink and white jonquils; Mrs. J. W. York and Arthur York, yellow and white chrysanthemums; Mrs. Addie Brown and Mrs. Mary G. Chipman, white and yellow chrysanthemums; Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Tilton, red roses; Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane, mixed carnations; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Keene, yellow and white chrysanthemums; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Tobey, pink and white carnations; Mrs. William H. Norris and daughters, pink roses; Miss Elizabeth B. Norris, pink roses; Mrs. F. E. Perkins and Mrs. A. C. Glidden, white carnations; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cogger and Miss Mary E. Craig, pink and white carnations; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Perkins, spray of carnations; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Howe, spray of carnations; Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Blake and Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, white roses; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Towle and family, red roses; Charles M. Turner, pink roses.

Account of the Shaw-Savage Wedding:

On December 29 at 3:30 Miss Thelma May Shaw was united in marriage to Edgar Channing Savage at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Albert Shaw of Hampton, N. H.

The bride, in a white canton crepe dress and carrying white carnations, descended the stairs to the strains of Lohengrin’s Wedding March, which was played by her niece, Hazel Shaw, and was met at the foot of the stairs by the groom who led her to an arch of evergreen with a background of the same. The path was marked by two nieces of the bride, Eva Lantz and Stella Shaw, who held white ribbons. Rev. George W. Clark performed the double ring service in the presence of the family.

An informal reception followed, after which the couple left for Albany, N. Y., where they will spend their honeymoon. They will reside at 50 Central Ave., Milton, Mass.

Mr. Savage is a graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and an employee of the McLaughlin Machine Company.

The bride is one of our best loved girls. She has many friends who will miss her greatly, not only for her pleasant greeting, but also for her work in the various organizations of which she was an active member.

Joint Installation:

Rockingham Lodge, I. O. O. F. and Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge jointly installed their officers at a public meeting last evening. The weather conditions did not in the least reflect upon attendance, the hall being filled to capacity with the fraternity members and guests. The exercises were officially opened with the presentation of the Grand Guardian of N. H., John W. R. Brooks; the retiring Subordinate Noble Grand, Samuel A. Brown to the Assembly by the Warden, Mary C. Toppan and were received in behalf of the presiding officer Annie E. Akerman.

The Rebekah installation preceded. Upon introduction of the Deputy President and suite Mary C. Toppan ably bestowed upon the Deputy, Laura B. Cannon, a bouquet of cut flowers. The suite comprised the following officers: D. P., Laura B. Cannon; D. M., Jennie F. Stevens; D. M., Margaret Noyes; D. S., Alice G. Swain; D. T., Mary E. Craig; D. H., Caroline E. Cole. Each of the Grand Officers executed the duties of their offices with accurateness and dignity seldom equalled or possible to surpass. The officers installed were as follows: N. G., Gertrude J. Young; V. G., Mary C. Toppan; W., Jessie Y. Moulton; C., Lorraine G. Lindsay; R. S. N. G., Margaret S. Noyes; L. S. N. G., Alice G. Swain; R. S. V. G., Jennie Stevens; L. S. V. G., Laura Cannon; R. S., Belle S. Dearborn; F. S., Emily S. Hutchings; T., Caroline E. Cole; I. G., Annie L. Johnson; O. G., Frank H. Coffin.

Following the installation, the Grand Marshall presented Effie A. Cook and Charles M. Batchelder with a Past Grand’s collar and watch charm respectively as a partial reward for faithful services rendered by these charter members. Also a Past Grand jewel to Annie E. Akerman, the retiring N. G.

The Subordinate installation followed, the suite comprising, D. G. M., John W. R. Brooks; D. M., Arthur W. Chase; D. W., William B. Cannon; D. S., Roland C. Emery; D. T., Forrest B. Creighton; D. C., J. Frank Marston; D. G., Samuel Brown; D. H., Frank H. Coffin.

The officers installed: N. G., James Murray; V. G., Charles I. Akerman; Rec. Sec., Roland C. Emery; Fin. Sec., Forrest B. Creighton; Treas., Charles M. Batchelder; W., Wallace Blake; Cond., Edgar N. Gynan; R. S. N. G., James Creighton; L. S. N. G., L. Frank Stevens; R. S. V. G., Albert Elkins; L. S. V. G., J. F. Marston; I. G., Earl W. Morehouse; Chap., Frank Coffin; O. G., Melville C. Odiorne; R. S. S., G. Sumner Fall; L. S. S., Albert T. Develin.

As with the preceding installation the parts were given beyond criticism. The musical program was in charge of Clifford and Lorraine Lindsay, much credit being due to the efficient manner in which they conducted their parts. The vocal numbers were given with the assistance of Greta Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown and Emily C. Hutchins. The supper committee gave one of the finest menus had by the joint orders, surpassing in quality and originality. Having charge of this branch were Olive E. Nudd, Marion E. Garland, Emily S. Hutchins, Lorraine Lindsay and Annie L. Johnson.

Item Omitted Last Week:

The prettiest part of Hampton seen on Christmas eve while driving through the town was from DeLancey’s corner to Elmwood Farm where the homes of Mr. James Hutchings, Mr. I. S. Jones, Mrs. Emma Young, Mr. Walter Palmer, Mrs. Charles Palmer and Miss Irene Trefethen were brilliantly illuminated. It surely was a handsome sight. Mr. Jones beat them all by one story that much nearer heaven. It was a glorious night and the houses with their red lights and green decorations looked very pretty. This is a Christmas custom which is observed everywhere, and why not more here in Hampton?

I wonder if all read the beautiful words on the back of the Community tree program entitled “Welcome, Little Children” written by an editor for the occasion? Indeed, they are worthy of being set to music, and we were very sorry not to have heard them sung but circumstances prevented. We congratulate the writer and hope to hear it sung in 1923 by a choir and the audience.

The friends of George Lindsey are very sorry to hear of his being confined to his bed. Last reports was an attack of pleurisy. We hope for a speedy recovery.

The Friendly Class held an interesting meeting at the home of Mrs. Maud Nudd on Monday evening. After the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed with delicious refreshments. An entertainment was planned for Friday evening the 12th.

Divorces Granted:

At the October term of the Rockingham county superior court which closed at Portsmouth, last week Judge Allen granted 27 divorces as follows: Irving N. Perkins, Seabrook, from Minnie M.; Everett W. Staples, Portsmouth, from Mildred E.; Gladys B. Knox, Portsmouth, from John T.; Forrest E. Varrell, Portsmouth, from Lucy A.; Grace A. Nutter, Derry, from Albert C.; Michaline Lucozko, Portsmouth, from Bronislaw; Grace D. MacIntosh, Derry, from Edward A.; Mildred P. Blackington, Portsmouth; Alice G. Dowd, Portsmouth, from Albert B.; Laura M. Riley, Derry, from Frank; Helen R. Marcley, Windham, from Frank; Nellie W. Hanley, Derry, from Basil H.; Freda L. Tanner, Greenland, from Clarence A.; Jean B. Adams, South Hampton, from Edson G.; Reginald C. Vardy, Portsmouth, from Annie C.; Chester B. Richardson, Derry, from Fannie C.; Frances A. Ford, Hampton, from Charles L.; Fannie Reaume, Portsmouth, from William J.; Nettie V. Piers, Portsmouth, from Ralph A.; Annie M. Philbrick, Kensington, from Frank; Smith A. Bean, Fremont, from Lula M.; Omer Comeau, Portsmouth, from Dorris; Florence E. Holmes, Fremont, from Fred D.; William J. MacWhinney, Exeter, from Sadie A.; Frank E. Craig, Portsmouth, from Annie P.; Joseph H. Stone, Portsmouth, from Margaret V.