The Hamptons Union, January 11, 1923

Hampton News

Sherman Tarleton of N. H. C. was home over the week end.

The Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. Emma Young, Tuesday afternoon, January 16th, at 2 o'clock.

Miss Annie M. Johnson is spending two weeks in Waltham, Mass., with friends.

All our social activities are postponed until next week weather permitting.

Mrs. Roscoe Palmer and little daughter Eleanor have been under the doctor's care all the week with very heavy colds.

The Monday Club will hold their meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Winchester with Mrs. Toppan assistant hostess on Monday afternoon, the 15th, at 3 o'clock.

J. Freeman Williams and Miss Blanche Williams were recent visitors at the home of Mr. Myron Williams of Waltham, Mass.

Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Spackman of the arrival of a baby daughter, Barbara Ray.

Hope we won't have to worry about not having any more coal, after reading of thirty thousand tons arriving in Boston, Mass.; stating that Boston was best equipped than of any New England city. Let us hope some of it arrives in some of the country places.

Dr. Kerr will hold a Tuberculosis Clinic in Portsmouth City Hall on Daniels, Friday afternoon, January 12, at 2 o'clock.

The Missionary Meeting of the Congregational Church not being held last week on account of the storm will be held on Wednesday of this week at the Chapel. This being Gentlemen's Night a good attendance is desired and a supper will be served by the hostesses, Mrs. Sarah M. Lane, Mrs. Alice Philbrook and Mrs. Theda Hobbs. Rev. George W. Clark will give a Missionary address in the evening.

The Women's Missionary Auxiliary of the Baptist Church met January 3, at the home of the president, Mrs. Christopher. Mrs. Frank James had charge of the devotions. Reading by Mrs. Merton James, Amiel Johnson and Mrs. Coffin. Music in charge of Mrs. Coffin. A pleasant social hour followed during which refreshments were served.

The old saying "Stormy the first Sunday of the month, stormy every Sunday but one," and if we stay at home for that we will only go to church once this month. That's a bad beginning for the New Year. The Sunday School of the Congregational Church was well represented by forty being present. Mr. Warren Clark acted as Superintendant for the first time in a very creditable manner. Probably in all four churches there were people enough to nearly fill one. This is not economizing in coal but it suits the people all right, like the four corners and each in their separate corner.

The case of George E. Judkins of Exeter vs. the Exeter and Hampton Electric Company is on trial in the Superior Court. It is an action brought for alleged negligence which caused an injury to the plaintiff on June 24, 1922, while he was working as an employee of the company.

Jurymen not engaged were excused until Monday of next week. Counsel are W. H. Sleeper of the firm of Sleeper and Brown of Exeter for the plaintiff and George E. Hughes of the firm Hughes and Doe of Dover for the defendant. Several witnesses were on the stand during Wednesday afternoon.

When electric cars, automobiles and even the horse have to surrender to the ways of the elements --- as has been the case this week --- and people have to walk miles to get their groceries and mail, then we think what a blessing it is to have all these things brought to our door. We never think of it any other time. The electric car service was splendid, keeping the lines clear all thru the storms, but when the power went off they had to stop just where they were, in front of Hampton Depot, three cars and snow plow. At the same time it was a very unusual sight to see three trains standing at the depot, waiting orders, at five o'clock Monday evening, on account of the very severe storm. A little later our street lights went out and we were in darkness, then we wonder how we ever got along without them.

The Mother's Circle was entertained by Mrs. H. I. Noyes Wednesday evening of this week.

Mrs. Herbert Elms has just returned from a week's visit to her daughter's in Worcester, Mass.

The entertainment and supper which the Friendly Class were to have given on Friday evening has been indefinitely postponed.

The next meeting of the Men's Club will be held Monday evening. It is quite probable that instead of an address from an out of town party there will be an informal discussion of town matters. This meeting is in charge of the executive committee instead of a special committee which is usually appointed to arrange a program.

The time for receiving bids for the East End School buildings and for the East End and North School house lots has been extended to Monday, January 22.

Owing to the bad storm on Monday there was no meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association that evening.

During the storms of the past week we have been made to think of two years ago. While at its height on Wednesday an awe inspiring sight, to residents of Hampton Beach, was a big six masted schooner riding the waves toward the Beach, near Boar's Head, seeking a safer harbor than mid ocean. During the two day storm she anchored just as near as she dared come and remained there during the storm, then sailed away. We hoped she reached port safely.

Although it's been very bad and storm signals have been flown from Sandy Hook to Eastport Maine, with the exception of a schooner grounded on the rocks off Gloucester, no disaster has occurred. Do we stop to think of our Coast Guard Patrol? No matter what the weather is these black stormy nights, thru thick snows and winds they are ever on the watch, and walking miles each day and night --- always on the guard for any vessel in distress, and warning them to keep off the rocks. What it means to the mariner all along the coast is truly "Life Guards."

Mrs. Kenneth Lewis, the new Lecturer of Ocean Side Grange is having the programs of that order printed for 1923.

An auto truck, loaded with leather for the Greenman-Pethybridge shoe shop here, arrived from Boston Monday and has been unable to return.

There has been four snow storms within a week here with a total fall of more than 30 inches. A thick ice crust on Monday's storm tied up traffic of all kinds. The schools were closed on Tuesday and Wednesday, but are in session again, with one session on Thursday morning, and as usual on Friday. The cement sidewalks were shoveled off by Wednesday night and the main highways are now opened up. On the highways it was necessary to run a disk harrow to cut the crust and a gang of men went ahead of the team to break a path for the horses. An eight horse team followed the harrow.

There are many good gifts that one can choose at Christmas, but for lingering satisfaction, long drawn out, what is there, that can be named in the same breath with The Youth's Companion?

The fun is only begun with the Christmas number. Thereafter through the 52 weeks of the long, long year it is constantly supplying fresh sources of amusement and information. Now it is the beginning of a new serial, then it is a contribution of vital interest to the youth interested in sport or science, next it is a brand new story by C. A. Stephens or A. S. Pier, or a tale of wild adventure in the old Indian days, by men who have actually lived among and powwowed with the redskins. But why say more? No other Christmas gift is welcomed with so much pleasure. Try it and see.

The 52 issues of 1923 will be crowded with serial stories, short stories, editorials, poetry, facts and fun. Subscribe now and receive:
1. The Youth's Companion --- 52 issues in 1923.
2. The Companion Home Calendar for 1923.
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3. Or include a McCall's Magazine, the monthly authority of fashions. Both publications only $3.00.
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Boston, Mass.
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