Hampton News

The Mother’s Circle met with Mrs. Myers on Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Gertrude Young is visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson of Exeter, N.H.

At I. O. O. F. Banquet Hall on January 30 the Past Noble Grand Club will have a whist party. Refreshments free. Admission 25 cents.

Miss Lorraine Lindsay is visiting friends in Melrose, Mass.

Miss Emma Young spent a few days in Boston last week.

Mrs. Etta Newcomb is visiting friends in Providence, R. I.

Edward J. Brown has taken the contract for Sam Brown’s new house on Highland Avenue and began this week on the frame.

Mr. Everett Nudd is one of the late victims of a grippe cold.

John Janvrin and son, Alfred are expecting to start for Miami, Florida this week for a trip.

Rev. George Clark of the Congregational Church gave an address to the Portsmouth Order of Masons on Sunday evening.

Miss Annie Johnson who has been spending two weeks in Waltham, Mass., with friends has returned to her home.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Baptist Church met at the home of Mrs. Albert Coffin on Tuesday afternoon.

There will be a meeting of the Friendly Class, Monday evening, January 29, at the home of Mrs. Bernice Palmer.

Reports from friends in Florida state the average temperature 87 degrees and wonderful climate. Some of us would rather be in New England just the same.

At 7:15 Saturday night the members of the Epworth League will meet at the M. E. Church vestry and go on a hike. The girls may all ask a member of the opposite sex to accompany them, if not already provided for. These escorts do not have to be members (as there are not enough to go around at present) The girls will be asked to provide some of the edibles while the boys will be taxed not less than 25c or over 50c to pay for the oysters, pickles, etc., for a stew. Said stew will be on hand at the vestry on the return of the party.

Our coast guards are slowly recovering from their recent exposures to the weather and returning to their stations where the men were reduced down to the Captain and Surfman Searles, all others being sick and sent to their homes. Let us hope that the worst of our winter is over.

Funeral services were held in the Chapel Sunday afternoon of Mr. Lauris Jenness, son of Mrs. Abbott Jenness. The pastor of the church, Rev. George W. Clark, had charge of the services. Masonic services were also held. Mr. Jenness was an exemplary juryman who spent his younger days in Hampton. He has been in Washington, D. C. the last two years where he held a fine position. He was only sick about two weeks, with pneumonia, and leaves a wife and mother who have the sympathy of the community of Hampton.

We wonder if any of our Radio fans listened in on Monday evening from station W N A C, Shepard Stores, Boston, Mass. 360 meters, who made arrangements to broadcast the Chicago Civic Opera Company direct from the Boston Opera House, where microphones were installed for that purpose. It is stated this is Boston’s first grand opera “on the air”, “Aida” and composed of some of the best artists. We have some few good radio fans in town and it would be worth while if you did listen in, to write your comments as requested and show your appreciation, to Mr. Ralph Flanders, New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass. Radio is one of the most wonderful inventions of the age.

A very pleasant and profitable meeting of the W. C. T. U. was entertained by Mrs. Bernard Christopher on Friday with a good number present. A very illuminating report of the World and National Convention was given by the president, Mrs. Sarah M. Lane and all thought it advisable to have this report a part of the county convention program. Delectable refreshments of sandwiches, cake, fancy crackers, candy and coffee were served by the hostess.

The West End Club was entertained very pleasantly by Mrs. Nathaniel Batchelder Thursday, January 18th. The meeting opened by members singing “Juanita” and then repeating the quotation. The secretary’s report was read and report of the Treasurer given and the business matters attended to. Gentlemen’s Night will be observed February 22 at Mrs. Batchelder’s and an oyster supper will be served. Mrs. Katherine James had charge of the literary program, which was as follows: Readings by each of the members, singing by Mesdames Addie and Katherine James; harmonica solo, “Listen to the Mockingbird”, Miss Beatrice Delano; recitation by Miss Daisy Ellingwood, “When I was a Little Girl”; harmonica solo “Last Rose of Summer”, Miss Delano. We had with us as guests Mrs. Wallace Batchelder and infant son. He was the center of attraction until he informed us he wanted refreshments. A social hour was enjoyed and the hostess, assisted by Misses Beatrice and Dorothy served a dainty lunch. The members departed for home, thanking the hostess for the pleasant afternoon. Next meeting will be held with Mrs. Katherine James, February 1.

Mrs. Vianna Marston who has been quite ill with grippe for the past two weeks is some better.

The Past Noble Grand Club held their monthly meeting on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Sarah B. Coffin. Plans were made for a Whist Party to be held January 30, at I. O. O. F. banquet hall. Also a Valentine Party to be held at the same place February 14th. Further announcement will be made later.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational Church met with Mrs. Emma Young on Wednesday afternoon. Quite a lot was accomplished getting ready for their Spring sale. They have on hand plenty of Golden Glow vanilla which they have been selling for nearly three years giving perfect satisfaction. Any of the old customers or any new ones will find the same at Mrs. Young’s or Mrs. Cole’s whenever in need of any.

The Monday Club held a very interesting meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Winchester with Mrs. Toppan assistant hostess. A splendid descriptive reading of one of the late books, “This Freedom”, by Hutchinson, read by Mrs. Ross was thoroughly enjoyed by the guests and members of the club. A near East relief offering was collected which amounted to $55.00. A good sized check was secured from a member of the club and was much appreciated. The next meeting will be Gentlemen’s Night, Friday, January 26th, in the new assembly hall at 7:30 o’clock, for which invitations have been sent out.

Mrs. R. R. Leavitt is ill with a cold and Mrs. Coffey is also confined to her home with the same trouble.

Miss Adeline Marston went to Boston last week, and to Somerville to see her aunt, Mrs. Chipman who has been quite ill.

Miss Leonora B. Wing returned to her work in Boston last week. She is at present at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital. She has been offered a supervisor’s position in three different hospitals but prefers nursing as there is too much responsibility in being a supervisor.

In the passing of Andrew J. Batchelder another old veteran has joined the majority who have answered the roll call. Mr. Batchelder was born in North Hampton, son of James L. Batchelder and Mary Philbrick of Rye. He would have been 82 years old next April. Mr. Batchelder was married twice. He leaves one son, William, with whom he made his home for years, in Saugus, Mass. Mr. Batchelder enlisted in the Civil War and saw considerable service. He was a member of Perkins Post, though unable to meet with them for a long time. He kept in touch with the Post, however, and paid his dues. It is to be regretted that the Post has grown so depleted that it can no longer perform its services for its comrades. Mr. Batchelder leaves a half sister, Miss Lucinda Batchelder and many other relatives in town. He was a quiet, intelligent man, respected by all who knew him. The funeral will be held Thursday p.m. in the Baptist Church.

Hunto No. 29 of Hampton and Odlin No. 19 of Exeter I. O. O. F. Encampments were jointly installed in the latter’s hall at Exeter upon Monday evening. The Deputy Grand Patriarch John W. R. Brooks being assisted by the following suite: Sr. Warden, Forrest B. Creighton; Jr. Warden, William B. Cannon; Treas., J. Herbert Page; Scribe, Roland C. Emery; I. Sentinel, Edwin J. Janvrin; High Priest, Frank H. Coffin. The elective officers were: C.P., James H. Creighton; S. W., S. A. Brown; J. W. Samuel Brown; Treas., Forrest B. Creighton; Scribe, John F. Marston; High Priest, Albert W. Elkins. The work was conducted in excellent form.

Camp Fire Notes:

At the Camp Fire Meeting on Tuesday evening plans were made for the play “The Betty Wales Girls and Mr. Kidd”, which will be given in the near future. The next meeting will be a Council Fire. All come.

Poverty Party:

“Yew air axed tew a soshul that us folks of the Grange air goin to hav at
Wednesday Nite, January 31, 1923
Rules and Regulations:
Chap. 1. Every woman who kums must ware a calerker dress and apern or sunthin ekarly aproperate.
Chap. 2. All men MUST ware there ole cloz and flanill shurts.
Mannegers: Johnathun Estel, esq., Jane Krowel, Iney Larance
Phun will Kummense at 8 p.m., Tikits inter the haul 15c”

Temperance Notes:

A report of the World’s and National Temperance Convention was given at the W. C. T. U. Meeting at the Baptist parsonage on Friday afternoon. The reports heard from all national departments were of the manifold benefits to human beings since Prohibition went into effect.

At this time of year when pneumonia is more prevalent and some physicians deplore the fact that whiskey is next to impossible to obtain, it may be encouraging to read the testimony of Dr. Alexander Lambert of New York in the Journal of the American Medical Association on pneumonia.

“There has been a great change in the pneumonia cases in New York City. When we had all the alcohol that was desired, in the Bellevue Hospital one-third of the 40,000 patients were in the alcoholic wards with or without delirium tremens. That made a strong alcoholic group among pneumonia patients and the death rate was 66 per cent for the alcoholic and 23 per cent for the non-alcoholic group. The type has changed. One does not see now the thoroughly soaked alcoholic person in the hospital. The change in pneumonia has been distinct. In two wards of fifty patients each, one group were given alcohol and the death rate was 40 per cent. In the ward where alcohol was not given the death rate was only 14 per cent”.

As for tuberculosis the death rate was 77.9 per cent for the past fifty years. In a single year, 1921, the death rate fell 18.1 per cent. The greatest factor being the lessened expenditure for alcohol and more for food.

The increase in bank depositors for the last year was 764,085 and in amount of deposits for one year was $88,499,000. Does not prohibition pay?

Superior Court:

On Thursday the jury in the case of Joseph A. Lessard guardian of Alphonse Lessard of Exeter, against the Great Falls Manufacturing Company of Somersworth, returned a verdict of $7,250 for the plaintiff in Rockingham County Superior Court.

The action was brought to recover for injuries incurred by Alphonse Lessard, a boy of 17 while an employee of the company. The claim charged negligence on the part of the company in failing to provide proper safety appliances.

The jury was out about an hour and a half.

Francis J. Killea of Haverhill, Mass., indicted on a charge of false pretenses by a grand jury in the Rockingham Superior Court, January 23 forfeited his bond of $500 for non-appearance in court at which time he was to appear to plead to the indictment.

Killea passed a worthless check on a local business firm for an amount of $44. The case was prosecuted by County Solicitor Jeremy R. Waldron.