Hampton News

Randle Young spent the week end in Boston, Mass.

The Baptist Missionary Meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon.

The Mothers’ Circle will meet with Mrs. C. S. Toppan on next Wednesday evening, February 14.

Opening debate at the Assembly Hall on Thursday evening at 7:30. The team expects to go to Epping next week.

Douglass Hunter is one of the late victims of grippe. He was quite sick on Wednesday. He is on the debating team and his classmates are anxious for his appearance.

Mr. Thomas Cogger is in Boston looking up the coal question in the hope of securing some. Would we not be tired of hearing over the telephone, “Have you any coal, Mr. Cogger?”

Police officer Young wishes us to say that there are several dogs that have not been cared for by their masters. These dogs will be shot unless the owners see that they are restrained.

Mild cases of ‘Flu and Grippe colds are very prevalent, in some cases nearly the whole family being afflicted at once. At time of writing, Mrs. Albert Johnson and sons, Ralph and Homer, are all three sick in bed. On Wednesday 29 were absent from the Academy.

Camp Fire Girls are holding rehearsals and a feed on Wednesday at their rooms.

Mrs. Annie Berry is confined to her home and room with a grippe cold.

Did anyone see the Ground Hog, February 2nd? He is lost in the snow.

The house of Mr. Samuel Brown, being built on Highland Avenue by Mr. Edward J. Brown, is fast nearing completion, being all boarded in. It was only started a short time ago.

The best potatoes we have seen this winter are from Aroostook County, Me., bought at E. G. Cole’s, 40 cents a peck. Try them.

The Friendly Class will serve a supper to the public at 6 o’clock in the Congregational Church dining room, on Friday evening, February 9, for 25c, and will give an entertainment, with small admission, at 7:30. The Class does home missionary work and is well worth our patronage.

The Missionary Meeting of the Congregational Church was held with Mrs. Emma Young on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Carolyn Cole assistant hostess. The meeting was presided over by the new president, Miss Annie Akerman. Owing to the storms in January there was no meeting held that month, and we had the yearly reports today which were very encouraging. Church meeting is called for March 1st (Thursday) with dinner at six, business afterwards.

The regular meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association will be held in the Centre School building next Monday evening. It is very important that all who are interested in the welfare of our schools whether members of the Association or not should be present. The school district meeting will soon be held and the school authorities desire the opinion of parents in a number of subjects and some of them will be discussed Monday night. There is also the matter of school lunches, and the parents themselves should come to this meeting and make known their desires. Don’t forget the date.

Mrs. John Janvrin spent Saturday in Boston, Mass.

The community was saddened on Saturday afternoon to hear of the death of Mr. James Blanchard, a most respected citizen who has been in poor health a great number of years, though at most times able to be about. He bore his troubles with great fortitude although at the last his disease was much intensified. Mr. Blanchard was born in South Weymouth in 1856, and has lived in Hampton 26 years. He is survived by his widow and a brother. An only son was taken from them some 15 years ago. His wife, a constant companion with deep devotion for her husband has the sympathy of their many friends. The funeral services were held at the home on Monday afternoon, Rev. George W. Clark officiating. William Brown was the efficient undertaker in charge.

Dr. Robert Kerr will hold Tuberculosis Clinics, February 16, 1923 at the Garrison House, Exeter at 2 p. m., and at the Clinic Rooms, Newmarket at 7:30 p. m.

The committee in charge of the school lunches would be glad to receive contributions of potatoes, onions, milk, canned soups, etc., from parents or others who are interested in this work, as the amount paid by the children does not quite cover the expenses. Articles may be left at the school in charge of the janitor.

The 8th grade members of the Domestic Arts Department gave a dinner at the Centre School, Tuesday evening, Feb. 6, to the members of the School Board, Principal Teague, Supt. Walker, Mr. John Donald of the Centre School and Mrs. Jones of the High School faculty. Mr. Hobbs was out of town and Mr. Teague was also unable to be present, but the other guests thoroughly enjoyed the very appetizing and attractively served meal and feel that much credit is due the young cook and waitresses and their capable instructor, Miss Marion Dexter. If any parents are uncertain whether their girls are profiting by this training, it would pay them to visit this department.

Word from Mrs. Thomas Hobbs of Hampton Beach that her son who was so seriously ill with pneumonia is improving and will, in a short time, be able to sit up.

Miss Elizabeth Norris has closed her home and gone to Southern California for the winter.

Miss Theodate Hobbs entertained the Banner Class at her home on Monday evening. A social hour and dainty refreshments were served.

The Rebekahs held their meeting on Tuesday evening with a good number present. Quite a class are coming into the Lodge and rehearsals are in order. They hold a Whist party on Valentine’s Day, February 14th.

For those who don’t like “black eyes” maybe they would like “pink ones.” Watch out they have made their appearance in town.

Any lady who can spare one hour from twelve until one, one day a week, or a month even, to assist in preparing hot cocoa or soup for the school children at the new school building will please notify Mrs. Toppan and their name will be gratefully received and listed and the committee will be sure of someone for each day. This is for a few weeks or through the worst of the cold weather and will help the children that have to stay there for their noon lunch.

Even with all the criticism that Dr. M. Emile Coue of France, the former druggist and chemist, is getting, he is vigorously defended by a great many believers. His methods are not new. He is merely bringing the message “auto-suggestion” and Dr. Coue teaches “you have the power within you to cure yourself.” You must have faith. We believe that people who think they are sick and all imaginary ailments can cure themselves if they but exercise faith, even to using the phrase “Day by day in every way I am getting better and better.”

Our Coast Guards had a hard time on Tuesday night when a lobster schooner from Maine was in distress off Boar’s Head. After signals were given back and forth Capt. Myers and his men started in their life boat at nine o’clock and went to the rescue, about three miles out. They got the crew who had to abandon their boat, and returned about one o’clock, a lot of exhausted men. The thought of going out into a dark stormy night on land is bad enough but when men take their lives in their hands and face the deep black waters of the ocean, not knowing how or when they may come back — if ever — it takes some courage and they are more than heroes.

The West End Club was entertained very pleasantly by Mrs. Merton James, February 1, and we were pleased to have Mrs. Jennie James and Mrs. Ethel Greely with us again. The meeting opened with the usual exercises. Mrs. Katherine James had charge of the program which was as follows: readings by each of the members, singing by Mesdames Addie and Katherine James, piano solo by Mrs. Greely. Mrs. Addie James read items from the Hamptons Union which were very funny and caused much laughter. Music on the Victrola and singing by the members ended the program. A social hour was enjoyed and a dainty lunch served by the hostess. Next meeting to be held February 15th at Mrs. Jessie R. Towle’s residence, Mrs. Bowley acting as hostess.

A Junior Christian Endeavor has been organized by Mr. Warren Clark, Superintendent of the Sunday School, with a good membership of children. Any child is eligible. They held their first social on Friday night under the leader and guidance of his assistants. This is a good step in the right direction as children’s first impressions are never forgotten.

On Wednesday evening, February 14, there will be a Valentine Party at I. O. O. F. Hall under the auspices of the P. N. G. Club of the Rebekah Lodge. A supper will be served from 5:30 to 7:00 o’clock followed by whist and dancing. All who can are requested to come in costume. Admission to supper, 25c; whist and dancing, 25c. If stormy, postponed to Thursday evening.

The Monday Club was splendidly entertained at the home of Mrs. William Cash with Mrs. Carolyn Cole assistant hostess. Mrs. Gertrude Young and Miss Ernestine Cole gave two very fine piano duets, also, Mrs. Harold Noyes favored the club with solos, very finely rendered. Mrs. Harry Noyes read a paper “The League of Nations,” prepared by Mrs. Tolman which was very interesting. The roll call for current events was both instructive and amusing. Very delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, ending a pleasant meeting, 27 being present. Next meeting at the Assembly Hall, February 19th.

Game Warden Thompson of Hampton, it is quoted, has been doing a kindly deed this winter by feeding a large number of pheasants which he finds in his travels. With so much snow on the ground it is almost impossible for birds of any kind to find food and it is well for us to follow his example and help feed the birds by tying a piece of suet on the trees, also large pieces of bread on limbs of trees. It is interesting to watch the birds come and go and bring a new companion each time. Grain placed on a board that is up from the ground they quickly find. Next summer they will repay you with their song.

Mr. Aaron Palmer, who is in Portsmouth Cottage hospital, is slowly improving although his shoulder cannot be set, which means he will not be able to use that arm and that is most unfortunate at his advanced age.

Kemah Camp Fire Notes:

Miss Annie Connor and Miss Christine Button of Exeter were guests at the Ceremonial Meeting on Wednesday evening. Four girls became Fire Makers, Beatrice Farnsworth, Mable Brooks, Theodate Hobbs and Dorothy Hobbs.

Six girls in old fashioned costumes danced the Minuet and two others in Spanish costumes a Spanish dance.

Yearly Report of Red Cross
Nursing Service, Hampton,N. H., 1922:

The present Red Cross Community and School Nurse entered upon her service in Hampton, January 4, 1922.

At the opening of the new Centre School Building in May a room was assigned by the School Board (until otherwise needed) as a first aid station and health center.

School scales with measuring attachment, supply closets, nurse’s desk, chairs etc., were supplied by the school board.

Two couches, pillows and blankets, medical and surgical supplies, sick room loan closet was supplied by the Nursing Committee.

Health posters, literature and charts are on hand for use in the schools, also available to the public if desired.

July 1. At the Comfort House, Hampton Beach a First Aid Station and Health Center was opened under the direction of the Red Cross Committee which remained open until September 15.

This department, equipped by the Town of Hampton and the Red Cross, received some donations and loans from interested friends.

The nurse was on duty from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. daily with the additional hours of service until 11 p. m. Wednesday and Friday evenings (fire works nights) and Sunday evenings.

One hundred and thirty-five first aid treatments were given at the Comfort House; 605 consultants, including baby welfare work, pre-school age children, and adults at the Beach.

The fame of the work done was widespread. This past fall and winter the N. E. Division of the Red Cross has received nine inquiries from services desiring information regarding work done at the Beach last summer.

Two health plays were given in the past year by the children of the public schools.

In May the play “Winning Her Way” was shown.

In November the health fairy play “Astra,” from the Metropolitan Division of the Red Cross was given with Miss Muldowney as “Astra.” Ninety-five dollars and a half was taken from the sale of tickets by the school children. The balance after expenses were paid to be used as a fund for the further developing of health work throughout the schools.

Total number of cases visited in 1922, 112, total calls, 324; total school visits, 186; tuberculosis clinics attended by nurse, 4; conferences, 3. Average number of children reporting to nurse each month, 45; average school treatments given per month, 60. Health talks and drills are given by the nurse in the schools, also sanitary inspection, class room and individual inspection.

A Red Cross float was entered in the parade during Carnival Week which received second prize of $10, also two Red Cross scenes representing Red Cross activities in operation in Hampton, we staged in the pageant.

Comparative analysis of the growth of Public Health Work Nursing Service started in Fall, 1919, follows:

No. cases visited by nurse in 1920, 88; no. calls, 215. In 1921, no. cases visited by nurse, 84; no. calls, 244. In 1922, no. cases visited by nurse, 112; no. calls, 324.

Plans for the further development of Public Health Work are under consideration for development during 1923.