Hampton News

Mrs. Addie Brown and Miss Addie Marston are visiting relatives in Boston.

The Ladies’ Aid of the M. E. Church were entertained at the home of Mrs. Charles Walker on Highland Ave., yesterday.

The regular meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association will be held in the Centre school auditorium next Monday evening. All interested persons are urged to be present, whether members or not.

The Pomona meeting held at Breakfast Hill (Greenland) on Wednesday, April 4, drew from this town a large number of patrons.

Moving picture programs are to be resumed at the Town Hall next Saturday evening under the same management, and will be continued until further notice. The special feature for next Saturday evening is William S. Hart in “Travellin’ On,” and among those coming are Wallace Reid in “Across the Continent,” April 14, and “The Sheik,” probably April 21. Prices of admission are as heretofore.

Last Thursday evening fifteen citizens gathered at the new school building and took the first step toward organizing a chamber of commerce in this town. A temporary organization was chosen which included a committee to draft by-laws and a nominating committee to make a list of nominees for the permanent organization. The meeting for this purpose will be held on Thursday evening, April 12, at the new school building. It is expected that a speaker from Manchester will be present. The membership fee will be small and every citizen who wants to see Hampton prosper should join. HELP US GROW

The Whatsoever Circle will meet with Miss Helen Gilpatrick on Friday afternoon, April 6, at 3:30 o’clock

Marvin F. Young takes this opportunity to thank all those who so kindly and quickly rendered their assistance by responding to the call for help during the fire that came so near destroying their home and that of his neighbor.

Friday (tomorrow) night, in Grange hall, a feature of the Lecturer’s program will be a basket lunch. Much interest has been manifested in this “auction of lunches” and some rivalry between the bidders will make the atmosphere of the meeting a bit more “spicy” and “snappy” than usual. If you are looking for a wife who excels in culinary art, tomorrow night is your chance to “pick” her.

About sixty were present at the joint social given by the C. E. of the Congregational church and Epworth League of the Methodist in the vestry of the latter last Saturday evening. A short entertainment was presented and games were enjoyed. Refreshments of “April Fool” sandwiches and very good cake and ice cream were served. The societies expect to hold another of these gatherings in the near future.

Remember that the adjournment of the annual town meeting is to be held on Tuesday evening next at 7:30 o’clock. It is just as important to be at this adjournment as it was on March 13. Remember, also, that the town voted on March 13, that every citizen be a committee to investigate the condition of the breakwater built last fall that they may be in a position to vote intelligently on the subject next Tuesday evening. All who are sufficiently interested will gather at Town Hall on Saturday afternoon next and go to the Beach, as the electrics are to be running by that time.

An interesting commentary upon weather conditions this winter is furnished by the fact that Henry H. Hobbs, the genial and accommodating delivery clerk for J. A. Lane and Co. has made his trips on runners for 110 consecutive days, thus establishing a new record. Mr. Hobbs has been driving a grocery wagon for 18 years, but never encountered a winter before with so much snow and where the snow so continuously covered the ground. Generally he has had to change from runners to wheels and from wheels to runners one or more times but this winter it has been runners right along.

Mr. Lewis Perkins and Mrs. Perkins are on their way to Hampton from Pasadena, California. They will visit several cities on the way East and expect to arrive home about May 1st.

The Juniors of Hampton Academy are preparing a drama to be given in the near future. Rehearsals are in order. This play is a little out of the ordinary and will be sure to please. Date will be announced.

There has been organized a new club in town made up of the boys of the Methodist and Baptist churches. There will be one in the other churches soon. The club has acted very wisely in electing Mr. John Donald and Robert O. Elliot as leader and assistant leader respectively.

Easter Sunday was observed in the Congregational Church by an Easter Concert in the evening, given by the Sunday School children which was very interesting. The pastor preached a fine Easter sermon in the morning with appropriate music. The duet by Mrs. Staples and Scott was especially fine and listened to very attentively by a good company of people.

The missionary meeting of the Congregational Church was held in the Chapel on Wednesday afternoon. An interesting meeting with pleasing musical selections by Miss Ernestine Cole, soloist; Mrs. Winchester and Mrs. Mullen, piano duet. A salad supper was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Carrie Scott and Mrs. Theda Hobbs, to a company of thirty-five.

Miss Esther True spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Sprague of Reading, Mass.

Myron Norton has entered the employ of E. G. Cole Company

The Rebekahs held a successful supper on the regular meeting night, Tuesday, following a sewing circle, held in the afternoon.

A fine Easter Concert was prepared and given by the Baptist Church on Easter by the Sunday School, which was very interesting.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational Church will meet with Miss Mary Toppan, Tuesday afternoon, April 10, at two o’clock.

The all night lighting system is in great discussion and we understand is approved of by nearly all the people of Hampton. May this article be taken up and decided favorable by the selectmen.

A social and supper was held in the Baptist vestry on Tuesday evening in honor of their pastor, Mr. Christopher, who was so fortunate as to have a birthday that date. The evening was delightfully spent, all wishing the pastor many happy returns on their departure.

A very pleasant gathering and miscellaneous shower was given for Mrs. Hazel Myers Brown in the Grange Hall on Monday evening under the direction of Miss Olive Nudd, Miss Annie Johnson, Miss Jessie Moulton and Miss Marion Garland. A large company were present and showed by their many gifts their sympathy and friendship for Mr. and Mrs. Brown, who lost their home and contents by the recent fire. Mrs. Brown lost all her wedding presents which, of course, can never be replaced. After a very pleasant evening refreshments of ice cream and cake were served by the committee.

It is quoted from Washington, D. C. papers that sugar is already 12 cents a pound and is going to 15 cents. This is the threat of New York sugar speculators, and there is plenty of sugar in the country. Do not be stampeded and create a shortage by stocking up unless you wish to play into the hands of these bandits. The Government’s department of Commerce announces there is no shortage of sugar and that the present high prices are not justified by any conditions. This would indicate the raid cannot last, notwithstanding these profits are a great temptation for greedy men. Isn’t it time we made an example of the sugar profiteers?

The costume party was successfully carried out by a gaily decked company of nearly 50 couples of the town, who enjoyed the evening to the last minute. The dancing parties have been well conducted and by being on invitation have been exclusive and free from outside intrusion. The committee in charge expect to hold another before the season ends.

Hampton is to have a hotel in the village we understand. The Hotel Echo property has changed hands. Mr. Williams of Exeter intends having the hotel in running order in short time which will be appreciated by both townspeople and tourists who find it a great inconvenience not to have a hotel near. Hampton, for a great number of years, had Hotel Whittier which was a most popular place and has been sadly missed and we hope Hotel Echo will prosper and fill the long wanted accommodations.

On Wednesday evening, April 11, there will be a supper and whist party followed by a social dance at Odd Fellows Hall to which the public is cordially invited. Supper will be served from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Admission 25c. Whist and dancing, 25c.

The Monday Club was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. Wilson Olney with Mrs. Caroline Shea assistant hostess, on April second. Musical selections and a fine book review were given by Mrs. Gertrude Young in her usual interesting manner. A committee was appointed for a May Festival given by the children the first week of May. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be April 16, Reciprocity Day, at the Chapel with interesting speakers.