Hampton News

Mr. E. G. Cole and daughter Ernestine spent Wednesday in Manchester.

A good number attended the Sunday School convention at the Christian Church in North Hampton on Tuesday.

Miss Katherine E. Barker wishes to thank the many friends who so kindly participated in the “shower” given her at the Methodist church last Friday night. It was a complete surprise and greatly appreciated.

The C. E. and E. L. young people’s societies of the Congregational and Methodist churches are uniting in giving a joint social to their members in the former church vestry on Friday evening of next week, May 25. This will be a May Day social. Basket lunches on sale at 10c each. Don’t fail to be there. Girls bring a basket lunch; boys, your appetite— and 10c.

Mrs. Rebecca R. Leavitt is doing finely after having her eye removed in Portsmouth hospital by Dr. Suter from Boston. She was cared for there and after coming home by her grand-niece, Mrs. Leonora B. Wing, a nurse from Boston. The mother of Rev. R. S. Barker had the same kind of an operation performed recently.

Fifteen ladies representing the Missionary Society of the Congregational church went to Hampton Falls on Wednesday afternoon. The speaker on the program was from Newmarket, a home missionary, who gave a splendid talk on home and foreign missions. A delightful buffet lunch was served by the Hampton Falls ladies and a very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by everyone present.

Mrs. H. A. Moore of Whitefield, N. H., has been in town a few days with Supt. Moore.

Mrs. C. A. Barker, Miss Marion Barker and George Barker of Concord, Mass., are at Elmwood for a few days.

H. C. Winchester has recently rearranged the old machines and added several new ones in his heel cutting shop. Business has been rushing with Mr. Winchester for a long time and he has now several months’ orders on hand.

The Clean-up campaign, held under the auspices of the Winnicummet Improvement Society was a great success. The prizes were awarded as follows: First prizes, Elizabeth Brown, Isabelle Hobbs, Carolyn Philbrick, framed pictures; honorable mention for those over twelve, Dorothy Tilton, Elizabeth Tilton, Kenneth Page, Roland Page, Frank Remick, Merwin Kilgore, Ruth Perkins, Marvin Perkins.

Mr. I. S. Jones preached a very able and instructive sermon at the Congregational Church on Sunday evening, “I Will Follow Withersoever Thou Goest.” Appropriate music for Mother’s Day and a very effective and pleasing greeting at the church doors by four little girls dressed very daintily, holding May baskets filled with red and white blossoms for all who passed in. A very happy and appropriate thought by someone.

The next meeting of the Men’s Club will be held next Monday evening. It is to be Father and Son night and an interesting program is being arranged. The program for next year will be ready for distribution at this meeting.

Ernest G. Cole has purchased of Wilbur K. Parker, the Williams’ building adjoining Mr. Cole’s periodical store. He will have it repainted and otherwise improved.

The Winnicummet Improvement Society met at the home of Mr. I. S. Jones on Wednesday evening electing new officers for the year 1923. President, I.S. Jones; vice president, and superintendent, Mr. John Snyder; custodian of the flag, Mr. James Hutchins; secretary and treasurer, Miss Irene Trefethen. Plans were made for improving the three parks and a whist party will be held at the home of Miss Trefethen on Wednesday evening, May 23, the public invited, 15c admission. Refreshments will be served. Mrs Emma Young reported a gift of money for the improvement of the parks which was gladly received by the members of which twelve were present; $2.65 collection.

The Monday Club members who intend going to Raymond, N. H. will meet at the R. R. Station Monday morning at 10:30 where automobiles will be in waiting

Parent-Teacher Association:

The last meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association was held in the Centre School auditorium last Monday evening with a good attendance. Officers for next year were elected as reported by the nominating committee as follows: President, Rev. Bernard Christopher; vice-president, Mrs. Margaret Noyes; secretary, Miss Irene Trefethen; treasurer, Mrs. Jessie Toppan; chairmen of the permanent committees — social, Mrs. Elizabeth Howe; press, Rev. R. S. Barker; legislative, Warren H. Hobbs; education, Mrs. Edith C. Warren; school improvement, W. Scott Noyes.

The treasurer’s report showed that there will be a balance of about $5.00 to turn over to the new treasurer next fall.

Miss Adeline C. Marston reported on school lunches.

It was voted that Rev. R. S. Barker and Leroy Hamilton act with the school board in the purchase of a moving picture machine.

Mrs. Jessie Toppan, acting for a committee of women’s clubs, presented to the school board the new piano in the following words:

We, the undersigned, do at this time take pleasure in presenting to the school district of Hampton the new piano which has been placed in the Central School auditorium, and which has been obtained through the united efforts of the various clubs of Hampton, and friends. (Signed) Jessie M. Toppan, Emma J. Young, Addie P. James, Jessie H. Myers, Lillian Walker, Marilla P. Brown, Mildred Langley, piano fund committee.

The piano was paid for as follows:

Mothers’ Circle $128.95
Monday Club 29.60
Men’s Club 25.00
West End Club 11.00
H. T. G. Club 4.00
Parent-Teacher Ass’n 23.25
Piano Fund Com. 30.45
Sale of Candy 28.80
Sale of old piano 33.50
Friends 22.50

M. P. Brown, Sec.-Treas.

A vote of thanks was extended to the committee.

Interesting remarks were made by Supt. of Schools Mr. Moore who spoke in approval of the work being done by the association.

I. O. O. F. District Meeting:

The Twenty-Second Annual District Meeting No. 5 was held in the hall of Rockingham Lodge 22 on Tuesday evening, May 15, with John Worcester Rich Brooks presiding. A very large number of brother Odd Fellows were present from Exeter, Portsmouth, Newfields, Newton and Hampton. Excellent work in the degree work by Sagamore Lodge of Exeter was put on in splendid manner. The entire program of the evening was carried out in a fine manner. The Alpha quartette of Boston delighted the assembly, as did the orchestra from Portsmouth lodge. The banquet hall was wonderfully decorated in the lodge colors, red and white, and was very effective. The committee was Mrs. William Cash, Mrs. Lucy Towle and Miss Mary Toppan. The same committee had charge of the banquet and was pronounced the best. All the young women of the Rebekah Lodge served as waitresses and were dressed in white with caps and aprons of red and white. The tables were filled and looked very attractive. Flashlight pictures were taken of the whole. About 280 were present at the banquet.

The menu was as follows:

Cold ham Corned Tongue
Cranberry Jelly  
Mashed potato Mashed turnip
Fruit Nut
Hot rolls Butter
Apple Pineapple
With Ice Cream  
Coffee Confections

Original decorations and favors

Tuesday evening one of the most successful annual meetings of Portsmouth district number five was held at the hall of Rockingham Lodge. The district, which covers lower Rockingham County embracing six lodges, supported this session in a manner seldom enjoyed before. The banquet preceding the meeting was in charge of a committee from Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge performing their duties with a grace and dignity. This most effective committee not only received the commendation of the Grand Officers but the whole hearted respect and approval of the assembly. The menu being arranged with exceptional care, the decorations and favors unusual, presented a picture seldom witnessed in this section. A photographer from Exeter taking advantage of the scene secured several flashlight pictures.

The session was opened at eight o’clock by Noble Grand James Murray and his staff officers and upon introduction of the Deputy, John W. R. Brooks the meeting was turned over to the officers of this district. The meeting was assisted greatly by the pleasing orchestra selections by the Osgood Lodge Orchestra and vocal numbers by the Alpha quartette of Boston. Grand Officers Rev. William Weston, Grand Master; Ernest C. Dudley, Grand Treasurer; and Past Grand Rep., Frank Cilley, were introduced by Grand Marshall Arthur W. Chase.

A rather appealing incident was witnessed upon the presentation by the Deputy Grand Master of a purse of gold to Percy B. Brown as a token of the friendship and sympathy of Rockingham Lodge, prompted by the most unfortunate loss sustained by this brother.

Sagamore Lodge of Exeter worked the Degree of Friendship upon a sizable class of candidates in most pleasing and instructive manner. There being thirty-eight on the staff each man thoroughly trained with an understanding of his individual part gave an interpretation of this remarkable degree in a most perfect manner. The quartette and orchestra added considerable to the effectiveness of same. The degree was followed by an address by our most able speaker and clergyman, Rev. George W. Clark, who took for his text “The Covenant of Friendship.” Following close upon the degree the address, given in the efficient manner it was, made a most agreeable impression upon the candidates and brothers.

Remarks followed by the Grand Officers during the course of which the Grand Master presented a P. D. D. jewel to John W. R. Brooks, a token of esteem from his fellow workers and members of the suite. Upon calling upon the Grand Treasurer, Ernest C. Dudley, a second complete surprise was in store, when he so ably presented a combination Past Grand and Past Chief Patriarch’s collar and attendant jewels to the District Deputy as a gift of Rockingham Lodge.

The New World Begun

Millions Now Living Will Never Die

Ever since the “World War was fought to make the world safe for democracy” statesmen have spoken freely on our entrance into a new era — “A new world,” one president liked to call it. Little do they realize the potential truth of their own claims. They continue to apply the old selfish rule-o-thumb political and commercial policies to govern this “new era” and are quite at sea over the net result. So they mark time to hold their jobs by appointing fact-finding commissions and investigating committees to determine facts already well known by all concerned.

Listen now to a reporter of today’s events, writing from the comfortable perspective of about two and a half thousand years ago: “Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. There shall not be a coal to warm at, nor a fire to sit before it. Thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast labored, even thy merchants from thy youth; they shall wander every one to his quarter; none shall save thee.” (Isaiah 47).

This situation will be hopefully explained from the Bible standpoint in a free lecture in Hampton Town Hall, Sunday afternoon at three o’clock standard time, to which all are welcome.