Hampton News

So many rumors and misconceptions in regard to the transacting of the town’s business since the March meeting have become current that the editor of the Union feels that in justice to the selectmen and those who supported the new member at the town meeting, a word or two should be said to put the matter right before the public.

First: the editor of the Union knows from personal knowledge that the members of the present board of selectmen are as patriotic, as conscientious and as efficient as those of any board in the history of the town. They are engaged in a difficult task in establishing the true indebtedness of the town, but they are going fearlessly ahead with the work, making little talk of the burden imposed upon them, but appreciating tremendously any assistance tendered them by those who can help; and it is the duty of all who are in a position to render any assistance at this time to render it cheerfully and loyally for the sake of the good old town and continued prosperity of Beach and village.

Second: In regard to the endless and senseless rumors one hears upon the street, there is either no foundation whatever or else based upon facts so perverted as to be worse than lies. One of the first of these rumors that we heard was that our selectmen did not favor prohibition enforcement and would wink at a wide open Beach. The exact opposite of this is the truth. A stricter watchfulness is maintained over every inch of property where this town has jurisdiction than ever before. Every lease owner is warned of the penalty of a breach of liquor laws and notified that enforcement will be absolute and impartial. The selectmen have also given their word that full assistance will be rendered prohibition enforcement officers, whether state or federal, in all legitimate actions, and we know that such assistance will be given as fearlessly and unquestionably as it has been given in the past.

It has been rumored that the board could not agree in the appointment of a third member.

The board has not only never had any disagreement but have already made a choice and it has been accepted and when the proper time comes the announcement will be made. There has been no need of any disrespect to the memory of the deceased member by unseemly haste in the appointment of a successor.

The personal honor and integrity of the chairman of the board has been assailed by a report which originated, no one knows how or where, that his cellar had been raided by federal officers and more than 20 barrels of cider confiscated. The chairman of the board never had such quantities of cider, and of such as he has had on hand none has ever been illegally disposed of in any way.

It is such rumors as these that are floating about. Any one by itself would not be worth answering but collectively they produce an atmosphere that is discouraging to courageous and conscientious men. If more of our citizens could find time to call at the selectmen’s room and learn the true conditions senseless rumors could do no harm; but if we can’t find time for that at least let us take it for granted that our selectmen are honest and back them loyally in transacting our big and ever growing town business.


Mrs. Frank Stevens is visiting with relatives in Portland, Me.

The Children’s Day concert, consisting of a pageant, will be given at the Congregational church, Sunday evening, at seven o’clock instead of in the morning as has been the custom.

The Rev. F. H. Morgan of Wollaston, Mass., will give an illustrated lecture on “Building an Empire” at the M. E. church, Sunday evening, June 3rd.

The Beach combination was called to a slight fire on the roof of the B. and M. depot last Friday.

Mr. Crocker requests us to announce that no more pictures will be shown at the town hall until September owing to Thursday night being prayer meeting night.

The Past Noble Grand Club of the Rebekah Lodge held a very pleasant meeting at the home of Miss Annie E. Akerman on Monday evening, May 28th. Plans were made to hold a food sale June 16th, the object being to raise funds to contribute toward linen for the Odd Fellows Home.

Ellsworth Knowles, the four year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon M. Knowles of North Hampton, died yesterday morning at the home of his parents in that town.

Because of the county conference of Congregational churches in Kingston the missionary meeting of the Congregational church will be held on Thursday, June 7 instead of on Wednesday with Mesdames Palmer and Glidden hostesses.

Memorial Observances:

There has been a thought among some that the interest in the G. A. R. was lessening but from the large audiences on Sunday and on Memorial Day that thought is dispelled and a fact established that interest in Memorial Day will never die. The Rev. Mr. Parker preached a wonderful sermon on Sunday in the Baptist church. He was assisted in the service by Rev. G. W. Clark. The singing by the quartette consisting of Mesdames Perkins, Warren, Hamilton and Higgins was most excellent and appropriate and was much appreciated. The committee from the W. R. Corps had a splendid program for Memorial Day which was well carried out. There was some disappointment in the arrival of the orchestra but as they were traveling in an auto and had engine trouble it was unavoidable and they furnished excellent music after their arrival. Mr. Chester Godfrey presided. Mr. Barker made the prayer, Mr. Charles Godfrey read the General Orders and Miss Ruth Godfrey recited the Gettysburg address. The singing by the quartette from the Center school consisting of Liela Redman, Jeanette White, Arthur Cunningham and Hollis Johnson, accompanied by Miss Louise Mullen was much enjoyed and the committee is grateful to all who so kindly made this day so pleasing a one to the veterans. The address by Rev. Mr. Prescott was most excellent and inspiring. He held the attention of the large audience every moment as he told of the deeds done by the veterans and the outlook of the future and bade all to continue their patriotism forever. Every member of Perkins’ Post was present at the exercises. The expenses of the committee from the W. R. Corps were: Orchestra, $52.80; flowers for urn, $1.30; telephoning, 90c; for speaker on Sunday, $5.00; for address on Memorial Day, $10.00. Perkins’ Post attended to all other expenses and all feel grateful for the interest manifested.

A Great Fall of Snow:

(From an old Portsmouth paper)

In February, 1717, occurred the greatest fall of snow recorded in the annals of New England — almost burying under the frozen mass the small log cabins of the new plantations. So effectually were even the most traveled roads blocked that the magistrates and ministers of Boston, who had come out of the town on the first day of the storm to attend the funeral of the Rev. Mr. Brattle of Cambridge, were unable to return for some days. The storm began on the 20th and ended on the 24th of February. Old Indians, of a hundred years, said that their fathers had never told them of such a snow.

It was six feet deep in the streets of Boston, ten feet at Dunstable, twelve at Deerfield on the Connecticut. At Exeter and Dover cottages and cabins of one story were entirely buried, so that people dug pathways from one house to another under the snow. Many farmers lost their sheep, and in some instances sheep and swine which were saved lived from one to two weeks without food. One man had some hens buried near his barn which were dug out alive eleven days after.

During the snow a great number of deer came from the woods for food and were followed by the wolves which killed many. Others were shot by the people. It is related that some deer fled to Nahant, and chased by the wolves leaped into the sea and were drowned. Great damage was done to the fruit trees in the latter part of the storm, by the freezing of the damp snow to the branches which were broken by the weight.

The mail from Boston was ten days in reaching Portsmouth and seven in returning. Hon. John Winthrop said in an account of the storm:

“We lost at the island and farms 1100 sheep beside some horses and cattle. It was very strange that 28 days after the storm, the people of Fisher’s Island in digging out the remains of 100 sheep found two of them alive, which had kept themselves alive by feeding upon the wool of others.”

For forty years after, the old people dated events as so many years after or before the great snow.”

There is to be a drive in New Hampshire for a $50,000 fund for the Children’s Aid and Protective Society. It will be called a memorial to the late Sherman E. Burroughs. Each town will be canvassed.

In introducing the speaker on Memorial Day it was stated that he was the first son of a veteran who had spoken here. This was incorrect as Dr. F. E. Follansbee who spoke here on two Memorial Days was a son of a veteran.

First Assistant Postmaster General Bartlett was in town Monday, accompanied by two post-office inspectors who are looking into better conditions for the Beach post-office and parcel post routes in town. Mr. Bartlett was a guest of Cutler’s Seaview, Monday night.

Friday the teachers of Exeter had a banquet at Cutler’s Seaview house. The Newburyport Chamber of Commerce are to be entertained there this evening.

Dr. Esther Woodward and her mother will spend July and August with Mrs. Hemingway at her cottage on Old Mill Road. The interior of the cottage has recently been re-decorated.


A crowd estimated at over 40,000 people, the largest in the history of the beach was at the beach yesterday. There were band concerts, dancing and a baseball game on the Casino oval in which Hampton Beach shut out Epping 10 to 0. Despite the heavy automobile traffic but one slight collision on Ocean avenue was reported.

Banquet at the Ashworth:

The seventh annual banquet of the bowling league of the Lawrence council, No. 67, Knights of Columbus, Lawrence Mass., was held Sunday at Hotel Ashworth with 300 present.

District Deputy Grand Knight Daniel J. Minahan was toastmaster. The speakers included: Mayor Daniel W. Mahoney of Lawrence, Mass.; Rev. James P. O’Reilly, chaplain of the council; John C. Toomey and William T. Peters; Commissioner Peter Carr, also a trustee of the council, and awarded 33 prizes as a result of the season’s activities.

Jeremiah F. Hanlon was chairman of arrangements assisted by William J. Dolan, secretary; Maurice J. Powers, John C. Blessinton, John A. Casey, James L. Batts, John J. Lawlor, Peter Carr, Daniel M. Kelleher, Louis A. Kane, Daniel J. Decourcey, John J. Hogan, Bernard J. Keany, John F. Flynth, William A. Doyle, John D. and Cornelious F. O’Sullivan.

Search for Reckless Drivers:

The police of Hampton and Salisbury beaches and cities in New Hampshire and Massachusetts are putting all efforts forth in an attempt to capture Francis Sweeny and Frank Curtis of Salem, Mass.

In trying to escape from Chief of Police Sherbie L. Blake after nearly running down two people with a roadster, they then crashed into a light touring car near the mile-long bridge, bowling the tour car over and pinning the driver, Onizime Rondeau, Ham street, Newmarket, beneath the wreckage, they then made good their escape, shortly after one o’clock Sunday morning. The overturned driver was slightly injured.

According to reports, the roadster containing the two fugitives and bearing the Massachusetts registration number 179,280 passed thru Hampton at a terrific rate without either head or tail lights. Chief Blake was notified at the beach after the machine had nearly hit two people at D street and the two men were soon arrested and brought to Hampton Beach station.

While the chief was attempting to learn if the people who had complained wished to enter complaint against the reckless driver, the two men made a dash for their machine and were soon speeding toward the mile-long bridge which divides New Hampshire and Massachusetts. When the motor car reached O street, the only avenue to the bridge, it was traveling at such a terrific rate that it skidded around the curve, being nearly upset in the ditch.

Mr. Rondeau and a companion who were returning from Salibury Beach, sighted the wildly driven machine when it rounded the curve and drove their car over the street car tracks into the deep sand in hopes of averting the collision. Before the Massachusetts car could gain the right side of the boulevard, it crashed into the Newmarket machine. The impact of the collision turned Rondeau’s car completely over pinning him beneath the front wheel and were other wreckage. Both machines lost were badly damaged (sic).

Without stopping to assist the victim of their mad driving, Sweeny and Curtis fled. Passing motorists and people from nearby houses, who had been attracted by the tremendous crash, assisted in releasing Rondeau and his companion from beneath the wreckage. But for a bad shaking up and a cut on Rondeau’s left leg, the two men were none the worse for their experience.

Card of Thanks:

To the Friendly Class of the Congregational Church and Others:

Many thanks for the box of delicious fruit and jelly sent me.

And to all the others who have so kindly remembered me with tempting delicacies, especially the Unknown One who left the jar of hot clam chowder and a chocolate cake at my bedside while I was asleep. Also those who have sent in the wonderful books, magazines and papers. Only those likewise stricken with body and one leg in a plaster cast and forced to lay in one position 8 weeks, can ever understand what I am now passing through. If I could but be ill and sleep! But to be perfectly well with mind racing on and worrying, surrounded by mountains of undone farm spring work and the new enterprise just entered into in chaos chained to a broken hip on a bed of pain during all this glorious spring weather, the only prospect a helpless cripple in a wheel chair, a burden to myself and others all the rest of my life, is— well, Inferno is a mild descriptive word, and I can only echo the words of Omar the ancient tent-maker:

“Could I with thee conspire

To change this sorry scheme entire

Would not we shatter it to bits,

And build it nearer the heart’s desire?”

–Annabel Towle