Hampton News

The directors of the Chamber of Commerce meet this evening at the selectmen’s room.

Miss Ernestine Cole is substituting for Miss Anna Chase who is ill.

Sand for the covering of tarvie is being distributed along the highways.

Hampton Academy Alumni Association will meet on Saturday, June 25, at the Ashworth. The speaker will be announced later.

Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Clark preached his last sermon as pastor of the Congregational society. The fact was announced in a few words at the close of the sermon.

The marriage of Miss Katherine Barker, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Robert S. Barker, to Ralph N. Hammond of West Rindge, N. H., will be solemnized at the Methodist Episcopal church, Hampton, N. H., June 20th, 1923, at two o’clock. A reception will follow the ceremony. All friends of the bride and her family are cordially invited to attend.

At a recent meeting of the committee appointed at the annual town meeting to draft a set of by-laws, sub-committees were chosen to work upon the various sections of the code during the summer.

The School Board and the public generally are much gratified to know that Mr. Moore, who is now acting Superintendant of Schools, will become the permanent superintendent of this district at the beginning of the next school year in Sept.

The selectmen have appointed Edwin L. Batchelder to fill the vacancy in the board.

Miss Mary Toppan, chairman of the drive for the Exeter cottage hospital, reports contributions of $70.00 the best record yet for Hampton.

We are obliged to leave out much of our local matter this week owing to the illness of Robert Elliot, machine operator.

The class of ’71 of the University of New Hampshire, of which Lewis Perkins was a member, will hold a reunion at Durham at which it is expected there will be 100% attendance, a most remarkable event when it is remembered that it is over fifty years since the graduation of the class.

The Hampton ball team will go to Epping next Saturday to play a return game with the team of that town, and will leave the square at about 1:30. The manager wants as many of those interested in the team as can go to accompany the party and support the team during the game.

Extensive alterations are being made in the building recently purchased by Ernest G. Cole of Wilbur K. Parker.

About twenty of the friends of Kathleen Stillings gathered at her home Wednesday afternoon to assist in celebrating her eleventh birthday. Some new games were played, and refreshments were served. It was an occasion very much enjoyed by the children.

Plans are now completed for the big Chamber of Commerce banquet at Hotel Ashworth June 19. Invited speakers for the evening are: Hon. George H. Moses, U. S. Senator from New Hampshire; Hon. Fred H. Brown, Governor of New Hampshire; Hon. Alvan T. Fuller, Lieut.-Governor of Massachusetts; Hon. Charles W. Tobey, Pres. of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. The occasion will probably be one of the biggest this season and the tickets are being rapidly sold.

Mr. Huntley N. Spaulding has appointed Mrs. Lucy A. Marston chairman for the drive in this town for money for the Children’s Aid and Protective Society of New Hampshire, of which Mr. Spaulding is president. If the state raises $50,000 the same amount is promised by a friend of the Association. Collectors are assigned to each part of the town. It is hoped that the people will respond as generously as they always do.

The baccalaureate sermon to the graduating class of Hampton Academy will be delivered by Rev. Bernard Christopher in the Congregational church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.

The Graphoscope Service Co. of Boston, Wells and Douglass will be at Hampton next Tuesday evening, June 12, at the School building to demonstrate their theatre type machine. They will give an evening’s entertainment of high class pictures. Every one is invited to come and enjoy them. No admission.

Rev. Bernard Christopher will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday as usual. The subject for the morning sermon will be “The Great Necessity of the Ages.” John 15:13. The subject for evening meeting will be Christian Democracy: Is It Possible? On Thursday evening of next week will be told the story of Esther’s life, based on the fourth chapter of the book of Esther.

Children’s Sunday:

Children’s day was observed at the Congregational church last Sunday. At the close of the morning service there was a baptism of eight children and in the evening there was a concert by the Sunday School, the principal feature of which was a pageant entitled “Spring’s Messengers.” The program was as follows:

Recitation: “Welcome”, Carl Bragg
Violin Solo: Clarence Philbrook
Prayer: Rev. George Clark
Recitation: Abbott Young, Betty Scott
Pageant: Spring Messengers
Preceded by recitation by Russell Durant
Recitation: Virginia Dennett
Remarks: Rev. Mr. Clark
Violin Solo: Clarence Philbrook
Presentation of Potted Plants
Recessional by Sunday School
Following are the names of the children who took part in the pageant:
Wind: Arthur Noyes, Clarence Shaw, Wilfred Cunningham, Russell Durant, Richard Waters, Kenneth Paige
Rain: Virginia Dennett, Rita Palmer, Ansell Palmer, Ada Nudd, Vernon Dennett
Sunbeams: Caroline Philbrook, Ruth Harrigan, Isabelle Hobbs, Wilma Toppan, Eva Carlson, Elsie Paulsen
Birds: Eleanor Palmer, Edith Emery, Vrylena Olney, Elizabeth Toppan, Margaret Noyes.
Flowers: Elizabeth Brown, Helen Lamprey, Evelyn Brown, Ethel Remick, Constance Tobey, Margaret Mace
Bees:Ellsworth Brown, Arthur Hamilton, George Clark, Carl Bragg, Frank Newton, Frank Curtis
Butterflies: Stella Shaw, Constance Adams, Margaret Tobey, Frances Marelli, Doris Remick, Thelma Paige
Rainbow: Dorothy Gilpatrick, Mabel Paige, Esther Scott, Helen Peterson, Gladys Gilpatrick, Isabelle Thompson, Marjorie Wood, Gertrude Paulsen, Hazel Shaw, Evelyn Shaw, Barbara Johnson, Louise Mullen