Hampton News

A very fine scholarly sermon was preached at the Congregational church last Sunday by Rev. Mr. Snyder of Concord.

Mrs. Addie B. Brown spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. York, in Kensington.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Blake of Amesbury, with their mother, Mrs. Martha Blake of Norwood, Mass., visited relatives and friends in town on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane attended the graduation exercises in New Hampton this week.

Mrs. Martha P. Locke entertained over the week end Miss Eugenia Locke, Mrs. Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Drew, Mr. and Mrs. Drew, Sr. and two grand children.

The Hampton Academy Alumni Association will meet at the Ashworth hotel on Saturday June 23 at 1:00 o’clock. The indications are that there will be a large attendance. It was voted a few years ago that all who attended Hampton Academy for two years and for some reason could not graduate could come as associate members. The principal speaker will be our new superintendent of schools, H. L. Moore, whom all will be glad to hear as he ranks very high in educational work in our state.

We hope to finish the canvass for the Children’s Aid and Protective Society this week. Will all who wish to contribute and have not been called upon leave their money with Miss Akerman at Lane’s store or with Miss Craig at Cole’s store.

Mr. and Mrs. William Hill of Waltham, Mass. were week end guests in town

The W. C. T. U. will hold its monthly meeting this Friday with Mrs. Howard G. Lane at 2:30 p. m.

Rev. George W. Clark has received a most flattering call to Farmington, a very much larger town and church. It is not only that Mr. and Mrs. Clark are to leave town but they take with them two sons who are an ornament to our village as well as workers in the church.

Miss Leonora Lane is expected home from Dana Hall, Wellesley where she is a student for the summer.

Carl Smith of Norwood, Mass. and Miss Eloise Lane were week end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane.

Miss Isabelle Thompson and Miss Helen Gilpatrick were elected delegates to the School of Religious Instruction in Durham in July from the Congregational Sunday School. Other delegates may be sent in addition to these two.

The Women’s Club of Hampton Falls observed Mother’s Day on Thursday and a number of ladies in town were invited to be present and gladly accepted the invitation.

Miss Gertrude Lorenz is recovering from a severe attack of Pneumonia under the care of Dr. Thompson.

The Women’s Relief Corps held its meeting on Wednesday with a pleasant gathering, testifying that patriotism still lives and will forever in their hearts and actions. They gratefully acknowledged the strong support given them on Memorial Day and also the kindness of the Odd Fellows in giving them the use of their hall.

Owing to various circumstances which have tended to produce a different result from the desired one it has been thought best to postpone until fall the Chamber of Commerce banquet which had been planned for June 19 at Hotel Ashworth. Wednesday evening of next week will be the regular meeting for members and it’s expected that there will be many present as all who join that evening will be considered charter members.

The Friendly Class will have a food sale at Cole’s periodical store on Wednesday afternoon, June 20, at three o’clock. Homemade bread, doughnuts, cakes and Washington pies will be on sale.

The Hampton Falls Women’s Club extends a cordial invitation to the members of the Monday Club to meet with them June 22, at three p.m. at the home of Mrs. Sarah Marston, 140 High street, Exeter. We hope as many members of the Monday Club as possible will accept of this kind invitation. Take the 2:20 car from Hampton.

Rev. and Mrs. George W. Clark and family were entertained on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Staples and Mrs. Scott who were assisted by their sister, Mrs. Mullins and by Mr. and Mrs. Miner. During the evening they were presented with a purse of sixty dollars from their many Hampton friends as a token of friendship and high regard.

J. M. Thompson has been appointed chief of police at the Navy Yard ferry landing to fill the vacancy of C. A. Meyers.

The graduation exercises of Hampton Academy and High School will be held at the town hall Friday evening, June 15, at eight o’clock. Owing to the large number of reserved seats there will be a comparatively limited number open to the public.

On Saturday, June 16, at 3:00 o’clock p.m., there will be a food sale on Toppan’s lawn under the auspices of Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge for the benefit of the Odd Fellows home. There will be a food table in charge of Mrs. Margaret S. Noyes, a candy table in charge of Mrs. Lucy E. Towle and an ice cream table in charge of Mrs. Laura B. Cannon. If rainy the sale will be held at I. O. O. F. hall.


King “Tut’s” tomb reveals one more proof that human beings of all ages have held a hope of life after death in some form or other. Their ideas as to when, how and where have varied as widely as the menus they have eaten. Comparatively few have inquired of the witness who has actually qualified as their Creator and the ruler of their destiny. Still fewer have taken Him at His word and faced the facts. Very few indeed have met the conditions of His promise that have to do with future life.

These important questions of How are the dead raised? With what body do they come? will be treated convincingly from the Bible’s standpoint in a free lecture in Hampton town hall at three o’clock, Sunday afternoon, June 17. All are welcome.

Baseball Schedule:

Following is the schedule of games to be played by the Hampton Beach team this year:

June 16, Epping at Epping

June 23, Portsmouth at Portsmouth

June 30, Newmarket at Hampton Beach

July 4, Fremont at Hampton Beach

July 7, Epping at Hampton Beach, depending

July 14, Somersworth at Hampton Beach

July 21, Fremont at Hampton Beach

July 28, East Manchester A A at Hampton Beach

August 4, Berwick A C at Hampton Beach

August 11, Portsmouth at Hampton Beach

August 18, Fremont at Hampton Beach, depending

August 25, East Manchester A A at Hampton Beach

Sept. 1, Open

Sept. 3, Open

Sept. 5, Open

Sept. 8, East Manchester at Hampton Beach, depending