Hampton News


Beginning Sunday, July 22, and continuing every Sunday and Holiday thereafter until further notice cars will be operated half hourly between Hampton Beach and Exeter beginning at 1:30 p. m. until 6:30 p. m. Cars will leave Exeter for Hampton Beach on the days mentioned, every 30 minutes beginning 1:30 p. m. until 7:30 p. m.

Miss Mary Toppan visited friends in Newburyport, Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ross spent Thursday and Tuesday in Boston.

The Co-op Grocery Store is now selling Pure Guernsey milk at 11 cents a quart and cream at 20 cents a jar. (Manager)

Carl Smith returned to his home in Framingham, Mass., on Friday, after spending a pleasant vacation in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lane.

Mrs. Hisler and two children of Philadelphia are visiting the aunt, Mrs. Horace M. Lane.

Mrs. Robert Clark, nee Miss Katherine Perkins, is visiting her mother for several weeks. Mr. Clark has gone on a business trip to Denver, Colo., in the interests of the banking system of Vermont.

Dr. and Mrs. Ward had as guests on Wednesday Dr. Dow of the Cambridge hospital, and Miss McLane, a supervisor in the same hospital.

Everyone is pleased to know that Elizabeth Brown is doing very well after the serious operation which she had performed.

The Co-op Grocery Store is giving one Hair Net FREE (single or double mesh — all colors including Gray or White) with the purchase of two — until July 25th. (Manager)

The monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Lucinda Martin on Friday of this week at 2:30 p. m. The next meeting will be the annual picnic.

Many children in the town are suffering from whooping cough and also some of the older ones, among the latter being Freeman Williams, Henry Perkins and Mrs. Pray.

Frank Mason is doing a great deal of haying, in fact is about the only one who can be obtained as help is very scarce and much hay is not cut.

Estow Hobbs and Miss Marinda Brooks of York, Me. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver H. Hobbs. Estow motored from Cornwall, N. Y., in his new car. He will teach in Westbrook, N.J., and next year.

We are glad to hear that S. Albert Shaw is slowly improving.

Eugene Leavitt is unable to be out at the present time.

There was a very pleasant meeting of the W. R. C. on Wednesday. It was voted to hold but one meeting a month during the summer. The next meeting will be held Aug. 8.

Dr. and Mrs. Park Davis and family of Providence, R. I. spent the week end with Mrs. Davis’ mother, Mrs. Zipporah Jenness at her home on the Exeter Road.

Miss Dorothy Fels of Portland, a Dana Hall student, is visiting her classmate Leonore H. Lane.

The State Library Association will hold its annual meeting at “The Sea View Hotel” Hampton Beach in September.

There will be a lawn party at the Methodist church on Wednesday July 25th from 2:30 to 7:30 p. m. Home cooked food, candy, aprons and fancy work on sale. All are invited.

Harry L. Smith, D. D. G. P. and suite of Odlin Encampment No. 9. I. O. O. F., Exeter, will be present at the meeting of Hunto Encampment No. 29, Monday Evening, July 23 in Odd Fellows Hall to install the officers for the ensuing term. Refreshments after meeting.

The collection for N. H. C. A. P. L. has been kept open in the State till the return of Huntley Spaulding, who has been absent all summer on the west coast. The sum obtained up to last week was some over $47,000 of the $50,000 which is the goal. Some in Hampton sent their gifts directly to the treasurer so we cannot tell just what Hampton has given. All given, however, is credited on Hampton’s quota, which will be returned to us later. Difficulty in obtaining collectors has put back the work here and in other places.

Mrs. Vianna C. Marston’s 82nd birthday was remembered on the 18th by calls and gifts from her friends. Mrs. Marston is as bright and active as ever, as far as her mental powers are concerned and interested in all affairs of church and town.

The committee in charge of the Rebekah picnic, which will be held at the Beach on the afternoon and evening July 23, have secured the room at the casino over the dining room free of charge. It is planned for all who care to go on the regular car that leaves Hampton depot at 3:40; others can go when convenient. Supper from six to seven. If stormy the first fair day.

Mrs. Ira Lane had a severe accident on Tuesday. She tripped and fell, striking her head on the bottom part of the screen door. She cut quite a gash over one eye and was also much bruised. She was cared for at first by the nurse; also by Drs. Fernald and Ward. It is hoped she will have no bad results from the fall. Mrs. Lane is another of our oldest native women of whom we are proud to have left and who know the traditions of the town.

Mrs. Lillian Russell Craig of Springfield, Mass., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Charles M. Batchelder. Mrs. Craig is in the Red Cross Service in Springfield and is also a noted swimmer in that part of the state. Tuesday Mrs. Craig swam from the Life Saving Station to the point on Boar’s Head with ease, although the sea was choppy and difficult to swim. Captain Myers followed Mrs. Craig in a boat but she required no assistance.

Miss Elizabeth Pray is seriously ill.

Mrs. Dryden of Chelsea, Mass. is spending a few days with Miss Mary Toppan.

Miss Dorothy Russell of Boston is spending a short vacation with Mrs. Bryant.

District Deputy Grand Master John W. R. Brooks and suite went to Portsmouth Wednesday evening and go again tonight to install the officers of the two lodges in that city.

Mrs. Marvin Young is entertaining her brother whose home is in Peabody, Mass.

Among those who are attending the School of Religious Instruction at New Hampshire University at Durham this week are, Miss Esther True, Miss Helen Gilpatrick and Miss Isobel Thompson of the Congregational Church and Rev. Bernard Christopher of the Baptist Church.


Whether or not the Democrats will be returned to power at the next state election depends upon the way they run things during the present administration, according to Albert W. Noone of Peterborough, who is stopping here at the Ocean house en route from his farm in Connecticut to a veteran Freemason’s assemblage at Portsmouth. When asked who he thought would be one of the prominent candidates for the Democratic nomination for President, Mr. Noone picked William Gibbs McAdoo, son-in-law of former President Wilson. Mr. Noone said that Mr. McAdoo, with his knowledge of international affairs, as well as his experience while a member of the Wilson cabinet, would be as good a candidate as the Democrats could put in the field. In the course of the interview Mr. Noone stated that he was out of politics for the present, but that he might become active again should a cause appear which he chose to champion.

But two slight bumps were registered along the beach Sunday, despite the fact that more cars passed through here over the week end than any year previous to this year.

Holman Fleisher, of 112 Beach street, Boston, bumped the car owned by Fred Brothers, of 2 Bates street, Lawrence, on the Mile bridge, near the toll station. George A. Langevin of 107 Main St., Biddeford, Me. cutting out in back of the pair of stalled cars clipped Brothers who was examining his damages, knocked him down and cut him about the face and neck. The wounds were not serious.

William H. Thron, of 15 Academy street, Amsterdam, N. Y. was hit by H. W. Hitchcock of 134 Gold street, Manchester on the Beach Road between the village and the boulevard. The Thron machine received a sprung rear end, but the occupants of both cars were unhurt.

Andrew H. Nutting, executive secretary of the Hampton Beach Board of Trade, has secured the services of Miss Esther Gensler, of 1 Warren street, Manchester, to take charge of the clerical duties pertaining to the office in the new cottage recently erected. Miss Gensler has been, and will, continue to do some public stenographic work in connection with her other duties.

Manager James Eastman, of the Hampton Beach baseball team, appeared before the last meeting of the Board of Trade and asked for its support in producing a good team. The board voted to give the team assistance. The band, which plays in front of the Casino three times each week, was increased by three members, bringing its numbers to 20. No new players will be added during carnival week, as has been the custom. Director Downes was asked by the board to secure the best available men, and it is expected the full complement will be on hand by the middle of the week.

The employees of the Haverhill Gas Light company, 300 strong, banqueted at the Ashworth Wednesday noon while Haverhill Rotarians are due to have dinner at the same hotel today, Thursday.

The postponed Ladies Home outing, given by Franklin Woodman, former manager of the Eastern Massachusetts St. Railway, will be held here today while the manager of the John Hancock Life Insurance company will also be here today for a banquet at the Casino.

Parking spaces have been marked out along Ocean Ave. to facilitate the handling of the great number of cars which flock to the beach evenings. Some talk has been made on the beach of building a road across the marsh to the Exeter road starting it in the vicinity of the Ashworth.