Hampton News

Notice our advertisement on this page — Co-op Gro. Co.

Work began Monday on the enlargement of Brook’s garage. A forty foot extension will be built on the rear increasing the capacity of the garage about three-fourths of the present building. Carter and Moulton of North Hampton have the contract..

The annual meeting of the New Hampshire Federation of Women’s Clubs will be held at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, Sept 5 and 6, by invitation of The Women’s Club of Durham. All federated clubs of this vicinity are invited.

Webster D. Hobbs of Valdosta, Ga. is visiting relatives in town this week. Mr. Hobbs represents a development company in Miami, Fla.

Mr. George Rodgers of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Arthur Rodgers of Norwood, Mass., spent Monday evening with their aunt, Mrs. Gilpatrick.

Mr. V. G. Wright left town Monday on a combined business and pleasure trip to his former home at St. Johnsbury, Vt. Mrs. Wright and son Albert intend to join him in the near future before his return home.

The Co-op Gro. Store Co. offers Best Bread Flour at 89c a Bag — $6.97 Bbl. Best Pastry Flour — 69c Bag — $5.40 Bbl.

The P. H. G. Club of Winnacunnet Rebekah Lodge held the first meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. Laura B. Cannon on Monday evening, Aug. 27. Plans were discussed for a food sale in September. Further announcement will be made later.

Mrs. John Bryant and Mrs. Frank Stevens were among those who attended the celebration at Dover last week.

There will be a lawn party and sale on the grounds of the Congregational Church on Friday, Aug. 31, opening at 3:30 p.m. There will be the usual tables for the sale of aprons, candy, ice cream, mystery packages and food, including bread, cake and doughnuts.

Plans are being made for a Tag Day at Hampton Beach for the benefit of the Hampton Public Nursing work.

Rev. John Cummings of Webster, Mass. preached in the Congregational Church last Sunday morning and also conducted the Union Service at the Beach at 9:00 o’clock.

Delicious Creamery Butter — Best Tub — 49c lb. Best Print — 50c lb. Co-op Gro. Store

A committee was chosen in the Congregational Sunday School last Sunday to work in connection with similar committees from other churches in making the arrangements for a union Sunday School picnic. The committee is composed of Miss Akerman, Miss Ernestine Cole and Walter Clark.

The State Library Association will meet here on Sept. 12 and 13, with headquarters at Cutler’s Sea View House.

The trustees of our town library have the matter in hand of making arrangements for the meeting and citizens will be called on to assist in a reception to out of town guests on the evening of the 12th, and furnishing automobiles on the afternoon of the 13th, in showing the visitors our town and the beaches.

People will be here from all over the state and as this is the first time the Association has met here we are sure our citizens will wish to give them a warm welcome.

The Co-op Gro. Co. offers New Potatoes at 49c — 15lbs. — $3.25 a 100 lb. Bag.

Miss Eloise Lane is entertaining a friend from Providence, R. I. this week

Mrs. Austin Weare has had as guests this summer her sister, Mrs. Howe and niece Mrs. Beck, with two children, of Dorchester. They return home on Monday.

Mr. Fred Fisher of Portsmouth, and Mrs. Nellie Newton were married by the Rev. Bernard Christopher on Thursday, Aug. 16. They will make their home in Portsmouth.

Dr. and Mrs. William H. Spear of Portland, Me. motored to Hampton Sunday and spent the day with their sister Mrs. Chas. P. Buck, bringing with them a huge bouquet of gladioli.

Watch the Co-op Grocery Company’s Store windows for their weekly sales.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs have as guests this week Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodwin and daughter Rae, of West Haven, Conn., Miss Melinda Brooks of York, Maine and their son, Eston, who goes to Westwood, N. J. to teach on Monday next.

The W. R. Corps meets on Sept.12, which will probably be the only meeting in September. Several members were reported ill at the last meeting and two ladies were appointed to call and carry fruit with love from the Corps.

The missionary meeting of the Congregational Society was delightfully entertained on Wednesday by Mrs. J. Q. Bennett with the usual large number present. The program was in charge of Mrs. Anna S. Ross and she invited Mrs. Helen Bourne to address the ladies, which she did most instructively and in a pleasing manner, Mrs. Esther Coombs and her sister Miss Cowden sang and delighted her audience as did Miss Eloise Lane who played most pleasingly.

Very generous delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. Boyer of Exeter, and Mrs. Piermont of Epping, County officers, were present.

Holmes House Burned:

About five o’clock Monday morning, fire destroyed the house and farm buildings of Mrs. Joseph Holmes, which are located opposite the old Academy Green.

The origin of the blaze is unknown, but a neighbor was awakened by a stranger, whose appearance was that of a tramp and told that the nearby barn was afire. Immediately the man disappeared and has not been seen since.

Before the fire had gained headway on the house the apparatus from Hampton Beach arrived but did not succeed in saving it. The Village chemical was on the scene and did what it could.

Mrs. Holmes carried enough insurance to cover part of the amount of the damage. Most of the furniture was saved.

The report in a Newburyport paper that the loss of the house was through delay of the operator at central was untrue. The delay was in getting a response to the call.

Deputy Sheriff Otis Tilton investigated the fire.


The body of Ambrose Crowley who was drowned while swimming here the morning of Aug. 20, was washed up to the beach by a sea breeze about 3:45 o’clock Tuesday afternoon.

It was first noticed awash in the waves by Joseph Donahue of Haverhill, Mass. He is a member of the local police force but happened to be off duty Tuesday afternoon and was lying on the beach with Frank Nevins of Lawrence, Mass. and James Gillespie of North Andover. The three secured the body before ebb tide carried it to sea again and notified the local police department. Medical Examiner Eastman of Portsmouth and Captain Myers of the local branch of the coast guard were also informed of the discovery.

A sister, Miss Pauline Crowley, who has been staying at Newcastle with her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Sylvester since the drowning, was notified and made immediate plans for removal of the body to Brookline, Mass. where the family lives.

Crowley was drowned about 200 feet from shore despite the heroic efforts of Carl Smith, of Greenfield, Mass. He was carried out by an outgoing tide. Smith succeeded in reaching the struggling man but could not retain his grasp long enough to haul him to safety. Smith was overcome and reached shore himself with difficulty.

The drowning took place in front of Miss Anna Meagher, to whom Crowley was said to have been engaged and at whose home he was visiting. He is survived by two brothers and a sister. He was graduated from a Boston business college and had been engaged in the insurance business.

Old Home Week:

The 25th annual Old Home Week observance of the New Hampshire Old Home Week Association in the town of Hampton opened here Friday.

At 1 o’clock a dinner was served to the invited guests at Hotel Ashworth and a reception followed. At 2:30, a parade was formed at the hotel, consisting of the band, school children and invited guests in automobiles marching along the boulevard to the Casino where speaking exercises took place. Representatives were present from seven of the oldest families in Hampton. Rev. Bernard Christopher of the Baptist Church, Hampton, opened the exercises with prayer.

Lewis Perkins of Hampton presided and in behalf of the town delivered the address of welcome. In his remarks Mr. Perkins pointed out that New Hampshire had contributed five governors of Massachusetts, while journalism had received Horace Greeley from the Granite State, also at one time Massachusetts had a governor, president of the Senate, speaker of the House of Representatives and Mayor of Boston, all New Hampshire men.

Henry H. Metcalf, president of the association, was the next speaker, and told of the association 24 years ago during the administration of the late Governor Rollins.

The next speaker was Commissioner of Agriculture Andrew L. Felker of New Hampshire, who declared that agriculture was the base of our life and to neglect agriculture would be a calamity.

Prof. J. A. Tufts, of Exeter Academy made the final address, talking on historical connections of this vicinity.

There was singing by the Temple quartette of Concord.

The remainder of the program included an exhibition drill with beach apparatus by the Hampton Beach coast guard crew under Capt. J. B. Myers. Sports were run off in front of the Casino under the direction of Don Melville, holder of the quarter mile record at the University of New Hampshire.

The summary of sports:

75 yard dash for girls — Won by Beryle Brekwith, Cambridge, Wilma Toppan, Hampton, second.

Three-legged race for girls — Won by Beryle Brekwith and Hazel Armington, Nashua, Helen Simpson, Lowell and Wilma Toppan, Hampton, second.

100 yard dash for boys — Won by Earl Ceder, Newburyport; Edward Harrigan, Medford, second.

75 yard dash for boys under 12 — Won by Kenneth Langley, Hampton; Carlton Gahan, Belmont, second.

Broad jump — Won by Euclid Turmell, Manchester; Russell Simpson, Hampton, second.

Potato race for boys under 12 — Won by Kenneth Langley, Hampton; Carlton Gahan, Belmont, second.

Three-legged race for boys under 12 — Won by Edward Harrigan, Medford, and Ray Brown, Hampton, Russell Simpson, Hampton, and Stanley Gordon of Hampton Falls, second.

The observance of tercentenary week in this state came to a close Saturday with exercises held here by the New Hampshire Old Home Week association. It was known as “tercentenary day.”

The concluding exercises were held Saturday afternoon in front of the Casino but rain kept the attendance down. Chairman Lewis Perkins of Hampton presided and introduced Attorney General E. F. Hinckley of Lancaster as the principal speaker. General Hinckley spoke on patriotic lines and paid a tribute to the third New Hampshire regiment composed mainly of Hampton men and which left for the south 62 years ago Sunday.

Hobart Pillsbury of Manchester gave a talk on historical New Hampshire while President Henry H. Metcalf of Concord, of the association, spoke briefly. Afterwards the gathering witnessed the baseball game on the Casino oval between East Manchester A. A. and Hampton Beach.

The celebration here, marking the official close of Old Home Week, was originally scheduled for Concord and was transferred here by the association working in cooperation with the Hampton and Hampton Beach Board of Trade and the Hampton Chamber of Commerce.