Hampton News

The Hampton Shoe Repairing and Shine Parlor makes an announcement in another column. Read it.

Rev. R. S. Barker is spending a week’s vacation in the northern part of the state. Mr. Barker has been a busy man all through the summer and was in much need of a rest.

The series of revival meetings at the Advent church began Tuesday night and will be held every evening until Oct. 14, except on Monday evenings. A change has been made in the dates and there will be meetings on Saturday evenings and none on Mondays.

Mrs. Sarah E. Rose of Beach Road has returned from an automobile trip with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Penniman and family of Cambridge, Mass. Going over the Mohawk Trail to Adirondack Mountains, visiting Glen Falls, Elizabethtown, Fort Ticonderoga, Ausable Chasm, Plattsburg, crossing to Vermont from Port Chazy, then through Green Mountains to White Mountains having had a delightful trip.

The annual meeting of Rockingham County W. C. T. U. will be held in Seabrook on October 11. As it is the 40th anniversary of this union it is expected to be of great interest. All plan to go if possible.

Mrs. Harry A. Penniman of Cambridge, Mass., and son, Harry A. Jr. are guests of Mrs. Sarah E. Rose of Beach Road.

On Monday, October 1st, the first meeting of the Monday Club for the season 1923-24 will be held at the cottage of Mrs. Tobey, Plaice Cove, with Mrs. Tobey and Mrs. Ross as hostesses. Departing from the usual routine, lunch will be served at one o’clock. Members are requested to bring sandwiches, cake, pickles, cookies, fruit etc;. our hostesses to serve the hot dishes. This will be an outing and business meeting combined, and it is hoped a good number will be present to enjoy it. A report of the State Federation Meeting will be given, and matters of special interest to the club will be taken up.

Mrs. George M. Purington:

Mrs. George M. Purington of Hampton, died at the Hale Hospital, Haverhill, Wednesday morning September 19, following an operation for gallstones. She had not been well for some time, but neither herself, her family or her friends realized how serious was her condition and expected to see her about in a few weeks with recovered health. But it was not to be. She had not the vitality to rally and passed into the great beyond just as the sun was rising for another day.

The funeral took place at her late residence on the Little River road, Hampton, Saturday afternoon, and was conducted by the Rev. Edgar Warren. Miss Mary Chase sang sweetly two appropriate selections. The attendance was large and the flowers abundant and beautiful.

Mrs. Purington’s maiden name was Alexina Dow, and she was born in Montreal on March 17, 1879, but of American parentage. She was a woman of bright and lively disposition, kindly and sympathetic, a devoted wife and mother, and a remarkable housekeeper. Her realm was her home. She will be much missed. Besides her husband, she leaves a son by a former marriage, Alexander James, of Haverhill, and a brother and sister. All these, and especially husband and son, will have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in their great bereavement.


The Congregational Church was the scene of a brilliant wedding Wednesday evening when two of Hampton’s most popular young people, Miss Greta Agatha Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper B. Myers and Roland Isaac Noyes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry I. Noyes, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. Edgar Warren.

The church decorations were unusually attractive, consisting of gladioli, asters and ferns, the pulpit being concealed by a bank of ferns.

A large number of guests, some from out of town, were present, and while they were assembling and the bridal party entering, a fine organ recital was given. While the bridal party retired it was to the majestic and thrilling music of Mendelssohn’s wedding march. The bride was given away by her father and the double ring service was used.

The matron of honor was Mrs. Louis Seabury, a cousin of the bride, of Portland, Maine,

who was gowned in pearl gray with orchid trimmings, and carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds. The bridesmaids were Miss Ernestine Cole and Miss Ellen Hoitt of Durham, a classmate of the bride. Both were gowned in changeable blue taffeta with silver trimmings, and carried bouquets of sweet peas. All wore silver slippers. The ring bearers were Margaret Noyes in pink organdie, and Virginia Dennett in blue organdie and the flower girl little Elizabeth Toppan in white.

The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. Harold Noyes, as best man and the ushers were John Brooks, Otto Syphers of Portsmouth, Randle Young and Dean Merrill, all in conventional evening dress.

The bridal party passed down the center aisle as follows: ushers, bridesmaids, matron of honor, flower girl, ring bearers and bride leaning on the arm of her father. They were met at the altar by the groom and best man and the officiating clergyman. The scene as the mystic words were spoken making the twain one was a strikingly beautiful one. The bride looked lovely in a gown of white satin trimmed with Spanish lace. She wore a tulle veil caught with orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of bride’s roses.

After the ceremony a reception was tendered the guests in the chapel of the church, the bridal party and parents of the bride and groom being in the receiving line and there graciously acknowledging the many congratulations. Generous refreshments were served.

Mr. and Mrs. Noyes started later on a bridal trip which will include Haverhill, Boston, Providence and the White Mountains. Upon their return they will be at home to their friends at 34 Highland St., Portsmouth.

The popularity of both was shown by the wealth of beautiful presents they received, consisting of cut glass, colonial glass, silver, china, linen, electroliers, pictures and checks.

Mr. Noyes is a salesman for the Silas Pierce Co., of Portsmouth. Mrs. Noyes is a graduate of the Thomaston, Me. High School and has resided with her parents in Hampton during the past six years, teaching part of the time in New Castle where, as in Hampton, she made many friends. All wish the young couple every success.

Rev. Bernard Christopher, Henry Hobbs and Charles Ball are the delegates from the Baptist Church who are attending the Sunday School Conference in Manchester this week.

Rally Sunday!! Congregational Sunday School, October 7, 1923. We want to go over the top with our quota. Don’t fail to come and bring your friends.

On Tuesday evening, October 2nd, the anniversary of Rebekah Lodge will be observed and it is hoped that all members will try to attend. Meeting commences at 7:30. Refreshments will be served.

A new time table will go into effect on the E. H. & A. St. Ry., Monday October 1 and will be the schedule till Spring. The management has had printed a neat folder which gives the time of all cars at various station points on the System. By this table any person along the line can tell what cars and the hour he can take at that point.