Vol. XXVI, No. 8

Hampton News

The P. N. G. club of Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge will meet at the home of the secretary Mrs. Frank Coffin on Monday evening Feb. 25.

Another name to add to the sick list is Mrs. Clara A. P. Miner who has been quite ill, the past two weeks, with one of the prevalent colds. At present writing, she seems to be doing well.

The annual meeting of the First Cong. church will be held on Thursday, Feb. 28. A dinner will be served at twelve o’clock followed by the business meeting.

Saturday, Feb. 23, a benefit entertainment arranged by Mrs. Ward, consisting of vaudeville by out of town talent. The Bachelor’s Dream will be given by home talent. Candy will be for sale. The purpose of this entertainment is to secure necessary equipment in connection with the pictures.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Nudd are receiving congratulations in their home in Cleveland, Ohio, upon the birth of a little son, David Eugene.

The principal speaker will be Mr. Jewell of Exeter. A young man will be provided to lead the singing. All boys are invited and are expected to bring their fathers.

A. H. Brown requests the acceptance of his resignation as chief of Hampton Beach fire Dept. to take effect 12 noon first day of March, 1924.


There will be a Father and Son banquet at the Centre school Saturday evening March.

The Whatsoever Mission Circle will meet with Jeanie Cash on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 23, at 2:30 o’clock.

The storm of yesterday caused one of the highest tides of the year at eleven o’clock last night. A good deal of damage was done to property at the Pines.

The E. G. Cole Co. has put in a line of drugs in their grocery store.

The Dorcas society of the Baptist church will have a pie supper Friday night Feb. 27, at 6 and 7 o’clock in the vestry. Candy will be on sale. Tickets 35 cents.

Mrs. Emily Preckle enjoyed the post card shower sent her by the ladies of the Missionary Auxiliary on her 94 birthday.

The members of Wehanownit tribe of Red Men of Exeter will give a minstrel show in the town hall here Wednesday evening, Feb. 27. The program will include an old time minstrel of songs, jokes and parodies, interspersed with vaudeville, a one-act play etc. Tickets, 55 cents, on sale at Green’s drug store.

The meeting of the Men’s club on Monday evening was one of the best for a long time. There was a good attendance and a very interesting discussion of the appropriations for the March town meeting. Many of the members of the appropriation committee were present as guests of the club. The matter of fire escapes for the town hall came up and some good is sure to result from the discussion. Election of officers was the chief business of the club. President Warren H. Hobbs is succeeded by Dr. Arthur Ward and the Vice-President Elliot by Warren Clark. The Secretary, Wallace Philbrook, and Treasurer, Sam Brown were reelected. The new Executive committee is Harry I. Noyes, Rev. R. S. Barker and Edward J. Brown. The next meeting will be March 17, and will be Father and Son night, in charge of David Hamilton, C. M. Teague, Charles E. Greenman, H. L. Tobey, Eugene Moaratty.


The Monday club met this week in the Centre school building with the seniors and juniors of the High School as special guests. Other guests were Mrs. Ayers, Miss Adeline and Miss Eleanor Marston and several ladies from Exeter. Mrs. Emma Young had a carefully prepared patriotic program, which was carried out by the Misses Blake, Page, Thompson, Mrs. Harry Noyes and Mrs. Scott Noyes. A history of Hampton was prepared and read by Mrs. Anna S. Ross. Flags decorated the rostrum and patriotic songs were sung. Music was furnished by Mrs. Winchester, Miss Mullen and the ladies’ trio.

½ the world lacks the gospel, ½ the world has the gospel, what shall our ½ of the world do about it? Come to Christian Endeavor and help us solve the problem. Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. Leader, Jeanie Cash.


The W. C. T. U. held its annual Francis Willard Memorial meeting on Friday in the home of Mrs. Christopher, with eight present, other meetings preventing many from being present.

Mrs. Ellen Y. Blake, Mrs. Elizabeth Hobbs and Betty Scott spent Friday in Newburyport.

The H. T. G. club will be entertained by Miss Mary Toppan on Friday, Feb. 29.

A large party of ladies were entertained in the home of Mrs. Stanley Ward Thursday evening. Favors were awarded to Mrs. Kenneth Ross and Mrs. Young. Dainty refreshments were served.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Young celebrated their fourth anniversary with a pleasant whist party for their friends. Favors were given and generous refreshments served. At a late hour the party dispersed wishing Mr. and Mrs. Young many returns of their anniversary.


Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deal spent Tuesday with their brother, Mr. Austin Weare.

The Monday club has a very efficient secretary in Mrs. Emily Hutchings who reports every detail of the club carefully and pleasantly. She has missed but one meeting this year. Unusual circumstances have prevented other officers from being present this year and it is earnestly hoped they will be willing to serve next year.

Mrs. Keziah Lamprey, the oldest person in town, died at her home last Saturday, in the 94 year of her age.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Towle have closed their home and are located in Portsmouth for the winter.