Vol. XXVI, No. 12

Hampton News

Best Tub Butter 55c lb. Pure Lard 12-1/2c lb. Co-op.

Don’t fail to see the Ghost in the town hall, April, 11.

The P. N. G. Club will meet at the home of the treasurer, Mrs. Oliver Hobbs, Monday evening, March 24.

The Congregational church has voted to install its pastor, the Rev. John Cummings, and a council for this purpose to be called for Wednesday, April, 30. The church feels much encouraged by the magnificent gift of $25,000 from Ambrose Swasey, Esq. and is planning to enlarge its work along several lines. About twenty are to be received to membership at Easter.

The Mothers’ Circle will present “Miss Fearless and Co.” in the town hall, Friday evening, April, 11, at 8 o’clock. A Social Dance will follow music furnished by Berkmier’s Orchestra.

Uneeda Biscuit 4c Pkg, Crown Sardines 12c can. Co-op.

Christian Endeavor, Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. Leader, Helen C. Gilpatrick. Topic “The Personal Touch in Winning Others to Christ.”

We are glad to hear Miss Frances Towle is recovering from her recent illness. One of the oldest ladies in town, 86 years young; she makes her home with Mrs. J. R. Towle.

Sweet Juicy Oranges 15c Doz. Grapefruit 4 for 25c; Co-op.

The West End club met with Mrs. Frank E. James, March 7, a good program was prepared and a social hour was spent with those present. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. N. S. Batchelder entertains the club March, 26.

Miss Tilton, who has been spending the winter with Mrs. John Pearl, is now visiting near Boston. Mrs. Pearl has enjoyed unusually good health this winter and is now staying alone, which is remarkable for one who has passed her ninetieth birthday February 14, 1924.

Mrs. Ruth Palmer and little son, Richard, who have been visiting in Wollaston, Mass., returned home last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Barraclough are occupying the James homestead at Bride Hill. Mr. Barraclough is the Pine Blister Rust Agent of the County Farm Bureau.

School Meeting:

Less than 100 people attended the annual meeting of the school district Tuesday evening.

The meeting was called to order by the moderator, Warren H. Hobbs.

Owing to the absence of the clerk elected last year, Oliver W. Hobbs, article 2 was first taken up and Charles F. Adams, elected clerk for the ensuing year. Warren H. Hobbs was then re-elected moderator.

Edward J. Brown, treasurer, and Mrs. Edith C. Warren, the retiring member of the school board, were each re-elected. All the officers were elected by the casting of a single ballot for each. It was voted that the town auditors be the auditors for the school district.

Under article 6 money was voted for school purposes. The budget as printed in the town report called for $36,000. As this sum had already been tentatively approved by its inclusion in the budget of the town meeting there was little discussion of the matter. Ernest G. Cole called attention to the fact that the duties of the superintendent of schools for the school district as now organized were more than one man could perform and he thought that the town should vote a sum of money for clerical assistance. Mr. Cole then moved that $300 be added to the budget and the sum of $36,300 be raised. The motion was voted.

Under the last article there was discussion of the fact that none of the land surrounding the school buildings belonged to the school district. The title being held by the town and the question was raised if the children could legally use the ground for a play ground. Mr. Cole stated that there could be no possibility of a conflict of authority over the purpose for which the land was to be used. Mr. Christopher moved that the school board be instructed to see that an article was inserted in the warrant for the next annual town meeting to see if the town would set aside a suitable piece of land for a playground. The motion was carried.

Under this article Rev. Mr. Christopher took the opportunity to speak briefly in commendation of the splendid work of the superintendent of schools, Mr. H. L. Moore, during the past year. Mr. Moore made a fitting response and expressed deep appreciation for the good will and cooperation of the citizens of the town and also for the material assistance provided by Mr. Cole’s motion to add $300 to the budget.

Beacon Cocoa 2 lb Pkg. 23c Necco Wafers 4c Pkg.; Co-op.

Mothers’ Circle will meet with Mrs. Marvin Young on Wednesday, March 26.

The Epworth League supper and social which was to have been held this week but was postponed will be held at the vestry of the Methodist church on Tuesday evening, April 1, special notice will be given next week.

The moving pictures this week will include two interesting features. The first is a two-reel laugh, entitled “Two Wagons, Both Covered.” The other is a six-reel Wesley Barry Comedy entitled “The Printer’s Devil.”

Fine Granulated Sugar 9-1/2c lb.; Co-op.

Quite a number attended the auto show in Boston last week.

The nursing committee of the Red Cross wishes to thank all who made doughnuts for the lunch in the town hall March 11 and also those who in any way assisted the committee.

An interesting meeting was held by the Men’s club last Monday evening. It was Father and Son night and quite a number of the young men were present. They were addressed by Rev. Mr. Jones who urged them to live clean moral lives and grow up to make their influence felt in the community. Later ice cream, cake and hot cocoa was served. The next meeting will be on April 21 and will be “Lecture” night in charge of C. F. Adams, Edward J. Brown, Frank Dennett and Charles E. Greenman, Jr.

A public meeting in the interests of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was held in the town hall last Monday evening and attended by about 130, quite a number of women being in the audience. The speaker was from Indiana and his remarks were based wholly upon an exposition of the object, and principles of the order. He received frequent applause during the address and practically the whole audience was deeply impressed by the speaker’s words.

Sliced bacon 23c lb. Smoked Shoulders 12-1/2c lb. Co-op.

Best Tub Butter 53c lb. Print 55c lb.; Co-op.

William Brown has been appointed fire warden by the selectmen and will strictly enforce the law in regard to brush and rubbish fires. No one will be allowed to burn garden rubbish, grass or brush without first obtaining a permit and in case a permit is issued sufficient assistance must be at hand to keep it under control.

The Dorcas Society of the Baptist church will meet in the vestry for an all day meeting on Tuesday, March 25. A large attendance is requested.

The meeting and banquet of the Parent-Teachers’ Association, planned for March 25, will be postponed until the regular meeting in April, which comes on the 14.

A Home Demonstration meeting under the auspices of the Farm Bureau will be in the vestry of the Baptist church, Friday, March 21, beginning at 10 o’clock. All women who are interested in dress making and millinery are invited to come. Dinner will be served at noon.

The W. F. M. S. of the Methodist church will hold their annual Thank Offering meeting at the church on Thursday evening, March 27. There will be a Stereopticon lecture entitled “Of Such is the Kingdom.” Refreshments will be served.

It is hoped every member of the Sunday school will bring some one with them and that those who do not attend Sunday school elsewhere will come. There will be special features of interest.

Yankee Fried Cakes 25c Jelly Roll 20c; Co-op.