Vol. XXVI, No. 15

Hampton News

Mrs. Caroline Shea has returned home after a wonderful visit of nearly six months in the South, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Franklin, in South Carolina and cousins in Georgia and Florida.

Henry Hobbs and J. C. Blake have been drawn to serve on the jury for the April term of Superior Court.

Mrs. Ellen J. Blake, after a pleasant winter spent in the family of Mr. Walter Scott, has returned to her home on Mill Road.

Lemuel Ring is protecting his cottages at the Beach by building a cement breakwater in front of them.

Mrs. John Wingate and daughter, have returned home after a month’s visit in Boston.

Miss Susie Brown, who has been wintering in California, is expected home soon. She has had much trouble with her eyes and wishes to consult an oculist here.

Word has been received that Miss Eloise Lane, who had gone on to her aunt’s, Mrs. Benjamin Colvin, to spend her Easter vacation, had been taken seriously ill. She has had to resign her position of teacher in the Nashua High school.

Miss Ruth Hoyt of Newburyport has been a guest of Mrs. Frank Coffin the past week.

Alaska Pink Salmon, Tall Can 12c, Red Salmon 23c. Co-op.

The Mother’s Circle will meet with Mrs. Bernice Palmer on Wednesday evening, April 16.

Mrs. Jennie Bennett, with her daughter and son Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sparks, motored down from Cambridge on Saturday.

Every owner of a lot in Hampton cemetery is urged to be present at the meeting of the cemetery association in the selectmen’s room next Monday evening.

Miss Adeline Stevens, is spending her week’s winter vacation, that all banks are now giving their employees, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens.

Mrs. Thomas Dennison has returned to her home in Montreal after spending two weeks with her brother-in-law, Mr. G. Sumner Fall and Niece Miss Ruth Fall.

County President, Mrs. Lucy Marston, and a number of others attended the county meeting of the W, C. T. U. in Exeter on Thursday.

Miss Esther True and Russell True, have gone to Cleveland Ohio, for a week to visit their Uncle, Mr. Ambrose Swasey. and their brother, Lawrence True.

Mrs. William Ross and Mrs. D. O. Leavitt went to Concord on Thursday as delegates to the Forty-fourth Annual Convention of the Department of New Hampshire Women’s Relief Corp, held in the first Baptist church of that city.

Leon Thompson spent Sunday and Monday with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. Henry Thompson, having motored on from New York with Howard G. Lane.

The new engine house at Hampton Beach is to be dedicated on April 23, 1924. In honor of the event there will be a banquet with a prominent speaker and dancing afterwards with good music. Tickets covering everything $1.50; on sale at E. G. Cole Co’s grocery store. This is an excellent opportunity for the village people to show their good will toward the Beach Precinct and tickets should sell rapidly.

Christian Endeavor Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. Leader, Marion Noyes. Topic, “My Decisions and What They have ‘Meant to Me.’

The Parent Teachers’ Association will meet in Community hall Centre school building Monday evening, April 14, at 7 o’clock. The Reds will serve a banquet. The Blues being the guests. There will be Music, Vocal, and Instrumental; there will also be a speaker by a few members of the association, A business session will follow the banquet and several important matters will be considered. A full attendance is earnestly desired.

Church Green Memorial

The committee in charge of the Memorial to the early settlers of Hampton to be erected in the ancient church green are looking for a boulder which is to be placed on a concrete base. Does anyone know where a suitable one may be obtained? It should measure not more than six feet square.

The proposed Church Green Memorial park is to be an expression of the respect we entertain for the early settlers of the town; also our expression of reverence in the memory of our ancestry.

Have you planned to plant a tree on Mayday? If you have, prease confer with Mrs. Emma Young, committee on trees.

Sheffield Select Evaporated Milk, Lg. Can, 9c. Small Can 6c. Co-op.

An outbreak of Measles occured in town the first part of this week and at the present writing some forty cases are reported. All of them light. No serious case having appeared as yet. The schools will not be closed until the regular Easter vacation. They will close on Friday, April 18, and reopen again on Monday, April 28.

There will be no moving pictures in the school building this week. We tried to say so last week but the type didn’t have it that way.

No changes of Methodist ministers was made in this vicinity by the recent conference at Laconia. Rev. Mr. Barker will continue at least another year. Much to the gratification of his many friends in the community.

All roads lead to the Hampton town hall Friday evening, April 25. Mr. Chester Grady is giving an evening of miscellanous songs and readings. The tickets are 35c for adults and 25c for children under 12. The prospects of such an enjoyable evening at such a small price should appeal to every one in town.

Dr. A. M. Fernald is again seriously ill. He had partly recovered from his recent illness, when a relapse was brought on by overwork. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery.

The financial statement of the Hampton Co-operative bank appears in this issue. It shows a substantial growth over the last statement, but the figures do not show the real benefit which this institution has become to the community. It has already done much for the prosperity of the town and is destined to play a still greater part in the development of the near future. Stock in this association is an excellent investment and especially so for young people who desire to save for the future.

Delicious Creamery Butter Best Tub 47c lb. Print 49c lb. Co-op.

Potatoes 15 lbs. 39c, Onions 5 lbs. 25c. Oranges 19 and 25c Doz., Grapefruit 4 for 25c. Smoked Shoulders 12 1/2c lb. Bacon 23c lb. Co-op.

Otis S. Brown

Funeral services for town treasurer and ex-Representative Otis S. Brown were held Monday afternoon from his home at Little Boars Head and were largely attended. Rev. Percy Warren Caswell of the Community church, Manchester, officiated and Mrs. May Priest of Portsmouth sang two selections.

Burial was in East cemetery, Little River. The bearers were, Emmons T. Brown, Austin Lamprey, James Bachelder and Dalton Boyton.

Judge Adams Of Portsmouth
Enters Race For Solicitor

Judge Edward H, Adams of Portsmouth has entered the contest for the nomination of Rockingham county solicitor on the Republican ticket at the primary election.

Judge Adams is well known in this section, and during the past winter has been before the public delivering his lecture on “Lincoln.” And appeared before the Men’s club in Hampton, in December.

Superior Court

The evidence was completed at 3 o’clock Tuesday in the case of Cora L. Buck vs. Thomas Cogger of Hampton, which was begun in Superior Court Monday morning.

It is an action brought by the plaintiff who alleges an assault in March, 1923. The foreman of the jury is Patrick E. Kane of Portsmouth and the panel consists of Arthur G. Trafton and Harry L. Priest of Portsmouth. Daniel J. Bakie of Kingston, Eldred W. Marshall of Rye, George S. Rowe of Newton, Lewis C. Swain and John J. Smith of Exeter, Harry Gilchrist of Londonderry, Albert Snow of Newmarket, George A. Lyford of Brentwood and Harry B. Copeland of Newfields.

Counsel are Judge T. H. Simes and Samuel W. Emery of Portsmouth for the plaintiff and Judge E. L. Guptill and John l. Mitchell, also of Portsmouth, for the defendant.

The jury brought in a verdict of $273 for the plaintiff at noon Wednesday, after being out for about one hour.

With the disposing of this case court adjourned until Thursday morning, when the case of Learned vs Palmer was taken up.