Vol. XXVI, No. 17

Thursday, April 24, 1924

Hampton News

Major Frank Knox, Editor of the Manchester Union and a candidate for governor at the primaries in September, will speak at the town hall this (Thursday) evening. Maj. Knox is one of the ablest men in New Hampshire and well known as a brilliant platform lecturer. He will speak upon the industrial situation, showing where New Hampshire stands in comparison with other states. Everyone will want to hear Maj. Knox, whether he favors his candidacy or not.

Mrs. J. R. Towle entertained the West End club very pleasantly April 17. After the business was over a social hour was enjoyed, refreshments were served by the hostess. We were glad to have Miss Frances Towle with us again after her recent illness.

All the children who had been ill with measles are out again; no severe cases were reported.

Rev. John Cummings will preach to the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs on Sunday April 27, at Congregational church. The Rebekahs are requested to meet at chapel at 10:20.

Officers elected at the recent annual meeting of the cemetery association are: President, William Brown; secretary and treasurer, Charles M. Batchelder; superintendent, William Ross; trustee for five years, Lemuel C. Ring.

Miss Etta C. Blake was called to Salem, Mass., recently by the illness of her sister, Mrs. Pressey with tonsillitis. Raymond Pressey is ill with scarlet fever but we are pleased to learn he is rapidly recovering.

A meeting of the Church Green Memorial Park association was held in the chapel Tuesday evening. Arrangements were made for the setting of thirty trees on Arbor day, May 2. These trees have been donated by individuals and will be furnished and set by James Tuft Jr. of Exeter.

The meeting of the Men’s club in the chapel last Monday evening was one of the best of the year. The speaker was Mr. J. E. Farmer of Manchester Co-operative marketing association. He told what the Manchester association is doing for the farmers in that vicinity in obtaining quick sales at a profitable price for such products as the association has developed a special market. Mr. Farmer gave much time to the egg market as that is one in which Hampton farmers are interested and it is also one in which the Hillsboro County farmers have gone the farthest in co-operative marketing. The association received for its eggs seven cents above the highest market quotation for the day and is as yet unable to supply the demand. Poultry and some other produce is handled in the same way. Apples would be if the supply were larger. In addition to telling what Manchester is doing, the speaker gave some good advice to the Hampton farmers as to how to go about improving their condition. The Rockingham County Farm Bureau is ready and willing at all times to help the farmers to organize in co-operation or in any way it can. The County agent Mr. James A. Purrington, was present at the meeting and was introduced to many of the club members present. After the address by Mr. Farmer there was light lunch and a social hour followed.

Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Getchell and family of Plainville, Conn., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Tilton over the weekend.

May 6, President of Rebekah Assembly will visit the lodge and degree will be conferred on a number of candidates. This is a special meeting and it is hoped a large attendance will be present.

The Whatsoever will meet with Mabel Paige on Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.

Christian Endeavor at 6 o’clock. Leader Arthur Noyes. Topic, “What Opportunities Do Missions Offer for Life Service?” Do not forget that this is the last night of the contest.

Miss Ethel J. Skoag of Dorchester, Mr. Leslie Cummings and Mr. Edgar Tarr, both of the University of New Hampshire, were visitors in town over the weekend.

Owing to the entertainment to be given by Mr. Chester Grady in the town hall Friday evening, there will be no moving picture this week.

A splendid opportunity to hear a splendid lecturer: Maj. Frank Knox in the town hall this evening.

The dedication banquet of the new precinct fire house at Hampton Beach held Wednesday evening under the auspices of the precinct commissioners with George Ashworth of the Ashworth hotel, general manager, was a splendid success in every way.

Two hundred and fifty guests were present, as many as could be accommodated, nearly one half of whom were ladies, and every moment was enjoyed from the reception hour at 7:30 until the last dance at midnight. The banquet was served in the upper hall where there were plates laid for 230. The guests marched from the engine rooms on the first floor up stairs to the dining room and were led by the precinct commissioners and their wives, the selectmen of Hampton, chiefs of fire departments from neighboring towns and cities, clergymen, and were followed by the invited guests from out of town, and townspeople.

Rev. R. S. Barker of the Methodist church invoked divine blessing after which was served the menu under the personal direction of Mr. Ashworth. Grape Fruit, Salted almonds, Olives, Roast Turkey, Mashed potatoes, Celery, Cranberry sauce, Creamed onions, Rolls, Scalloped Oysters, Harlequin ice cream, Cake, Coffee.

The banquet closed with brief remarks by some of those present, George Ashworth, acting toastmaster. Among those speaking were: Chief Hawkins and Deputy Chief Whiting of the Haverhill fire department; Chief Ekerstrom of Newburyport department; Chief Wood of the Portsmouth department; Deputy Chief Peters of Exeter department; Chief Whiting of the Beach department; Ex-Mayor Hartford of Portsmouth; Frederick Sise of Portsmouth; Lemuel C. Ring of Hampton, selectman; Rev. John Cummings of the Congregational church, and H.W. Ford, president of the Beach Board of Trade.

Music during the reception, the banquet and for the dancing afterwards was furnished by Ahern’s orchestra of Exeter. Mr. Chester Grady also sang one selection and encore.

The management is to be congratulated upon the great success of the occasion. It will do much toward cementing the spirit of better feeling between beach and village, which began to manifest itself two years ago.

At the April meeting of the directors of the street railway it was voted to make certain changes in fare between Hampton Depot and Hampton Beach Casino and the Casino and the Portsmouth Transfer Station and divide these sections of the line into two zones instead of one as at present. The fare limit in each case in either direction being the turnout near the North Shore hotel.

Under this arrangement a ten cent cash fare will be charged in each zone. However on May 1, when this change becomes effective ten ride tickets will be sold at seventy-five cents or at the rate of seven and one-half cents per ticket, one ticket or one cash fare being collected in each zone.

While it goes without saying that the management regret, nevertheless if the railway is to function properly, either a substantial saving must be made in operating expense or it must have an increase of revenue.

In regard to the expense of operation investigation already made indicate the Exeter Hampton and Amesbury railway is operated as economically as other roads similarly situated, therefore an increase of revenue seems the only alternative and an increase of revenue of any size can only be obtained through an increase in fares. In this connection the investigations of the management into practices on other roads show that many if not most country roads are now charging a rate of fare of approximately four cents a mile whereas except on the Smithtown line the Exeter Hampton and Amesbury rate is about two and one-half cents a mile.

As concrete examples the following may be taken as illustrations:

The first column represents miles; second, fare; third, rate per mile.

Dover to Somersworth 5-20-4

No. Adams to Maple Grove 6-24-4

Newburyport to Amesbury 5-20-4

Hampton to Exeter 7¾-20-2.6

Hampton to Casino 4-10-2.6

On the Dover-Somersworth and North Adams-Maple Grove runs no reduced rate tickets are sold except for school children. On the Newburyport-Amesbury run six tickets are sold for fifty cents, bringing the cost down to three and one third cents a mile from Newburyport to Amesbury. To offset this the Exeter Hampton and Amesbury have sold during the summer season for the past years Excursion tickets from Exeter to Hampton beach at forty cents for the round trip or at the rate of about two-third cents a mile.

From the foregoing figures it is obvious that the Exeter Hampton and Amesbury has been carrying passengers at a much lower rate per mile than other roads similarly situated.

In advancing the fares therefore the management are bringing the rates more in line with general practice of other country lines and with the actual cost of service.

There are many factors such as weather conditions, the extensive use of automobiles, and general business conditions that have a bearing on the amount of riding on the street cars that it is difficult to forecast just what the outcome of the proposed increase will be. Nevertheless it is the hope of the management that through this advance in fares a sufficient increase in revenue may be derived to lighten the burden now being borne by the town of Hampton, gradually provide a fund for some new equipment and the general improvement of the property. In the meantime the co-operation of the public and the patrons of the road to the extent of giving the plan a fair trial will be appreciated.