Vol. XXVI, No. 18

Thursday, May 1, 1924

Hampton News

—-Orders taken for Mother’s day Carnations—- ANNA MAY COLE Beachroad Greenhouse.

Christian Endeavor Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. Leader, Louise Mullen. Topic. “How Jesus Overcame Temptation.” Remember this is Consecration meeting.

Forty trees will be set out by J. A. Tufts Jr. on the Church Green Memorial park tomorrow.

Charlie Blake has purchased a new horse. It is reported that it is an unusually fine animal and his friends are anxiously awaiting its arrival.

Miss Hilda Chadwick has resigned as District and school nurse of Hampton, the resignation taking effect Saturday as May 14th she becomes the bride of Mr. L. Roberts of Wollaston.

Moving pictures again this week Friday evening. The program will give one reel of Pathe news, a reel of Aesops Fables and a six reel feature film entitled “Head Hunters of the Sea”. It is a wonderfully interesting photoplay and should draw a large house.

On Saturday evening, a party of friends from the Methodist church repaired to the home of Mrs. Jennie Godfrey, with a large May basket filled with packages, it being her birthday. It was a complete surprise to Mrs. Godfrey and her daughter. A happy evening was spent and refreshments served.

The Union service at the Methodist church on Sunday evening comprised of three churches, was much enjoyed. Hartley Kierstead told of his church experiences in the South in a very interesting way.

Mrs. Elizabeth Akerman is still quite ill. It is hoped she will soon recover.

Miss E. B. Norris was in town for a day and night this week. Miss Norris has spent winter in Brookline and will not return here till her sister-in-law comes from Texas.

Joseph B. Brown:

Just a year ago today all that was mortal of Joseph B. Brown was laid to rest; every honor that could be shown him as one who had served his town long and well was in evidence, but the large number of friends, words of eulogy and the quantities of beautiful flowers seen at his funeral services. After one is gone, we can sometimes judge better, the work and motives of a man; we know now and all give the credit due to Joe, that he loved his native town and he gave all the best years of his life to its service. Mistakes he may have made, as all do, but we give him now his due, as an honest, faithful man, his years of toil and service gratefully remembered.

Another very interesting meeting of the Ku Klux Klan was held in the town hall Monday evening.

Miss Ida Lane’s broken wrist is slowly recovering, which accident happened some weeks ago.

The Mothers’ Circle guest night will be held in the Congregational Chapel Friday evening, May 9, at eight o’clock. Each member to bring a guest. A cordial invitation is extended to the Monday club, East End and Whist club. Notice the change in the date.

In the article last week as the reasons for carfare raise it was stated that the price of excursion tickets from Exeter to the Beach was at the rate of two-third cents a mile, when it should have been one and one-third cents.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane and daughter Eloise have returned from Harrison, N. Y. Miss Lane’s friends are glad of her recovery from her recent severe illness.

Mr. and Mrs. David Brooks are receiving congratulations on the birth of a young daughter Natalie Lindsay Brooks, born Friday morning at the Exeter hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Quimby have returned to Hampton after a delightful winter spent at their St. Cloud, Florida home.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Robinson spent their vacation at Pembroke and Milford. While in Pembroke they gathered the beautiful mayflowers and remembered some of their friends in Hampton with bunches.

The Winnicummet Improvement society will have clean up week of May 5. On Saturday May 10, teams will collect rubbish from Town to North Shore hotel, Exeter road to Guinea road. From Town to Lafayette R. R. bridge.

The Hampton Beach Board of Trade will hold its annual meeting Friday evening, May 9, at 8 o’clock, in the old engine house. Matters of importance will be taken up.

Friday, May 2, is Arbor Day. Everyone who can should set out at least one tree.

David Hamilton, chief financial clerk for Greenman and Co. was taken to the Anna Jaques hospital Monday night for acute pains near the spinal cord. The sympathy of his many friends is extended to him and his family, with hopes for a speedy recovery.

Maj. Frank Knox of Manchester, the well known lecturer on agricultural interests, Editor of the Manchester Union and a candidate for governor, spoke in the town hall last Thursday evening upon industrial conditions abroad and in New Hampshire. It was a fine address and was listened to with deep interest. Maj. Knox was accompanied by Councilor Hilsop of Portsmouth and Mr. Cheney of Concord, both of whom spoke briefly. After the meeting a Knox club was organized with H. B. Alexander, secretary. Nearly everyone present signed the club cards certifying to membership.

Present Drama:

At the Hampton Falls Town Hall Wednesday evening the drama “Valley Farm” was presented to a large audience. The cast of characters included E. Fallis Wall, Lawrence Wadleigh, Charles C. Parker, Arthur Chase, William Janvrin, Elmer Godfrey, Elizabeth Brown, Mary Chase, Alice Elkins, Laura Wadleigh, Helen Batchelder and Mabel Chase. A number from Hampton attended.

Entertainment And Dance:

Friday evening Mr. Chester Grady gave his long anticipated concert and the large audience that filled the hall were delightfully entertained. His first number was a group of four songs with Mr. Creighton at the piano. Two beautiful bouquets of Killarney roses were presented to them from the H. T. G. club. Following these songs, were readings from his diary which he kept while on tour with Miss Elsie Janis. He took his week in Washington especially, as it was the first Armistice week including the impressive service of the burial of the “Unknown Soldier”.

He then read two French Canadian Dialect poems from “The Habitant” by Drummond. After another group of songs a professional make-up table was placed in the center of the stage. He then gave a demonstration to the ladies of “how to make themselves beautiful and able to hold their husbands.” His first make-up was an Irish woman, a red wig, a blue gingham dress and a white shawl making the transformation. His monologue, in this costume, of Mrs. Casey and the radio, was very humorous. Mr. Creighton played some enjoyable selections while Mr. Grady changed from the Irish woman to a society lady. His cloth of gold and black tulle evening gown, with a beautiful black plumed hat completed a costume, making him a stunning woman that would break any man’s heart. His satire on a Modern Bridge Party was very clever and the knocks on the different members of the local Bridge club, were all well received. His last number was a group of old songs, sung by request. The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church presented him with a gold piece at the conclusion of the concert. After the program, dancing was enjoyed with Berkemier’s orchestra of Seabrook furnishing the music.

It is with great regret that the Hampton Branch of the Red Cross announces that Miss Chadwick, the public health nurse for the past year, is leaving on May third. She takes with her however, heartiest good wishes from all her many friends in town as she is going home to Passaic, New Jersey, to marry Mr. Roberts of Wollaston, Mass. She has been untiring in her efforts to further the cause of public health. Her position as school nurse has enabled her to assist Mr. Moore whose hearty cooperation has meant so much during the year. In Miss Chadwick we have had a nurse whose cheerful efficiency and quiet personality have done much to keep up the high standard of the work in Hampton and of the American Red Cross whom she represents. She is leaving many friends and finishing a year wherein much has been accomplished and much has been started. Perhaps the highest tribute is to say that she is leaving behind her a great incentive to carry on her good work.

Mrs. Flora Joplin Feeney of Haverhill has been called to Hampton because of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Abbott Joplin.

The annual meeting of the Monday club will be held next Monday.

Orleans boasts of its Joseph Lincoln, Indianapolis and Kennebunk, of Booth Tarkington, but we in Hampton, because he is one of us, rarely realize we have a writer of note in our midst. Mr. Richard Shelton walks among us and talks with us, but sometimes we little realize the number of his stories we are reading because he uses so many nom-des-plumes. Last month in the “American” he wrote under “Richard Barker”. This month as John Barton Oxford. He may want to hide the light of his identity under a bushel of odd names, but Hampton, proud of her son of fame, will uncover them.

Sunday morning a special service for the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs was held at the Congregational church. Mr. Cummings preached a very appropriate and inspiring sermon on “Character Building” and the special music by Mr. Chester Grady was greatly enjoyed.

Mrs. Mary Chipman of Somerville, Mass. is spending a few weeks with her son and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Ward.

Miss Esther True and Mr. Russell True have returned to Hampton after a delightful week spent in Cleveland with their uncle Mr. Ambrose Swasey and brother, Mr. Lawrence True. Their return trip was made in a Hupmobile Sedan. The weather was very favorable so their three days on the road was greatly enjoyed, as by motor more of the country can be seen.