Vol. XXVI, No. 20

Thursday, May 15, 1924

Hampton News

Wednesday, May 21, the Sea Side Sunday School Association will meet with the Line Church of Seabrook, Edgar Warren, pastor.

Miss Beatrice Phinney of Boston, a noted harpist who can play “skillfully”, will give a concert at the Town hall on Wednesday evening, May 28. Look for next week’s advertisement.

Christian Endeavor, Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. Leader, Dorothy Hobbs. Topic, “God’s Holy Day: What It Is For, and Why.”

The Ladies’ Aid of Congregational church will have a cake sale at Coles’ Stationery store on May 23. Watch for the announcement next week.

“Valley Farm” was played in the town hall on Wednesday, to a packed house, by Hampton Falls Dramatic Club, for the benefit of Rockingham I. O. O. F. lodge. Candy was sold between the acts, for the benefit of Rebekah Lodge.

Mrs. Everett Nudd has returned from a visit to Merrimac, Mass.

Mothers Day was exceptionally pleasant for Mrs. Henry Hobbs and family. All the children were present, the home coming of the three sons at college being a surprise to the parents.

On Wednesday, May 21, the postponed entertainment by Miss Elizabeth G. Whiting, the talented reader of plays, will be held in the Centre school building under the auspices of the Parent-Teachers Assn. Tickets sold for the original date are good for the 21st.

Miss Cole has quite a varied collection of seedlings and some very pretty plants in her new hothouse. She has always been much interested in this work and all are interested in her success.

Mr. George Moore is moving to the house opposite the Post office instead of opposite the depot.

Friends of Mrs. Akerman are glad to hear that she is better.

Men’s Club:

Monday, May 19, will be the last meeting of the Men’s club for the season. A good number should be present and it should be a profitable meeting.

Friends of Mrs. Belle Dearborn are sorry to hear that she is quite ill.

Quite a number from town attended the State Conventions of Congregational churches in Durham, on Wednesday. Rev. John Cummings and Dr. Arthur Ward were among the number.

The examinations of candidates for Clerks and Carriers for the Hampton post office will be held in the Centre school building May 17, at 2 o’clock. Several candidates have already made applications.

Installation Services:

The Hampton Congregational church, the oldest church in continuous existence in New Hampshire, has reverted to the ancient custom of installing its minister, and on Thursday, May 8, Rev. John Cummings was made permanent pastor by a council called for that purpose.

The council met in the auditorium of the church at 10 o’clock, and was called to order by Rev. Edgar Warren who read the letter missive. Rev. Lucius H. Thayer of Portsmouth was chosen moderator and Rev. Harlan Scott, of Newcastle scribe. Records of the church and society relating to the call of Mr. Cummings were read and pronounced satisfactory as were the credentials of the candidate.

Rev. Mr. Cummings then gave an account of his religious experience and doctrinal belief, which were autobiographical in form and interesting. He spoke of his service as ambulance driver in the Great War and how his contact with suffering and death and the grim realities of trench and camp had caused him to raise anew the questions of the existence of God and of the future life and to recast and simplify his whole doctrinal system. After reading the paper Mr. Cummings was questioned at some length upon points not touched upon or not made quite clear in his original statement, and answered frankly and fully.

The council being by itself it was voted that the examination of the candidate be deemed satisfactory and that the council proceed to installation. Recess was then taken until two o’clock.

Dinner was served in the old vestry at noon, by the Ladies’ Aid and was in charge of Mrs. Emma Young, assisted by a corps of ladies. It was a sumptuous repast, beginning with grapefruit and ending with ice cream and coffee, and ample justice was done to it by the members of the council.

At two o’clock the auditorium was well filled for the public exercises. The invocation was by Rev. Harlan Scott, who also read the minutes of the council. The scripture reading was by Rev. Edgar Warren. The sermon was by Rev. Richard H. Bennett of Melrose, Mass., and on the Consecration of Service. The installing prayer by Rev. Frank G. Woodworth of Somersworth was tender and beautiful. Rev. James W. Bixler of Exeter gave the right hand of fellowship with graceful and fitting remarks. Out of his large experience and ripe wisdom, Rev. Lucius H. Thayer gave the charge to the pastor; and the charge to the people, wise, humorous and pathetic was given by Rev. James W. Flagg of Rye. Rev. William L. Linaberry, of North Hampton, made the concluding prayer and Rev. Mr. Cummings dismissed the congregation with the benediction.

Mr. and Mrs. Cogger and Miss Craig are still in Vermont where they arrived just before the death of their mother, Mrs. Craig. Miss Craig had just returned from a three weeks’ stay with her mother when she was suddenly recalled.

The Missionary Society of the Congregational church invited the other three Societies to meet with them on Wednesday to hear a Missionary from Japan, Miss Fanny Griswold. Owing to the Methodist Society having invited the Smithtown Society for that day, they were unable to be present. Miss Griswold told of her work in Japan, in a very interesting way. There were a good number present. Mrs. Addie B. Brown, Mrs. Flora E. Lane, Mrs. Annie Berry and Mrs. Anna Palmer were the hostesses. A very pleasant social hour was enjoyed by all, when supper was served.

Memorial Observance:

Instead of having Memorial Sunday service in the afternoon, as it has formerly been held, it has been thought best for many reasons to hold them in the morning, as all other organizations do. As it comes due to hold the service in the Congregational church this year, it will be at regular morning service time, Rev. John Cummings preaching the sermon. All who are interested are cordially invited to be present.

The speaker who has been engaged by the Post for Memorial Day is Rev. Charles C. Garland of Everett, Mass. He is a very eloquent man and all should plan to hear him.

Good music will be furnished under the care of Mrs. Coombs. It will be local talent and we know satisfactory.

Safe Blowers in Hampton:

Sheriff Ceylon Spinney of Rockingham county says that so far the state has absolutely no clue to the cracksman who succeeded in opening several safes at Hampton. The safes were in the co-operative bank building on Lafayette road in the heart of Hampton village. In addition to the bank safes the safes of Tobey and Merrill, an insurance firm, together with the Exeter Hampton and Amesbury Street railway were opened. Sheriff Spinney and Chief of Police Harry Munsey of Hampton are of the opinion that the yeggs were misled by the sign, “Cooperative Bank,” which is a building Loan organization. In all about $200 in bills was taken, which loss is fully covered by insurance. Entrance was obtained by “jimmying” a window.

At the Boston and Maine railroad station directly opposite the bank, an unsuccessful attempt was made to break the safe there. Here they broke the handle of the combination which led authorities to believe that a drilling process to open the safe had been used. About two weeks ago an unknown person was at Hampton claiming to be a salesman of safes and the authorities are investigating as to whether he was not a “capper” for the gang that paid Hampton a visit this morning.

Memorial Park Association:

The Church Green Memorial Park Association feels satisfied with the initial work of leveling the old Academy Green and setting out the forty trees which are to surround it. This work was completed Arbor Day.

Until the present time there has been no mark of recognition to the founders of the town. It is the intention of the Association to make this spot a tribute to them.

There will be a meeting of the association in the selectmen’s room at the town hall, Tuesday evening, May 20, at 7:30. Plans for the memorial tablet to be erected in the center of the Green will be discussed.