Vol. XXVI, No. 22

Thursday, May 29, 2009, 1924

Hampton News

The Ladies’ Aid met on Tuesday and arrangements started for the reception on June 18, to the pastor and bride.

Mrs. William Cash is spending this week in Lynn, Mass. Mrs. E. G. Cole went up with her on Tuesday.

The Missionary auxiliary of the Congregational church will be entertained in the chapel at two o’clock with Mrs. Cash and Mrs. Scott hostesses; Leader, Mrs. Sarah M. Lane; Music, Mrs. Anna Palmer.

Mr. William Lane died on Tuesday in the home of Irvin Drake, where he had been boarding. The funeral took place in his old home on Thursday, at 2 o’clock. Mr. Lane was born Dec. 18, 1838, son of Jesse Lane. He had a twin sister who married the late William Dodge. He was a veteran of the civil war, a man who had many friends and he was liked by his neighbors as they always found him kind and generous. He leaves two sons, George, who is in business in Buffalo and Elmer who resides in town; also one granddaughter Eleanor Lane. His wife was Mary Drake; she died a few years ago.

The Woman’s Relief Corps met on Wednesday.

Rev. John Cummings preached a fine sermon on Sunday before the G. A. R. and W. R. Corps.

Mrs. C. Toppan and daughter Elizabeth motored to Albany on Thursday and spent the weekend with her sister Mrs. Adams.

The Mother’s Circle was pleasantly entertained Tuesday evening by Mrs. Alice Philbrook with Mrs. Theda Hobbs, assistant hostess. The president, Mrs. Myers, presided and all appreciated the music of the violin-cello by Miss Eloise Lane accompanied by her mother. Dainty ice cream and various kinds of cake were served. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Munsey.

The Past Noble Grands of the Rebekah Lodge held their monthly meeting with Miss Anna E. Akerman on Monday evening. Plans were made to unite with the Lodge to hold a Food Sale about the middle of June. The next meeting will be with the president Mrs. Frank Stevens, when the officers of the Lodge will be entertained.

On Monday George Palmer brought ashore a codfish that bore a U. S. Government tag in its tail. Mr. Palmer will report to the Bureau of Fisheries giving the tag number, date and location of catch.

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Regan of Forest Hills, and Mrs. Walters of Milton, Mass., will be guests of Mr. Walters over the weekend, who is stopping at the Durant House.

Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge will hold a children’s night in Odd Fellows Hall next Monday evening, June 2, to which all children of Odd Fellows are cordially invited. This children’s night is an annual event with the Rebekahs and is always looked forward to by the children.

Currier building which T. Cogger recently moved to a lot opposite the Centre school, is being converted into a bungalow. Thomas Moore is doing the carpenter work.

Wednesday evening, June 4, at 8 p. m., the Portsmouth High School Orchestra is to give a concert in the Centre school auditorium. This school orchestra of 20 pieces under the leadership of Mr. E. P. Bilbru[?] has made quite a name for itself and it will be a treat to music lovers of Hampton to be able to attend this concert. The tickets are 25c. The money thus raised is to be used for the purchase of instruments for our own school orchestra. The Portsmouth orchestra is giving its services for this benefit.

We are all proud of, as it has given much pleasure on the occasions when it has played for the public. It shows the time Mrs. Coombs has given to it and next year she hopes to see it grow larger. With the visiting orchestra extending our town this courtesy, let us stand back of our schools and make this a gala event.

Remember the date next Wednesday, June Fourth:

It is hoped that there will be a good attendance at the Memorial Day exercises in the town hall on Friday. All will be pleased to hear Mr. Garland who, besides being a minister, is engaged in Americanization work. The boys’ orchestra with Mrs. Coombs as leader, will give pleasing music. Exercises at 1:30. Post and W. R. C. will meet as usual at 1:15 and march in. It is hoped that all members of W. R. C. who were present on Sunday, will come Friday.

The harp recital given in the auditorium of the school building was enjoyed by a good audience, not as large as one wished but a very appreciate one. Miss Beatrice Phinney is an artist and her pupil, Miss Bryant, who has been in town for the past weeks is very proficient. Mrs. Coombs sang finely as usual, first accompanied on piano by Miss Adeline Marston, then by the harps. Robert Barker Jr. sang two pleasing selections accompanied by both harps. All felt well repaid for attending.

Christian Endeavor, Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. Leader, Wilfred Cunningham. Topic: “How Jesus Faced Duty.” Remember this is Consecration meeting.

There will be a public meeting in the interests of the Ku-Klux-Klan this evening in the town hall. Rev. Mr. Henry of Ohio will speak.

The Mothers’ Circle will meet in the vestry of the M. E. church at 10:15 o’clock on Sunday morning, preparatory to attendance at the morning service at 10:30.

The chairman of the drive for the Franklin Orphans Home wishes to remind the citizens that the time has not expired for giving contributions to this project. Hampton has not responded to this state campaign to the full extent of its quota. There have been children taken from Hampton to Franklin, where they have been well cared for. Please do your share in having Hampton fill its quota so that it may do its part in helping the unfortunate children of this state. Send your offering to the chairman promptly, W. H. Hobbs, or to the Union office.