Vol. XXVI, No. 25

Thursday, 19, 1924

Hampton News

Charles P. Buck has taken the Shirley cottage on Ocean Boulevard for the season.

The concert scheduled to be given by the Portsmouth High School Orchestra has been postponed until the fall term. All persons who bought tickets may receive their money back from the seller or on application at the school office.

Raymond B. Buker, a former Hampton boy, and old Bates College star, now representing the Minors Athletic Club, was one of the stars in the Olympic tryouts at Harvard Stadium Saturday. He won the 1500 meter race in three minutes fifty-five and eight-tenths seconds equalling the American record for that distance. He leaves for France this week with one hundred and twenty-four other American track athletes to represent America in the Olympic games at Paris in July.

Get our lowest market prices daily in butter, eggs, tea, coffee, flour and sugar. Co-op Gro. Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lane, Miss Eloise Lane, Miss S. B. Lane attended the Commencement Exercises at Dana Hall, Wellesley Mass. last week. Miss Leonore Lane being one of the seven, from a large class to receive special honor.

Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Esther Coombs whose father died in the hospital on Wednesday after a second operation in a short time. Mrs. Coombs went at once to friends in Amesbury.

Miss Elizabeth B. Norris has returned home after spending the winter in Brookline, Mass.

Best tub butter 45c. lb., print butter 47c. a lb., oleo margarine 20c. lb., pure lard. Co-op Gro. Co.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Nutter, and family were at their cottage at the beach over Sunday.

Mrs. J. L. Bennett has opened her house on Exeter road for the summer.

Best bread flour 89c bag, $6,89 bhl., pastry, flour 79c. 1g. bag $5.99 bhl. Co-op Gro. Co.

It is expected that a good number will be present at the H.A.A. dinner at the Ashworth on Saturday the 21st. Let all come and make it the best held yet. All younger members are 35c.

New potatoes 15 lbs. 50c, best onions 3 lbs. 20c. Co-op. Gro. Co.

Fancy smoked shoulders 11 1/2c a lb., sliced bacon 27c a lb., salt pork 17c lb. Co-op Gro. Co.

Large sweet juicy oranges 29 and 35c doz., grapefruit 4 for 25c, Lemons 19c a doz. Co-op Gro. Co.

Aster plants, Bechelor’s buttons, Cosmos, Pansy, Petunia, Pepper, ANNA MAY COLE, BEACH ROAD GREENHOUSE.

Methodist Anniversary

The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist Church celebrated it’s 75th anniversary on Monday evening, June 16 at the church vestry. The meeting was opened with scripture by Rev. R. S. Barker and prayer by Rev. I. S. Jones. A short historical sketch of the Church was given by Mrs. R. S. Barker. Mrs. Sarah Lane who has served the Aid as it’s President for 30 years gave some very interesting facts about the early history of the Aid. Only 5 presidents have served the Aid during the 75 years. Mrs. Lane told us how the women worked for the church in those days. They made overalls for 12 1-2 cents a pair, coats for the same price, bound shoes for 3 cents a pair and boots for 4 cents, made vests, “dickeys”, etc. and all the money was given to the Aid. The first articles they bought for the Church was a table cloth and napkins for the communion table. This address was very interesting to all present. At its close, little Helen Thompson, on behalf of the Aid presented Mrs. Lane with a bouquet of carnation pinks.

Song, Ella Roberts, Marguerite Moratty, Beatrice Howe and Dorothy Riley; poem written by Robert Elliot, read by Mrs. Elliot; solo Mrs. Ella Roberts; reading, Mrs. Horn; Song, America the Beautiful, choir; reading, Sheridan’s Ride, Mrs. Alice Noyes; solo, Etta Murray; reading, Liberty Bell, Ruth Carter; chorus, choir; reading, Barbara Frietche, Mrs. Elliot; reading, Emma Godfrey; tableaux — ‘Coming Through the Rye’, Soldier’s Farewell, Parting Blessing, Soldier’s Dream, Guardian Angel, hospital scene, The Rose of No Man’s Land, Betsy Ross, School Days, Sun in. an Eclipse, Goddess of Liberty.

At the close of the program, refreshments were served; consisting of ice cream and cake.

Much credit is due Mrs. Elliot and Mrs. Howe who had the program in charge, and to the young people who willingly responded.

Mrs. Barker’s Historical Paper was most interesting, and will be published in full next week. Following is Robert Elliot’s poem:

The mind of God conceived a plan
When first this world began.
He made fair Eden’s Garden,
And placed therein a man.
Over beasts and birds and reptiles,
O’er all this fairest land,
Man reigned in single majesty
Directed by God’s hand.
Alone, he yearned for comradeship;
God saw it was not well–
He must create another soul
And loneliness dispel,
From near his heart, while Adam slept,
A rib the Lord removed;
And man, awaking, saw that God.
His wondrous love had proved.
Ah! Who but God from dust could make
A creature half so fair;
A soul so capable of love
As He implanted there?
Long ages passed and sin destroyed
Much of the Lord’s great plan;
Yet woman’s soul still carried on
Dispelling gloom for man.
These mother hearts, to help pay God
The debt of love they owed,
Formed here strong union in His name
Near four score years ago.
During the days of strife and turmoil,
When our churches fought to live,
The Ladies’ Aid urged christians on,
Their very best to give.
Some of those souls have passed away
And gone to their reward;
Yet others came to carry on,
This noble work of God
The hand of love has guided them
Through years three score fifteen;
He’s never failed, nor will He now–
His church remains supreme.
Time still rolls on and life and death
. As ever play their part;
May God, above, in His great love,
Reward each faithful heart;
May other hands resume;
That many breasts may come to know
The victor of the tomb.

Reception To Pastor

One of the pleasantest social events of the season was in honor of Rev. John Cummings and his bride.

The chapel was prettily decorated by members of the Friendly Class. In the receiving line with Mr. and Mrs. Cummings were Rev. and Mrs. Warren, the deacons and wives. Guests were received by Mrs. Noyes and Miss Toppan at the door. They were all presented to the receiving line by ushers, Dr. Arthur Ward, E. G. Cole, Henry Noyes, Warren Clark and W. Scott Noyes.

Ice cream and fancy cakes were served in charge of Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Hutchins, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. True and Mrs. Keene.

The program prepared by Mr. Warren, assisted by Mrs. Marston, was very pleasing Mr. Warren. presided in his usual pleasing manner. He gave a cordial welcome to the pastor and his bride. Rev. I. S. Jones gave an interesting talk and Supt. H. L. Moore gave a pleasing welcome to his neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Cummings.

The music was a apecial feature. Eveyone loves to hear Chester Grady, and he gave great pleasure by his songs accompained by his faithful helper Mr. Creighton.

Miss Marjorie Wood gave two pleasing selections and Miss Fall gave a fine duet on the piano. Miss Dorothy Hobbs sang a song accompanied by Miss Helen Marston.

E. G. Cole presented Mr. Cummings with a goodly sum in gold pieces from his friends, with pleasing remarks. Mr. Cummings responded for himself and his bride in a very acceptable manner. Everyone enjoyed the evening and all declared it to be a great success. Mrs. Cummings has been a great worker in her home church and will be a great help to the pastor in his work here.

Letter to the Public

The following statement was recently given out to the newspapers. It is my desire that all Selectmen and State Highway Patrolmen take special note of the Highway Departments policy concerning roadside advertising, and in so far as possible, carry out the program as outlined.

“Popular sentiment against billboarding the State Highways, especially within the limits of the right of way has prompted the State Highway Department to exercise it’s right to protect public property from further defacement with promiscuous advertising along the State Trunk Lines, State and Cross State roads. Any further advertising along these roads must be placed outside the limits of the right of way, which in most cases is four rods, and permission must be obtained from the property owner before any signs or billboards can be put up. The State Highway patrolmen will be instructed to remove all signs along the highways, within the limits of the right of way, and local selectmen, City authorities and all local Chamber of Commerce men will be asked to cooperate with the State Highway Department in carrying out this campaign to free the State Highway from unsightly advertising that has in the past marred the aspect of our Town and City streets, and the breautiful landscapes that are available from the State Highways.”

Guide boards and signs erected by the State and Towns, Federal State and Town notices erected for the information of the public, are not advertising signs and must not be removed or destroyed.

A New Church For The Beach

A community church for Hampton Beach will be a reality this summer, plans now being well under way for conducting an intensive campaign for one full week early in July to secure $25,000 for the erection of the Community Church which is so desired by the thousands of people who visit the beach each summer.

Rev. R. S. Barker of Hampton who, during the past few years has taken such an interest in the church welfare of the beach has been chosen as general chairman of the campaign, with the following trustees of the Community Church Association acting with him as an executive committee: Howard G. Lane, Hampton; Fred S. Pillsbury, Manchester; George H. Ashworth, Hampton Beach; William F. Thayer, Haverhill, Mass. F. E. Nason, Haverhill; A. J. Morse, Hampton; Mrs. Ethel Powers Uhlig, Mrs. Henry Ford, Mrs. Emma Young: Hampton Beach; Rev. John Cummings and Rev. Bernard Christopher, Hampton. Joseph M. Lucier, of Concord, who is passing a few weeks at the beach is assisting the committee in organizing the campaign.

Much enthusiasm is being shown by the beach people over the campaign even at this early date seems assured. “From all sides,”, reports Chairman Barker, “come messages of encouragement and support and the great desire of the people who live at the beach as well as those who sojourn here in the summer to have a °Commnity Church, will be realized next summer.”

A meeting of the trustees to discuss plans for the campaign was held last night at the Ashworth Hotel when plans for the new church were submitted by George W. Cunningham, architect, of Concord. The present plans for the church call for an auditorium with a balcony which will seat rising 700 and a community house for about 200, with a kitchen adjoining. The community house wi11 be used for Sunday School’s for children and will be available for community gatherings at the beach.



Services will be held in the Baptist Church next Lord’s Day as usual. The sermon in the morning at 10:30, subject, ‘The Gospel According to You,” Rom. 1-16.

Church School at 11:45.

A Children’s Day Concert with recitations will be given in the evening at 7 o’clock.

All who are not otherwise engaged will be cordially welcome

The Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge will hold a Food Sale at three o’clock, Friday June 20, on the lawn at Mrs. Toppan’s home, if pleasant, at Cole’s Periodical store.

The Co-op opens at 7:30 A.M., Lunch hour 1 to 1:30 P.M. Closes at 6:30 P. M. daily, Saturdays 7:30 A.M. to 10:40 P. M. no lunch hour,