Vol. XXVI, No. 29

Thursday, July 17, 1924

Hampton News

Russell Durant had the misfortune to break his leg in two places by jumping from a hayloft. He was taken to the Exeter hospital by Dr. Ward who is caring for him.

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Wells of Philadelphia are guests of their mother, Mrs. Harlan P. Wells.

The Lawn party to be given by the Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church will be held on August 5. Further particulars later.

The funeral of Orlando L. Blake was held at his home with a large number of friends and relatives present. Rev. Mr. Barker conducted the service. There were two selections sung by Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Emma Godfrey. The Odd Fellows were present and held their burial service at the grave. There were three members of the Perkins Post present. Mr. Blake was buried under the flag he loved. There was a profusion of flowers from the different orders and friends. Much sympathy is felt for the invalid wife. Mr. Blake left three daughters, eight grandchildren and an aged brother in Beverly, also a sister, Mrs. Mary Shaw, who was present at his funeral. “Lond”, as he was called by his friends, will be missed by the whole neighborhood.

The W. T. C. U. will meet with Mrs. Charles Walker on Friday afternoon at 2:30.

Mrs. John Cumming’s mother, Mrs. Alma Skoog and Miss Corrine Johnson, of Dorchester have been guests at the Congregational parsonage this week.

The Missionary Society of the Congregational church will meet with Mrs. J. Bennett on August 13. The September meeting is usually held at Mrs. Bennett’s but a change is made this year. The September program as arranged in the yearly leaflet will be given.

Mrs. Benjamin Colvin has gone to Salem to join her husband, after spending two weeks with her sisters, Mrs. Alice Philbrook and Mrs. Sarah Lane.

The Methodist church Ladies’ Aid will hold a Lawn Party on the parsonage lawn Friday, July 18, at seven o’clock. There will be for sale, ice cream, home cooked foods, candy, aprons, etc. Everybody welcome.

Miss Ruby Wyman, a graduate of Hampton High school, and now a senior nurse in training at the New England Sanitorium and Hospital at Melrose, Mass., has arrived at Birrien, Mich., where she is to take summer school post graduate work.

Miss Wyman went to Mich. by auto with one of her patients and her family expect to bring her back in September to graduate with her class.

Miss Hilda Paulson returned to her home Thursday, after having spent two weeks in the Exeter hospital.

Mrs. John McCallum and Miss Hazel McCallum of Roslindale were guests of Mrs. G. Sumner Fall over the weekend.

Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings, Miss Adeline Marston and Miss Eleanor Marston have motored each day to Durham, attending the classes and lectures of the Religious school of Education being held at the University. There are thirteen members of the Hampton Congregational church registered, the largest number from any one church.

Mrs. Anna Shelton has spent the last three weeks with her daughter, Miss Emma Shelton, in Roxbury. She made the trip “by machine” and, despite her “young” eighty-three years she stood the long trip splendidly, thoroughly enjoying it.

Mrs. Maude Morey, Mrs. Chester Grady and Mr. John Creighton were delightful host and hostess at a dinner given Friday evening in their new home and summer hotel “The Creighmore.” The guests were Mrs. Harlan P. Wells, Mrs. Elizabeth Briggs, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings and Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward. Mr. Grady and Mr. Creighton have spent the winter painting and papering the entire house and decorating the lovely old bedroom furniture in each of the rooms. The beautiful cretonnes used for overhangings and the upholstery of the chairs add a charm that makes each room individual. The dining room is very pleasing with its round tables, seating four, and chairs done in gray outlined in black. “The Creighmore” is a splendid addition to the attractive summer hotels of which Hampton has a number.

Hampton Beach:

Dr. Charles L. White of N. Y. will preach at the Casino church at nine o’clock A. M. Sunday.

Mrs. George Ashworth, wife of the owner of the Ashworth hotel here, who has been seriously ill at the Portsmouth hospital with blood poisoning for the last few days, is resting comfortably at last reports.

Announcement was made today of the completion of the Community church campaign here. The church is now assured as the funds received total $11,184.15, with pledges aggregating to four or fine thousand still due to come in.

Several gifts by interested persons have been announced by Rev. S. Barker of the executive committee in charge of the campaign. A memorial bell has been promised and B.O. Baker will give a pulpit Bible, while E. Atwood will give a memorial tablet.

The totals as reported by the various team leaders are as follows: Executive committee, headed by Rev. Mr. Barker, $4,125; Mrs. Ethel Powers Uhlig, $2,577.25; Mrs. M.A. Knowlton, $1,224; Mrs. Frank E. Nason, $973; Mrs. Mary E. Sutton, $593.90; and Mrs. Luella Boody, $542.50.

Donors of large gifts not yet reported include H.S. Wyman, $200; Howard T. Ross, $150; F.C. Woodman, Mrs. Asor Lee, Joseph O. Hobbs, Mrs. Edith M. Gilman, Downing Osborn, William P. Maker, W.F. Thayor, Fred Swett and Edith L. Dadmun, $100; Mrs. Mary Frey Frot, W.E. Lamb, Percy Brown, B.O. Baker, Grandmaison Bros., Coleman Bros., Arthur Brown, and Etta M. Fogg, all $50.

The Community church will be a community center, and during the week, as well as on Sunday, there will be gatherings there for which there is no suitable building at present. The movement to build this church has attracted many people in other states and nearly 50 percent of the donations have come from people living outside of Hampton.

The campaign has been conducted with a view to alleviating the conditions here at the beach, for though there is a fairly large Protestant element there is no church except those in Hampton Village who have aided materially in the recent campaign. In the past services have been held in the auditorium of the Casino.

Theodore B. Plimpton of Brookline, Mass., was arraigned before Judge Lamprey for operating a motor vehicle at a rate of speed greater than reasonable and proper. Officer Chase testified that he was going better than 25 miles an hour by Whittier’s corner on Saturday afternoon during the height of traffic. Death has taken a number at the same place under similar conditions.