Vol. XXVI, No. 32

Hampton News

Dr. and Mrs. P. Davis and two children from Providence, R. I. are spending a months’ vacation with Mrs. Z. Jenness.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leavitt and their two boys were week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt.

Miss E. Marston has received an appointment as instructor in the art department of the Pennsylvania State Normal School.

Dr. Arthur Ward and family moved on Wednesday into their new home on the Beach road. The doctor’s office will be in his new home.

Wentworth Sanborn of New York city has been spending a vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Sanborn.

The recent severe thunder showers in Hampton and vicinity prove the need of a good piece of fire apparatus in the village. At the last March meeting the town passed a vote which was mandatory for the Selectmen to purchase a fire truck and many voters have expected it would be ready for use this summer.

The many friends of Rev. Bernard Christopher are pleased to learn that he has received a very flattering call to the church in Lyndeboro, N. H. near Nashua. Mr. Christopher and family have made many friends in town during his pastorate in the Baptist church.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Olney are entertaining Mrs. Olney’s mother of New York.

Mrs. Belle Colvin, of N. Y. is a guest this month of her sister in town.

Miss L. Batchelder of Newington, formerly of this town, is a guest of the family of Mr. E. Garland.

Mrs. Etta Glidden has her aunt, Miss Glidden, as her guest. All are glad to have Mrs. Glidden in town again.

Mrs. F. Perkins and daughters, Ruth and Adeline are in their old home in town for the summer and always are very welcome guests.

Rev. J. L. Jencks of Manchester, will preach in the Baptist church on Sunday morning.

The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. which occurs on the third Friday of the month will be postponed this month until the fourth Friday, August 22 in the Wheaton cottage. Notice change of date.

The Congregational Missionary Auxiliary will be entertained by Mrs. J. Bennett on Wednesday, August, 13. Leader Mrs. Anna S. Ross. Music will be in charge of Mrs. Sarah M. Lane.

Miss Helen A. Watson of Boston, after an eighteen months’ trip abroad, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Ellen Blake for the summer. Miss M. E. Locke is also a guest in town.

Miss Jean E. Frost of West Newton, Mass., is the guest of Miss Constance Adams.

Miss Adeline and Miss Eleanor Marston spent a very enjoyable week end with their cousins in Beverly, Mass.

Mr. Lawrence True has returned to Cleveland, Ohio, after two weeks spent with his mother, Mrs. Annie M. True.

Mr. and Mrs. Kershaw, their son and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. T. Norman, all of Fall River, Mass., spent a few days with Mr. Kershaw’s sister, Mrs. W. Gilpatrick.

Tuesday afternoon the Congregational church held a very successful Lawn Party on the parsonage grounds. The fancy work, food, apron and ice cream tables were prettily decorated with crepe paper. On a line hung between the trees were three very pretty patch work quilts, the work of the ladies this past winter. Behind one of these the gypsy fortune teller, impersonated by Miss Eleanor Marston, held the séances. The candy girls displayed their goods on trays, wending their way in and out among the guests. The grab table was an attractive bed of red and yellow tulips. During the afternoon Mr. Chester Grady, accompanied by Mr. John Creighton on the organ, sang a number of selections which every one enjoyed.

Mrs. C. Wygant of Marlboro, New York has been spending the past two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cole.

Hampton Stores Robbed:

Three different places were entered by thieves in Hampton village early Monday morning, the aggregate loss estimated at over $700. The dry goods and novelty store of Mrs. E. E. Mason was entered by the rear window, apparently by the use of a tire iron, and goods consisting of shirts, hosiery, beads and the like carried off, to the amount estimated by Mrs. Mason of over $700. The spa and lunch room of Harold Green was broken into the same manner and five dollars in change which was in the cash drawer is all that is known to be taken. The Boston and Maine station was visited where a ticket punch was taken and the chewing gum machine rifled. It is thought the break occurred about day-break.