Vol. XXVI, No. 36

Hampton News

The Rev. Charles A. Parker of Exeter will preach at the Baptist church Sunday morning at 10:30.

Rev. John Cummings will preach at the Congregational Church at the regular Sunday services. The sermon in the morning will be: “I Believe in God.” The sermon in the evening will be, “Rock Foundations.”

Mrs. John Ryder has exchanged her Essex Coach for a Durant Sedan.

Miss Maybelle Perkins left last Tuesday to teach in the Harvey-Wheeler school in Concord, Mass.

Mrs. Mary P. Donnell and Mr. Francis W. Donnell are leaving Thursday for La Jolla, California, for the winter. Mrs. Nudd and family will occupy Mrs. Donnell’s house until her return.

The annual convention of Rockingham W. C. T. Unions will be held in the Congregational church, Hampton, the last week in September.

There was a large audience present at the Congregational church Sunday and as usual Mr. Cummings gave a most excellent discourse. A good number were also present in the evening in spite of the intensive heat.

George W. Sherburne of Surf Side Park will sell his home at public auction on Friday, September 12, at 1:00 o’clock. Mr. Sherburne intends to move to Newmarket this fall.

Mr. Nutter is recovering from the serious operation on his feet, performed by Dr. Ward in the Exeter hospital.

Miss Martha T. Chipman of West Somerville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ward.

Mrs. Alice J. Fogg is visiting her sister, Mrs. Susie A. Keith of Randolph, Mass.

Miss Helen Tolman was a recent visitor in town.

Mrs. J. W. Nutter entertained a large family party at her cottage at North Beach on Wednesday. It included: Mrs. R. R. Leavitt who is 85 years years old. Mrs. Anna B. Shelton, 84, Mr. J. T. Godfrey, 83, 0. H. Godfrey most 81.

Mr. Curtis P. Donnell, U. of N. H., class of 1924, has accepted a position as principal of the Junior High School, Ossipee Centre, N. H. and left town Monday to enter upon his new duties.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Lester Pierce are entertaining Mr. N. J. Pennington and daughter Florence, and Mr. James Couchon, of Pawtucket, R. I. Mr. Pierce recently purchased the Henry Mace homestead, Five corners. Among the Sunday guests at Mr. Pierce’s were Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pearson of Manchester, N. H. and daughter Noreen.

Station agent Tufts has been confined to his home this week with a carbuncle. He was operated on in the Exeter hospital Wednesday, and is now on the road to recovery.

Rev. Robert S. Barker took Carleton Moore to the hospital in Boston Tuesday, where he will receive treatment for diabetes.

Perley George has purchased a Ford touring car from the Hampton Centre Garage.

Mrs. George had the misfortune to fall down a flight of stairs Monday morning during the heavy thunder shower. She arose to close the windows and in the dark accidentally stepped off the stair landing.

Mr. Frank Perkins of Lawrence, Mass. spent the week end with Mr. George Perkins.

Mr. Eugene Tilton entertained friends over the holiday.

Mr. Richard Ahearn of New York city has been visiting his parents at their cottage on the Landing road.

Miss Abbie Lombard was a week end guest at the Green bungalow on the Landing road.

Mr. and Mrs. Dolan and daughters Mary and Helen of Boston, are leaving Saturday after a pleasant summer at the Brown farm on the Landing road.

A number of home lots on the Old Mill hill have been recently sold.

Mrs. Adams of the River Side house has installed an electric piano at her home.

Guests at the Durant House the past week included the following party from Jamaica Plain, Mass.: Mrs. Holman, the Misses Winifred and Ruth Holman, Clifford Holman, Miss Mary Regan, Miss Mildred Zeigler.

The Bailey family leave for their home in Malden, Sunday.

The Congregational picnic at Stratham Hill park last Friday was very much enjoyed by the fifty or more that participated. The weather, though warm, was ideal for the spot where the picnic was held, and the ride in autos to Stratham and return was also much enjoyed. Dinner was served under the pines in the grove and an abundance of lemonade was provided for everyone. Sports were in order during the afternoon with the prizes for winners. The official list of the winners could not be obtained for this article but some of the prizes are known as follows: Mrs. Mullen won first in the married women’s race; Mrs. Flora Feeney second; Wilma Toppan won first and Isabelle Hobbs second in the girl’s race. Hazel Shaw first in the older girls race. Clarence Shaw won two ribbons, Lawrence Tilton two and Lloyd Ring one. The ball game late in the afternoon was brought to an abrupt end by an injury to Kenneth Page who clashed with Clarence Shaw in catching a two base hit. The Committee in charge wish to thank all who assisted in making the picnic a success and especially those who contributed autos for transportation.


All grades of the Hampton schools will open for the fall term next Monday, September 8, with the following corps of teachers:

Academy — Russell H. Leavitt, Headmaster; Myrtle Grover, Vina M. Jones.

Junior High school — Arthur C. Sears, Principal; Mabel D. Philbrook, Mildred Pehrson [Pearson?], Vivian Hubbard, Marion Dexter.

Grades V and VI — Charlotte Taylor.

Grades III and IV — Caroline Cutts.

Grades I and II — Adeline Marston.

Music — Esther B. Coombs.

In preparing for the opening for another year, Superintendent H. L. Moore and his assistant, Mrs. Francis Dennett, have been working hard during the whole of the long vacation and everything is now in readiness for resumption of work.

In the Centre School building, there has been a rearrangement of seats in some of the rooms on the second floor, providing for a noon hour recreation room for Junior High pupils; the tables and chairs for the lunch room in the basement have been newly varnished and many minor, but needful repairs made throughout. The exterior of the Academy has received a fresh coat of paint.

The superintendent’s real work this summer, however, lies not so much in the providing of attractive surroundings and physical conveniences and comforts for the pupils as in the huge work of building up a systematic progressive course of instruction from the first primary grade up to the last year of the Academy, and the charting of the teacher’s guide for each of these grades. Previously there has been in our schools nothing like the system which Mr. Moore is inaugurating and the task of the preliminary work has been stupendous. Mr. Moore recently gave the writer considerable of his time in explaining and illustrating the teacher’s work for the coming year; and it was a wonderfully interesting hour thus obtained. If parents only realized what superintendent Moore is doing for the education of our children and would take interest enough to visit the schools and ask Mr. Moore to show them the newly charted teacher’s work they would realize that there is a basis for the expectation that this years work in the Hampton schools will produce better practical results than ever before.


The Primary Election in Hampton brought out less than four hundred voters, or about 50 per cent of the registration. The rain in the late afternoon had the effect of keeping some of the voters home or the total would have passed the 400 mark.

There was a brisk contest between Major Knox and Captain Winant which was won by the latter by 50 votes in this town and foreshadowed the same result in the State as a whole. There was a good Winant organization here with effective workers or the Captain would have come out second best.

The Congressional contest between Fletcher Hale of Laconia and Fernando Hartford of Portsmouth was heavily in favor of Hale.

There was no other contest except the three cornered one for representative between Adams, Ashworth and Munsey was won by the latter with about 30 votes to spare.

Only ten Democratic votes were cast.

The result of the voting for the entire ticket was as follows:



Frank Knox 138
John G. Winant 188

United States Senator

Henry W. Keyes 230

Representative in Congress
Fletcher Hale 199
Fernando W. Hartford 87

John A. Hammond 187

Albertus T. Dudley 159
Levi S. Bartlett 106

Representative to the General Court
Charles F. Adams 123
George Ashworth 84
*Harry D. Munsey 154

Richard S. Weston 91
Albert B. Roberts 15
Ceylon Spinney 191

County Solicitor
Stewart Everett Rowe 221
Charles M. Dale 99

County Treasurer
Earle R. Stockbridge 198
Irving M. Heath 51

Register of Deeds
John W. A. Green 248

Register of Probate
Robert Scott 248

County Commissioners
George A. Carlisle 190
Sherman T. Newton 185
William B. Underhill 119
James Howard Brown 190

Supervisors of the Check List
Oliver W. Hobbs 255
William T. Ross 240
Lewis F. Stevens 228

Delegate to State Convention
Warren H. Hobbs 266

Byron E. Redman, Representative to General Court 1
Harry D. Munsey, Representative to General Court 4
Uri Lamprey, Delegate 1
Samuel Ware, Delegate 1


Fred H. Brown 10

United States Senator
Representative in Congress
William N. Rogers 9

Edgar J. Ham 8

George A. Gilmore 8

Representative to the General Court
Uri Lamprey 6
Harry D. Munsey 4

Melvin G. Armstrong 8

County Treasurer
Frank N. Young 7

Register of Probate
Albert F. Priest 6

County Commissioners
Charles A. Badger 8
Charles H. Chesley 7
Forrest N. Tilton 7

Supervisors of the Check List
E.L. Godfrey 1
Edward Towle 1
Fred Sanborn 1

Uri Lamprey, moderator 1
Warren Clark, moderator 1
Edgar Warren, moderator 1
Charles H. Brown, moderator 1
George Ashworth, moderator 1
Robert Scott, register of probate 1

George E. Farrand 10

Byron E. Redman 256