Vol. XXVI, No. 39

Hampton News

Worthy Deputy Otis E. Eastman will visit Ocean Side Grange Friday evening, October 3. Let all members endeavor to be present.

At Grange Hall on October 3, there will be a millinery and planning day of Farm Bureau. The County agent, Miss Pulsifer will be present. She will bring some trimmings and hat frames. It is hoped a large number will be present. The meeting is from 10 to 12 and 1 to 4.

Rev. J. K. Miller of Manchester will occupy the pulpit of the Baptist Church next Sunday morning and evening. Mr. Miller is an able and eloquent preacher and a cordial invitation is extended to all who would like to hear him.

The W. C. T. U. of Seabrook, will give an entertainment at Smithtown Methodist church on Sunday evening at 6:30 o’clock Standard time to celebrate the birthday of its first president, Francis E. Willard. All are cordially invited to come.

The physical examinations have been completed at school. There were 278 pupils examined by Dr. Fernald, assisted by the school nurse, Miss Eldridge. The pupils are given a physical examination, which includes eyes, ears, hair, teeth, tonsils, throat and chest. There are still 70 pupils not vaccinated. There have been 60 pupils vaccinated since last year. Preparations for the Dental Clinic are under way. The teeth of the children show a great improvement since last year, and it is hoped that the Clinic will be as much of a success this year as last.

Mr. David Colt has bought Mr. Green’s Spa and will combine it with his photographic work.

Roland C. Emery is wiring Frank S. Mason’s new house on Highland avenue for electricity.

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Janvrin with their family, returned recently from a motor trip through southern Canada.

William Gilpatrick, with two men are building concrete sidewalks in Hampton Falls. Geo. Philbrick and Harry Cleveland are working with Mr. Gilpatrick.

Rockingham Country Foreign and Home Missionary Societies of the Congregational churches will be entertained at the Rye church on Tuesday, September 30, at 10 A. M. Dinner will be served by the ladies of the church. The programme will be announced next week.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Penniman of Cambridge, Mass., on September 13th. Mrs. Penniman was formerly Marion Lamprey, of Hampton.

Christian Endeavor Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. Leader, Hollis Johnson. Topic, “Organizing to Get Things Done.”

This morning was the coldest of the season, the mercury dropping close to 32 degrees, the freezing point, in low places.

Mrs. Wells, with a party of friends, enjoyed hearing Sousa’s Band on Tuesday afternoon in Portsmouth.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Nutter were weekend guests of Mrs. Addie Brown. Mr. Nutter, while in town, installed oil burners for the ranges in the parsonage and Dr. Ward’s.

Thursday afternoon, Miss Martha Chipman of Somerville and Miss Marion Barrows of Southbridge, motored from Boston and spent the day with Miss Chipman’s sister, Mrs. Arthur Ward.

On Wednesday afternoon the Congregational Chapel looked very much like a nursery, as the Primary Cradle Roll Departments were given their annual party. Forty-eight children and babies with their blue and pink fancy caps sat at the tables and enjoyed their ice cream and cakes. Twenty-nine mothers were present to help make it pleasant for the little ones. With stories, songs and games the little ones were amused. Of the twenty babies on the Cradle Roll, fifteen were present. Mrs. Toppan and Miss Ackerman are to be congratulated for their work with the little ones.

Miss Cutts and Miss Taylor went to Portland on Tuesday evening to hear Sousa’s Band.

Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Dykeman (Ruth Nutter) have returned to their home in Chelsea after a pleasant vacation spent at the Nutter Cottage.

Mr. Wheaton Lane left for Princeton on Monday to take up the work of his senior year. His sister, Miss Leonore Lane, is enrolled in the freshman class at Smith College.

The 27th annual convention of the New Hampshire Firemen’s association opened at Hampton Beach Tuesday evening with headquarters at the Ashworth. President H. E. Montgomery and the remaining officers tendered an informal reception to the visiting delegates. The Hampton Beach fire department was host at a dance given in the new central station. Chief H. L. Whiting was floor director. A business session was held Wednesday morning.