Vol. XXVI, No. 40

Hampton News

Mr. Oliver Hobbs is slowly recuperating from the injury to his ankle.

The Literary Committee of the Mothers’ Circle held a rummage sale in Newburyport on Wednesday. Mrs. Tobey was in charge with Mrs. Edward Brown, H. L. Moore, Edgar Warren and Chester Marston as able assistants.

Mrs. Lucy Marston and daughter Miss Adeline Marston and Mrs. Addie Brown spent Sunday in Kensington with their sister and aunt, Mrs. Marcia York.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hobbs and Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Yeaton motored to Durham on Sunday and spent the day with Miss Dorothy Hobbs, who is a student at the college.

Mr. and Mrs. John Marston were the guests of their grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Marston on Saturday, having motored on from New York. Their mother, Mrs. Herbert Marston, returned with them and will visit relatives there before returning to Alabama.

Mrs. Zipporah Jenness returned to her home on Wednesday after six weeks visit in Providence. Dr. and Mrs. Park Davis brought her home in their machine.

At Grange hall on October 3, there will be millinery and planning day of Farm Bureau.

The county agent, Miss Pulsifer will be present. She will bring some trimmings and hat frames.

It is hoped a large number will be present. The meeting is from 10 to 12 and 1 to 4.

Miss Bertha Johnson of Dorchester was a week end guest of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings.

Christian Endeavor, Sunday evening at 6 o’clock, leader, Marjorie Wood. Topic, How Jesus Cheered the Faithful and Discouraged. Do not forget that this is Consecration meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Lantz of Hampton Falls have announced the marriage of their daughter, Eva, to Mr. Oscar Thayer Batchelder, on Saturday, September 27. The ceremony was performed by Mr. Elisha Lake, pastor of the Baptist church of Portsmouth. Both young people are well known in town, the bride having been graduated from the schools here and for the past year has worked in her uncle’s store. Mr. Batchelder is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Batchelder.

Miss Lamprey of Melrose, Mass. is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Marion Dearborn.

We are glad to see station agent Tufts back at his old duties this week.

Miss Gladys Jordan has accepted a position as principal of the 7th and 8th grade schools in North Hampton.

The first meeting of the Monday club this fall will be held October 6, at Mrs. Lane’s cottage at North Beach.

There long has been talk of the organizing of a historical society in Hampton. This agitation is now crystallizing into definite action, and a meeting to consider the organization of such a society will be held on October 14, the anniversary of the founding of the town. Further particulars later.

The selectmen have purchased a new piece of apparatus of the combination type.

Rev. I. S. Jones will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday morning.

Miss Lucinda Batchelder is spending a week with Mrs. Fred E. Perkins.

Mr. Henry Higgins and family have moved into the residence of the late William Lane.

Services at the Methodist church on Sunday, October 5, will consist of Morning Worship at 10:30, and the subject of the sermon, Elements of Following Jesus. Sunday school will meet at noon. Union service in the evening at 7 o’clock. On Sunday, October 12, Rev. William Thompson of Antrim, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church in the morning. The mid-week services will be held on Thursday evening at the usual time.

Dana Chase is building a garage on the north side of his residence on Lafayette road. It will be of fireproof construction 50 by 50 feet in size.

Mrs. Nellie Nudd of South Weymouth, Mass., is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur G. Sanborn.

Mrs. Charles Green and Mrs. Harold McKeen motored to Rochester Fair Thursday.

The Colonial Maids of Haverhill will present one of their pleasing and varied entertainments at the Central school Auditorium next Wednesday evening, October 8, at 8 o’clock. Those who have had the privilege of hearing the Colonial Maids will eagerly [indecipherable] reappearance in Hampton and for those who have not heard them a rare treat is in store. They come under the auspices of the Mothers’ Circle and tickets of admission may be obtained from either Mrs. Harry Noyes or Mrs. Marvin Young for the nominal sum of twenty five cents. Tickets will also be on sale at the door.

Russell Hobbs of Hampton was elected captain of Colby Academy cross country team after Saturday’s work out. Russell is a brother of the H. Ellsworth Hobbs, track star of Colby last year. Ten men are now appearing daily for work outs and the prospects for a winning team are the brightest for several years.

A largely attended and very interesting County Convention of the Rockingham county W. C. T. U., was held in the Congregational chapel on Thursday, September 25. The address by Dr. Bixler on Prohibition was very enlightening and it was a pity that more who claim that it is a failure could not have heard him. Lucy A. Marston who had been president for 15 years positively declined reelection, was made vice president with Mrs. Carrie Fifield of Exeter as president.

Rev. John Cummings has preached three very fine, instructive and satisfying sermons on the Trinity, first, The Father; second, The Son; third, The Holy Ghost.

Mrs. Martha Blake was a very welcome guest at the Missionary Society meeting.

Mrs. Herbert Marston is visiting a half brother in Sandwich, Mass., whom she has not seen for 30 years.

Parent Teachers’ Association:

A regular meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association will be held at the Centre school building on Monday evening, October 13, at 8 o’clock. It will be a meeting to welcome the new teachers and give parents and teachers a chance to get acquainted informally. It is hoped that every parent who has a child in school will be present and join the association.

The list of officers and committees for the ensuing year is as follows:

President – Mrs. Wilson Olney

Vice President — Mrs. Edgar Warren

Secretary – Miss Etta Blake

Treasurer – Mr. Edgar Howe

Program Committee:

Miss Adeline Marston

Miss Mabel Philbrick

Mrs. Robert Barker

Mrs. Everett Coombs

Educational Committee:

Mrs. Harry Moore

Miss Caroline Cutts

Miss Irene Trefethen

Press Committee:

Mr. C. F. Adams

Mr. Russell Leavitt

Legislative Committee:

Mr. Sears

Mrs. Shea

Social Chairman:

Mrs. Arthur Ward

Academy Plays First Game Next Saturday:

The Academy football team will journey to Ipswich next Saturday afternoon and play its first game with Manning high. This will be the first football game ever to be played by a team representing the local Academy. After three weeks of good practice the team bids fair to win its opening game. A strong heavy line up will be presented and if unlooked for injuries do not develop, the boys should give a good account of themselves. Several practice games have been held and the first team has always defeated the scrubs which include a large number of local boys not going to school. Due credit should be given these boys who come around every afternoon to fill in the vacant spots on the scrub team. A newcomer last week to the squad, Ed Langley, has made a strong bid for full back position and seems like the logical candidate for that position. Another back field man who has come along fast is Ring. Although small in size he is a star at catching passes and a fast man on the end runs. The line has been shifted considerably this week due to injuries to Nudd and George, the two best line men in school. It is not certain yet that either of these men will play Saturday. It means a pretty weak line if they are absent. Some of the subs are showing up well, especially Moody, who has been taking Nudd’s place and Tilton, a scrappy little end. He has lots of fight and pep and may start the game Saturday. A captain will be elected before the game and while this honor lies between two or three logical candidates, at present the winner will have to be a man with a complete knowledge of football and an exceptional ability to lead his men through all the battles. The exact line up for Saturday’s game with Manning will not be known until the start of the game. The team from Manning played the first game with Saugus high last Saturday and resulted in a scoreless tie. This points to the fact that Hampton will have their hands full to win Saturday.