Vol. XXVI, No. 42

Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. John Ashworth and their son and daughter of Fall River, Mass. spent the holiday with their friends Mr. and Mrs. William Gilpatrick.

The Misses Marion Noyes, Helen, Gladys and Dorothy Gilpatrick attended the Christian Endeavor Convention at Rye on Monday.

Christian Endeavor Sunday evening at six o’clock. Leader, Wilfred Cunningham, Topic: “My Denomination, Its Organization and Aims.”

Miss Etta Blake, with Mrs. Pressey and family and three other friends, have just returned from an auto trip through Franconia Notch and Dixville Notch, up through Colebrook to Hereford, Province of Quebec. They reported a very enjoyable trip, with fine weather and wonderful scenery all the way, the mountains being clothed in a perfect rainbow of colors. Truly a trip through the mountains proclaims the wonderful works of God.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Buck sailed Tuesday for St. Petersburg, Fla. Their many friends wish them a most enjoyable winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Hooker of Melrose, Mass. and Susan E. Hooker and Mrs. Grace Hooker of New York were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melzar Dunbar.

Herbert Beede had the misfortune to sprain his ankle one day this week and is confined to his home.

Wentworth Sanborn of New York spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sanborn.

Rev. Charles A. Parker of Exeter will preach Sunday morning and evening at the Baptist church.

Dr. and Mrs. Ward are guests of Dr. Adams of Providence. Dr. Adams is connected with the Rhode Island State hospital and Dr. Ward is attending clinics there. Mrs. Mary Chipman and daughter are at Dr. Ward’s during their absence, and Mrs. Jenness is caring for baby Constance.

Morning worship at the Methodist church will be at 10:30. The sermon will be on the Essence of Service From Christ’s Standpoint. Sunday school will follow the morning service. The evening service will be at seven o’clock. The subject will be “Constructive Don’ts.” Thursday evening at 7:30 there will be the mid-week prayer meeting. On Wednesday, November 5th, the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Methodist church will give a public supper in the vestry.

The pupils of the Center school and Academy were very fortunate in listening to Miss Edith Peckham, assistant director of the Junior Red Cross, speak to them of the service which is carried on by this Junior organization. It is hoped that an active interest will be shown by the student body in organizing a Junior Red Cross here.

The Harvest supper at the Congregational church on Tuesday was a great success. A large number were present and a pleasant social hour was enjoyed. The selectmen of Hampton brought guests from the Academy Green celebration. There were fourteen at the table.

Word has been received of the death of Alonzo Whipple Shaw at the Soldier’s Home in Tilton, where he had been for years. Mr. Shaw was a Civil War veteran. He was 90 years old in September. Mr. Shaw has a sister, Mrs. Caroline Howe and other relatives in town and will be brought here for burial Saturday.

The regular meeting of the Men’s Club next Monday evening will be an unusually interesting one. One of the members will give the club a chicken dinner which will be served early in the evening, and following will be an address by Dr. Lucius Thayer of Portsmouth and the usual business session. All members are urged to be present.

The Parent-Teacher’s association had a fine meeting last Monday night. About fifty were present and each enjoyed the meeting. In the absence of the secretary, Miss Etta Blake, Mrs. Edgar Warren was chosen to act in her place, and Mrs. Frank Dennett in place of the treasurer. Superintendant of Schools Moore gave a splendid talk on three of the state wide problems which education in New Hampshire has to solve, and spoke of the local work and some of the goals which are to be reached this year. The meeting closed with refreshments.

An interesting event was held on Tuesday last when the Memorial Park in the Ring was dedicated and the boulder placed in position on its prepared foundation. The exercises were brief, including a prayer by Rev. John Cummings, remarks by Rev. R. S. Barker, singing by the school children etc. The Selectmen of adjoining towns were present as the guests of the Hampton Selectmen, and they were given a dinner in the evening and enjoyed a social hour afterwards.

Several prominent citizens of Hampton, who believe that it would be profitable for the town to purchase a tractor which could be used for various purposes, especially in winter for clearing the road of snow, have urged the selectmen to purchase such a machine. Before doing this, however, the selectmen would like an expression of opinion as to the advisability of the purchase. A plan for obtaining this expression is being worked out and will be given next week, but any suggestion which readers can make will be welcome.

Mrs. Marianna Brown passed away last Friday after a long and useful life. She would have been 93 years old in February. Mrs. Brown was a native of Hampton and daughter of John L. and Hannah Towle. She married Albert D. Brown of North Hampton. She lived with her daughter, Mrs. Roberts who has tenderly cared for her mother in these last weeks of her helplessness. Mrs. Brown was a very energetic woman. She was a regular attendant at the Baptist church and for many years sung in the choir. She leaves one daughter and two grandchildren who will miss her. She fell asleep and woke on the other side to meet many friends who had gone before.

Academy News:

Do you know:

That the Academy has been newly painted.

Mr. Harry Eno has been appointed janitor and is right on the job.

There are 61 students enrolled.

Clayton Johnson of Colby college is coaching the Academy football team. Both he and the boys are to be congratulated upon the fine showing which was made against Manning high.

Paul Hobbs was elected captain and Arthur Collins manager of the football team.

The Athletic Association has had its first meeting and elected the following officers Nellie Moulton, Alzena Leavitt, Paul Hobbs, Arnold George and Philip Nudd.

Thirty-one young people had a wonderful time going to Ipswich on Saturday in Ross and Mitchell’s truck. Mr. Leavitt went with the party and though the team did not win as to score, it won the unbounded admiration of all by its spirit of determination to try and win.

Get back of the team and cheer!