Vol. XXVI, No. 44

Hampton News


The Republican town committee earnestly requests as many voters as possibly can to vote during the morning hours. An effort will be made to get out a large vote this year and will help the committee very much to have the majority come in early. It is also deemed advisable to urge the voters to cast a straight Republican ballot. There is some risk in losing a vote through a split ticket, and the safer way to support Coolidge is to vote straight.

The Missionary Auxiliary of the Congregational church will be held next Wednesday, Nov. 5 in the chapel. All ladies of the parish and members of the Whatsoever society are invited. It will be the Thank Offering meeting. A collection will be taken.

Mrs. Etta Glidden has sold her home to Leavitt Brown and has taken a position in the home of Mr. Pethybridge of Haverhill.

Phillip Hale has moved from Amesbury into one of E. G. Cole’s tenements near the periodical store.

Christian Endeavor Sunday evening at 6:00 o’clock. Leader, Gordon Moore. Topic, what Jesus said about faith. This is consecration meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt and daughter, Mrs. Edward Davidson; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leavitt; Dr. and Mrs. Ward and Mr. and Mrs. John Cummings with Miss Vivian Hubbard were the Hamptonians who watched the Dartmouth team win from Harvard last Saturday.

Mrs. Mary Chipman and her daughter, Miss Martha Chipman, who have been spending the past two weeks with their daughter and sister Mrs. Arthur Ward, returned to their home in Somerville on Saturday.

The Sunbeam class of the Congregational Sunday School will hold a Food Sale at Cole’s periodical store on Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Pies, cakes, doughnuts, bread, rolls and cookies will be on sale.

Dr. E. Henry Thompson took his daughter, Miss Isabelle, to the Harvard-Dartmouth game on Saturday. After the game a party of her schoolmates came home with her to spend Sunday.

Mrs. Addie Brown went to Boston on Wednesday to be one of a theatre party seeing Fred Stone in Stepping Stones. She returned on the evening train, bringing her sister, Mrs. Marcia York of Kensington with her.

Rev. Edgar Warren, who has supplied the pulpit of the Seabrook and Hampton Falls Congregational church since April, 1923, will conclude his labors there next Sunday. The “Line” church, as it is known, is to unite with South Seabrook in calling a pastor. There will be communion and reception of new members. Special music. Services begin at 11:00 o’clock. All are welcome.

Monday afternoon, Oct. 20th, Mrs. Harlan P. Wells was a most delightful hostess to the Monday Club. Twenty-five members and guests were present. After the business of the meeting, conducted by the president, Mrs. Caroline Shea, Mr. Chester Grady sang a collection of songs, accompanied by Mr. John Creighton. The speakers of the afternoon were Mrs. Willam T. Ross, Mrs. Lester Tobey and Mrs. Howard G. Lane who read papers on the three presidential candidates. Miss Margory Wood played a selection on the piano, after which a dainty luncheon was served.

Mrs. Irving Leavitt and Mrs. Charles Palmer entertained the Mother’s Circle at Mrs. Leavitt’s home on Wednesday with fifty-five members and guests present. Mrs. Everett Nudd, the president, called the meeting to order and after the transaction of business the program was given over to the literary committee. Mrs. Robert Barker read a very interesting paper on The Child’s Playmates. Two selections were sung by the Ladies’ quartet and a piano duet by Mrs. Palmer and Miss Alzena Leavitt closed the meeting. The hostesses then served a delicious lunch of banana royals, cookies and coffee.


The usual Friday evening moving picture program is to be resumed Oct. 31 at 7:45. Booth Tarkington’s famous book, Penrod, is to be shown. There will also be one reel of Pathe News.

No one should miss hearing Donald McMillan’s illustrated lecture on Nov. 3 in the Ioka hall, Exeter, at 3:45 and 7:45. His pictures of the North are most interesting. The admission fee is but 25 cents.

Although Manning High won the football game last Saturday we are proud of our team and pleased with the fine showing which it made.

At the Academy assembly last Friday Joseph Raymond played two violin selections accompanied by Dorothy Tarr.

Hampton loses to Manning 18 to 6:

In a game featured by rough playing the strong Manning High School team defeated the local boys Saturday 18 to 6. The Academy team showed great improvement over past games and stopped Manning’s running and kicking game only to have the visitors complete six perfect forward passes, three for touchdowns.

Hampton scored its first touchdown of the season, the honor going to John White. It started with Hobbs’ 50 yard punt. Hampton held Manning and Fat George broke through to block the punt, Hampton recovering on the one yard line. On the first play White ploughs through centre for the score.

The game was full of excitement and many long runs were pulled off by each team. Both Ring and John White made some spectacular runs around end and Hobbs’ kicking featured.

The great playing of John White deserves mention. He was in every play and tackled hard. He refused to be put out of the way on the defense and made gain after gain on the offense. He is improving in each game and should be a wonder after a little more experience.

Ring, although in the game only a short time, played well. His tackles were hard and sure and he completed a couple of fine end runs.

Credit should be given to every man as they played a hard game to the final whistle.

Henry Hobbs is building a house on High street, opposite Warren Hobbs.