Vol. XXVI, No. 46

Hampton News

The Parent-Teachers Association held an interesting meeting in the Centre School building last Monday evening. Some of the special features of the meeting were the resume of school work by the community nurse, Miss Eldredge; an inspection of the work of the pupils in domestic arts under Miss Dexter, and two readings by the talented elocutionist, Mrs. Wilson Olney, president of the association.

A large attendance enjoyed Cappy Ricks in the movies at the Centre school last Friday evening. Tomorrow evening East is West will be given and should draw a large house.

The Men’s Club will hold its regular monthly meeting in the Congregational chapel Monday evening, Nov. 17. A hot roast beef supper will be served at 6:30 at 50 cents per plate, after which will be the business session and an address by Secretary Lee Grow of the Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce.

Rehearsal are in progress for the Mothers’ Circle play to be given December 12. Remember the date for it will be a very good evening’s entertainment.

Thomas Cogger went to Florida Saturday evenings on the Everglade Limited, having sold some of his St. Petersburg property.

The corn husking referred to in last week’s issue was at the barn of Frank E. and Merton James. At 10 o’clock a baked bean supper was served by Mrs. Merton James assisted by Miss Blanche Williams.

On Friday evening of this week there will be a baked bean supper in the Baptist vestry, under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of the church. Supper will be served from 5:00 to 7:30. Candy and fancy articles will be on sale.

The concert by the Portsmouth High School orchestra at the Centre school on Wednesday evening was well attended. It was hard to believe that it was young people playing and not an old experienced orchestra. The soloists and trio were very good, rendering their selections in a masterly way. The proceeds from the concert are for the benefit of our school orchestra. At present it is small but a good start has been made and the Portsmouth orchestra shows what can be done.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church held their regular meeting with Mrs. Cash on Tuesday. Preparations for the sale to be held Dec. 2 are being enthusiastically carried out.

The West End club met with Mrs. J. E. James Nov. 6. After the business was transacted and a literary program carried out a social hour was enjoyed and delicious refreshments were served by the hostess.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Sanborn and children of Concord, Mass., enjoyed the day and a bird dinner at her parents, Mr., and Mrs. A. W. Gookin, one day recently.

Mrs. Charles Tarlton went to Boston Saturday to attend the opera of Il Trovatore given by the San Carlo Opera company, in the Boston opera house. She also visited her daughter, Mrs. Merton Bowen of Allston, Mass.

Among the elderly people who cast their votes in the last election was Mrs. Elizabeth Pray, in her 93rd year. Mr. Joshua E. James, who rarely leaves his home, also consented to be brought to the polls that he might vote in one more presidential election. Credit for getting these two to the polls and many others belongs to Mr. Herbert S. Wyman, who was untiring in his efforts to make it possible for every one to get to the polls. The large vote cast in this town was in no small measure due to Mr.. Wyman’s good work.

Rev. A. B. Thompson has resigned as pastor of the Advent church but has been invited to preach until January 1. Mr. Thompson has many friends here who will be sorry to have him leave town.

Mrs. Herbert Marston has arrived safely at her destination in Huntsville, Alabama, and received a warm welcome from friends there.

Tuesday, Nov. 18th, the Ladies’ Aid society of the Congregational church are to have a boiled dinner at 5:30 o’clock. Come and get a good dinner at 35 cents a plate. After the supper comes the experience Party, when the farce, °How the Ladies Earned Their Dollar,” will be given. There will also be piano and vocal solos, the evening ending with a community sing. Admission to the Experience Party is fifteen cents.

We hope you have jotted this date down. Tuesday, December second, the Congregational church ladies held their annual December Fair in the town hall, afternoon and evening. There will also be a supper in the church dining room at 5:30. Bring some of your Christmas savings. All sorts of pretty and useful articles will be on sale. You can buy here to advantage.


Senior Editor-in-Chief … Nellie Moulton
Junior Editor … Marion Poole
Sophomore Editor … Marjorie Wood
Jr. Editor-in-Chief … Gertrude Paulson
Eighth Grade Editor … Philip Janvrin
Seventh Grade Editor … Wendell Ring

The last game of the football season was played last Saturday with Traip Academy at Kittery. The boys played a good game and the score was 13 to 0. Taking into consideration that the team of this year is the first team for many years and many of the boys had never played football before, the boys have done very well.

Last Friday was the last day of the first nine weeks of school. The pupils of the Centre school are glad to welcome Miss Philbrook back, after a short illness.