Vol. XXVI, No. 48

Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sears are entertaining their brother, Mr. Fred Sears.

Attention is called to a change of the schedule of the Street Railway between Whittiers and Hampton Beach effective Dec. 1st. There will be a car at the Beach at 7:45 in the morning, at 11:00 and at 3:50 on the afternoon, the first and last trips being made to North Beach also. On Saturdays there will be a trip at 6:00 p. m. Sundays there will be a car at the Beach at 9:50 in the morning, 11:00, 12:50 and 5:00 in the afternoon.

Mrs. Frances Towle entertained the West End club at its last meeting. After the usual business and literary program was carried out a social hour was enjoyed. Refreshments were served by the hostess.

A special committee meeting of the Ladies’ Aid will be held with Mrs. Emma Young Friday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church will hold a supper and Christmas Sale in the chapel Tuesday afternoon and evening, Dec. 2.

The regular grange meeting of Nov. 21 was postponed and will be held Friday evening, Nov. 28.

The Mothers’ Circle will give a drama, “The Rebellion of Youth,” followed by a dance, in town hall, Friday evening, Dec. 12.

Dr. and Mrs. Henry Godfrey and two daughters of Auburndale, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Godfrey and their children of Wollaston, and Mr. and Mrs. William Hill of Waltham, are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Godfrey, for Thanksgiving.

Mrs. Walter Goodwin of New Haven was with her sister, Mrs. Carrie Scott, for the weekend.

Melzar Dunbar has had a coal carburetor installed in his furnace. By means of this device the gases are consumed, thus generating more heat with a resultant saving of coal.

Mrs. William Dyer was a weekend visitor with friends in town.

Harold McKeen is now very ill in his mother’s home in Exeter, having been removed from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown have taken the management of the Co-op store.

The W. C. T. U. held its regular monthly meeting with Mrs. Irvin Leavitt. A most interesting program was arranged and carried out by Mrs. Lillian Roberts. A delicious luncheon of crab salad, hot rolls, lemon and raspberry jellies with whipped cream, fancy crackers and tea was served by the hostess.

Mrs. Wallace Day of Exeter will entertain the next meeting of the H. T. G. club on Thursday Dec. 4.

Mrs. Mae Hodsdon of Lunenburg, Mass., was a weekend visitor in town and closed her home for the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huckins have just returned from a week’s visit to Mr. Huckins’ parents in Winter Harbor, Me.

Mrs. Lucy A. Marston and her daughter, Miss Adeline C. Marston, with Mrs. Addie Brown, will motor to Beverly to spend Thanksgiving with relatives.

The next meeting of the Parent-Teachers Association, Dec. 8, will be most interesting, as Mr. Russell Leavitt, who spent three years in Syria, will give a talk on his experiences while there.

Mrs. John Elliot, assisted by Mrs. Jasper Myers, will entertain the Monday Club at her home Monday afternoon, Dec. 1.

Walter A. Scott:

Seldom has Hampton been so deeply affected by the death of one of its citizens as it has been the past week by the sudden call into the “Great Beyond” of Mr. Walter A. Scott. Just in the prime of life, his untimely end is a great shock to the community and has cast a gloom over its citizens and plunged his family into the deepest sorrow. Mr. Scott went to the post office on Tuesday morning where he does postal work, but feeling ill returned to his home. A physician was called in and everything was done that could be done to relieve his suffering, but the disease was too firmly settled and Mr. Scott gradually failed until Wednesday afternoon when the end came — the result of an abdominal trouble. Mr. Scott was born in Amesbury in April, 1881, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott, and attended the public schools of that town. After his marriage, Mr. Scott came to Hampton as an employee of the Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury St. Ry., and gradually rose to the position of Superintendent. Later he entered the postal service where he remained until his death.

Mr. Scott has served the town of his adoption as selectman and was universally liked and admired for his administration of affairs as he deemed just and right, regardless of favoritism.

Mr. Scott was a member of the local grange and of the Masonic Lodge in Exeter where he held the office of junior warden. In 1917, during the Leckemby religious revival he was converted and in May of the same year united with the Congregational church and has ever since been a loyal member of the church.

Mr. Scott was married in Dec, 1902, to Miss Carrie Hobbs of Hampton, and she, with their two children, survives her husband. Mrs. Scott and children have the deepest sympathy of the entire community. A father, sister and brother also mourn his loss.

In his several positions Mr. Scott has come in contact with nearly everyone in town and all have found him pleasant, kind and ever ready to oblige in every way. He was always pleasant and cheerful and ready to appreciate the humorous side of life. A man trusted and respected by his fellow townsmen and congenial with postal associates as they have testified. How could he be spared! How few have so many good qualities! Yet he did not talk these things, he lived them. The funeral was held in the Congregational church following a prayer at the house and was attended by a large concourse of people to do honor to the memory of the deceased and to show to the living the high regard in which they held him. It was in charge of Rev. John Cummings and Rev. G. W. Clark of Farmington and both testified to Mr. Scott’s kindness as a neighbor.

The Masons held their service, which was very impressive and the wonderful array of the beautiful flowers bore testimony to the love and esteem in which Mr. Scott was held. The bearers were John Brooks, Everett Janvrin, Harry Munsey and Edwin Batchelder. The honorary bearers were Herbert Perkins, G. E. Garland, Fred Sanborn and Warren Hobbs, associates in the post office.

Interment was in the Hampton cemetery.