Vol. XXVI, No. 49

Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs entertained Miss Miranda Brooks of Wrentham, Mass., over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. William Brown and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Orlando Blake. Her other daughter was not present because of sickness.

Horace E. Hobbs of Westwood, N.J., was at home over the weekend.

Mrs. Oliver Hobbs is confined to the home with a bad cold.

George Carlton and family have moved to Topsfield, Mass. The house vacated by the Carletons will be occupied by Irvin Stanley and family.

Ervin Drake left Tuesday morning for Florida, where he will spend the summer.

John A. Janvrin is building a small colonial house near the new house of G. Sumner Fall.

The selectmen will sell at public auction in the town hall next week Friday afternoon some of the town’s property, which will include the old Mace gravel pit, the lots on High street near the Advent church in the rear of which is a gravel pit; and the land and buildings known as the Thompson house which is occupied by Harry Cleveland.

Guests at the Methodist parsonage on Thanksgiving day were Mr. Ralph Hammond and Mrs. Katherine Hammond of West Rindge N. H., with their daughter Alberta, Robert Barker, Jr., of Lawrence, Mass., Mr. Wm. Council and Master and Miss Partington and Robert Council also of Lawrence. Miss Mabel Barker of Boston Mass. [sic].

Entrance to the Methodist church was blocked last Sunday by fallen telephone wires but the efficiency of the local service made possible the evening service at the church.

Mrs. Addie Brown went to Kensington on Monday to spend the rest of the winter with her sister Mrs. Marcia York.

“Laugh and the world laughs with you.” Come to the Hampton town hall Friday evening December 12th, and see that the old adage is true. Mrs. Mac Gillian and Aunt Midge in the Mother’s Circle, “The rebellion of Youth” will not only make you laugh but give you some good advice. Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Dennett have the tickets and all children selling 10 will earn their own.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of Hampton Falls are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, at the Exeter Hospital, Saturday evening.

Mrs. Annie May True and daughter have moved to Mrs. Blanchard’s apartment for the winter.

A number of large family parties were held in town on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Yeaton has 15 at their home, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Toppan had 17, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Godfrey 10 and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt 21 gather around their festive boards.

When we hear the siren of the fire engine and see it rushing thru our streets one can’t help but feel a little fearful. We are all glad for Mr. and Mrs. Dana Chase that the fire at their house last Saturday was no worse.

The next meeting of the Mothers Circle will be held Wednesday evening December 10th, in the Centre School auditorium. All members are requested to bring Christmas suggestions of fancy-work crocheting, or any thing unusual. The hostesses will be Mrs. Alice Gilpatrick, Mrs. Jennie Godfrey, Mrs. Elizabeth Howe.

Among the various Thanksgiving festivities enjoyed by local persons and vicinity now spending the winter at St. Petersburg, Fla., was that at the attractive home in that city of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Young of Exeter who entertained as guests, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Wood of Hampton, and Mr. and Mrs. William Felch of Hampton Falls.

Miss Isabelle Thompson spent the Thanksgiving holiday with her parents. Her roommate at Lasell, Miss Audrey Johnson was her guest.

Because of the lack of interest the Advent church will be closed evenings. Preaching Sunday mornings only by the supply-Rev. A. B. Thompson.

The fair and supper at the Congregational Church on Tuesday was a great success financially. The tables were all prettily decorated and the delicious baked ham supper was well patronized.

Men of Hampton: Don’t forget your club meeting a week from Monday night Dec. 15th. You know what fine suppers and meetings the past two have been and this coming one will be just as good if not better.

The Monday club was entertained by Mrs. John Elliott, assisted by Mrs. Jasper Myers on Monday afternoon with 18 members present. After the business, presided over by the president, Mrs. Caroline Shea, the programme was enjoyed. Mrs. Scott Noyes read a paper on the “Geology of the State,” which was most interesting. Mrs. Albert Coffin gave some vocal selections after which the hostess served refreshments.

The Parent Teachers meeting will be held Monday evening December 8, at 8 o’clock at the Centre school. The speaker of the evening is Mr. Russell Leavitt who will give his impressions of Syria, gained from his three years’ work in that country. He will show the costumes of the country and other interesting souvenirs which he collected. Mrs. Leavitt has kindly consented to prepare a Syrian dish so that we may compare the food with our American dishes. Any one interested who is not a member of the association is cordially invited to be present.

Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Kierstead are receiving congratulations as their home was blessed with a young son who came Monday morning and bears the name Thomas Hartley Jr.

[There is a 3-line article ending here about a visitor with Mrs. Fred E. Perkins, but the visitor’s name is not given.]

Uri Lamprey was the first in Rockingham County for the 1924 open season to bring down a deer. He got his in Nottingham. Very few deer have been seen in this town recently.

The members of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Congregational church are invited to meet with the Woman’s Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church Wednesday, Dec. 10, at 3:00 P. M. at the Methodist church.

Miss Maybelle Perkins of Concord Junction, Mass., spent the Thanksgiving week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Perkins.

The many friends of our popular barber, Chester G. Marston are glad to see him back in the shop again after a half month’s vacation spent in camp in northern New Hampshire near the Canadian line. Mr. Marston’s party shot several deer during their stay and one of them was Mr. Marston’s.

The storm of Saturday night gave the Telephone Company the toughest proposition it has had to deal with for many years. The rain of Saturday afternoon turned to a heavy damp snow early in the evening, freezing as fast as it fell until poles, wires, and trees were loaded with a heavy coating of ice. This additional weight, subject to the strain of the high wind which accompanied the storm brought down poles, wires and trees everywhere in a hopeless tangled mass. All night the Telephone men were kept busy clearing away wreckage from the highways.

Serious breaks occurred on the Manchester, Boston, and Dover toll lines. Truck loads of material have been coming from Boston since early Sunday morning with which to temporarily bridge these breaks.

It is expected that outside communication will be restored today.