Volume XXVI, No. 50

Hampton News

The E. G. Cole Company has its store decorated for Christmas in an unusually attractive manner.

[Text missing from original] Mass., has entered the employ of the Rockingham Printing Co. as Linotype operator. [sic]

Quite a number of the young men of Hampton will take the examination for mail carrier on Jan. 10. The time for examinations will be at 2:30 P.M.

On Dec 28 at 6 P.M. the choir Of the Methodist church of Hampton will give a story cantata for Christmas entitled “The Guest of Bethlehem,” by Dr. Adam Geibel. The characters will each be costumed in the garments of Biblical times. A large attendance is hoped for every one will be joyfully welcomed.

At the next meeting of Winnacunnet Rebekah Lodge, Dec. 23, Christmas exercises will be held. Each member is requested to bring a ten cent gift.

The fourth Community Christmas tree will be held at the town hall on Monday evening Dec. 22. Come and see the children and help with the Community singing.

The hostesses in charge of the Christmas suggestion meeting of the Mother’s Circle Dec. 10, were Mrs. Gilpatrick, Mrs. Godfrey and Mrs. Howe [text missing from original] item last week gave credit to one who was not a hostess. [sic]

On Sunday evening, Dec. 28, the choir of the Methodist church will give a story cantata entitled the “Guest of Bethlehem.” Characters in the oriental story will he represented in costume. An organ fund has been started and the offering at this time will help to swell that fund. A cordial welcome is given to everyone who can, to enjoy our Christmas festivities with us.

Mrs. Everett Nudd spent Tuesday in Haverhill, Mass.

The Creasey Company is wiring Stacey Nudd’s house for electric lights.

Mrs. A. H. Ward and daughter Barbara spent Saturday in Somerville with Mrs. Ward’s mother, Mrs. Mary G. Chipman.

Mrs. Edgar Warren has been confined to her bed with bronchitis.

Mr, and Mrs. Christopher Toppan and Grafton and “Dolly”, are slowly regaining their health after a very anxious week of sickness.

Committees are being chosen from each club and society in town to have a lighted Christmas tree on Toppan’s corner Christmas Eve. Mrs Emma Young as representative of the Mother’s Circle, where the idea was started will be very glad of any helpful suggestions. Mrs. Arthur Ward represents the Monday Club and Mrs. G. Sumner Fall the Men’s club. The committee want selections of representatives from Grange, Mechanics before a full committee meeting can be called.

The Men’s Club, held one of its most successful meetings, Monday evening. After a delicious baked ham supper, the tables were cleared and a companionable circle of chairs were formed in the dining room instead of going to the chapel. Discussions on various subjects of interest to the town were entered into by all the men after which the speaker of the evening, Dr. David C. Dow, Cambridge, Mass gave the men a most interesting talk on the work of a Medical examiner. Thirty members were present.

Monday afternoon Mrs. Howard G. Lane and Mrs. Caroline Shea, were hostesses to the Monday Club at Mrs. Lanes home. The after noon’s programme was a musicale. Mrs. John Rowe and daughter Miss Vivian of Exeter gave half the programme, Miss Rowe playing selections on the piano and violin and Mrs. Rowe reading some very amusing monologues. Mrs. Harold Winchester, a club member, read selections from the life of Chaliapin, and described two of his Russian songs “The Flea”. and “The Volga Boat Song.” which were placed on the victrola The hostesses served dainty refreshments during the social hour.

The Mother’s Circle have added another laurel to their crown of good dramatic productions by their performance last Friday night of “The Rebellion of Youth.” The hall was crowded and the hearty laughs and generous applause showed how well the audience enjoyed themselves. The play was the story the mother, which part being in the secret couldn’t understand what had come over her “gal.” The parts were all splendidly taken and the whole performance well finished.

The new church at the Beach is progressing rapidly. The outside is practically finished as far as the wood work is concerned. The stucco will not be put on until spring. A good sized bell was put in place last Friday which will call people from the strain of business and from their recreation pleasures for a moment worship of this good God who has provided these needed blessings. Work on the inside is continueing. The pulpit furniture is provided and the building will be dedicated in the early summer.

The ladies’ of the W. C. T. U. are requested to leave their contributions for Miss Smith, either cake or candy, with Mrs. Howard G. Lane, not later than Monday, Dec. 22.

W. C. T. U. Convention

The quarterly convention of the Rockingham County Woman’s Christian Temperance Union was held in the Methodist church at Smithtown on Dec. 11th with a good attendance. Reports were read from the State and National Conventions. Devotional and Praise services were held and following resolutions adopted: 1. That the National Gov. should have to regulate the employment of children, 2. That we believe the need for the immediate exercise of this power is evidenced by the low child labor standards of some states: 3. That we believe that Congress, if entrusted with this power, will use it to the best interest of the country as a whole. Therefore be it resolved that we urge that the Child Labors Amendment to the Federal Constitution, recently adopted by Congress, be ratified by the Legislature of the next session.