Hampton News

Mrs. Charles Walker entertained Mr. Walker’s mother and sister, Mrs. O. C. Baxter, of Farmington, over the week end.

Mrs. Byron D. Smith and daughter Joyce of Wollaston, Mass., are spending a few days with Mrs. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin E. Leavitt.

The members of the Monday Club are holding a food sale in Mr. Cole’s periodical store Friday afternoon, Jan. 16th, at 3 P.M.

W. C. T. U. Will hold its regular monthly meeting at the Center School Friday afternoon at 2:30 P. M. At 3:30 Mrs. Bisbee, of Exeter, will entertain the children with stories. All children in school invited.

Mr. Harry Moore and Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Coombs and Miss Adeline Marston, attended the Parent-Teachers’ meeting in North Hampton, on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Coombs sang in her pleasing manner three selections, with Miss Marston accompanist.

A very pleasing feature at the Congregational church, for the last two Sundays, was the appearance of the pastor’s wife with her large class of girls at the morning service. It is to be deplored that so few of our young people attend church. Mrs. Cumming’s class sets a good example. There are always good sermons, and a pleasure to hear the two boy singers — Wilfred Cunningham and Hollis Johnson.

The choir of the Methodist church will hold a food sale at Cressey’s electrical store Saturday, Jan. 17th. Cake and cookies, pie and bread on sale.

There will be an entertainment at the Methodist church Saturday, Jan. 31, to which the public are invited. Admission will be twenty-five cents.

On Sunday, Feb. 1, there will be another Candle Light Service at 6 o’clock. Both of these are given by the Methodist choir.

Last Thursday evening, Mrs. Harry Munsey’s home was the scene of a jolly gathering when the casts of lasts year’s and this year’s Mother’s Circle plays met for a reunion. Each member was responsible for a share of the delicious supper, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The repast finished, Mrs. Olney as toast-mistress addressed the gathering with a merry rhyme. She introduced each member. With song, story, toast, pantomime and poetry, the toasts were replied to. Mrs. Myers with her gift for original poems, answered hers with a clever one, taking in alphabetical order each who worked so well to make the play a success. The evening passed all too quickly with songs and games.

The Monday Club meets Monday afternoon, Jan 19th, at the home of Mrs. William Cash. Mrs. Russell Leavitt will read a paper on Syria.

The Mother Circle Meeting will be held at the Centre School Wednesday evening, January 21. The teachers are the invited guests of the club on this evening, and each member may bring a guest. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Leavitt have received word of the birth of a seven pound girl to their daughter, Mr. E. M. Dandson of Cleveland, Ohio. As this is the first girl of six grandchildren, they are much pleased.

The January Meeting of the Men’s Club will be held next Monday evening, in the Congregational Chapel. The subject for discussion, the Electric Road, should be of interest to every citizen of Hampton. All men are welcome both to the supper at 6:30 and the meeting an hour later. Those intending to be at the supper, price fifty cents, should notify the secretary club, Wallace Philbrook, Phone 52.

Henry J. Perkins

The passing away of Mr. Perkins, came as a great shock to his friends and townspeople. Mr. Perkins died on his 85th birthday. He was an active man, and was not called upon to be laid aside from his daily tasks but one week. On the Sunday before his death, he officiated at the Communion service at the church preparing for it as was his custom. He was not well at that time, and this was the last outside work that he did.

Mr. Perkins was the senior deacon of the Congregational church, where his father, Deacon James Perkins held the same office for [unreadable].

Mr. Perkins belonged to one of the oldest families of the town. To a type that is fast passing away, interested in all church affairs, always present at all church functions, firm in their stand for the right, willing to do all in their power to help any good cause, where are we to find any to fill the place of these faithful ones.

Mr. Perkins leaves at home a faithful wife to mourn his loss, and to her and [his] mother, who is 94 years of age and to whom Mr. Perkins had been as a kind son, the sympathy of all goes out in a great measure.

Mr. Perkins leaves a daughter by a former marriage, Mrs. Eugene Nudd, who has been a devoted daughter in his illness.

The funeral services were held in Congregational chapel, on Wednesday, a large number showing their love and respect by their presence, and Rev. Edger Warren, The Pastor, Mr. Cummings paid loving tributes to the departed.

The ladies’ quartette, sang in a pleasing manner, two selections. The loss fell heavily on the aged brother, Mr. Warren Perkins, who is in his 90th year. The older sister Mrs. Eleanor Noyes, and the younger sister Miss Maria Perkins, are all that remain of the family circle. The bearers were John F. Marston, Ernest G. Cole, Oliver Hobbs and Harry Noyes.

The flowers were very beautiful, many from family and friends. Noticeable was a wreath from the G. A. R. of which Mr. Perkins was made an honorable member many years ago. There were pieces from the church, the three remaining deacons, neighbors and others.

He will be missed in home, church, town, but after all there is not a better epitaph than this to be said of our friend, “Passed Away-a Good Man.”

School News

Senior Editor-in-Chief ………………Nellie Moulton
Junior Editor…………………………Marion Poole
Sophomore Editor……………………Marjorie Wood
Jun, Editor-in-Chief………………….Gertrude Paulson
Eighth Grade Editor………………….Philip Janvrin
Seventh Grade Editor…………………Wendell Ring

The pupils of the Academy were very fortunate to have Mr. Currie speak to them Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Currie is Secretary of the Students Work of the Y. M. C. A. of New England. His talk upon the building of one’s character was very interesting. The thoughts he expressed were very impressive and will remain in our minds for many days to come. Mr. Socoloski, Secretary of Boy’s Work of the Y. M. C. A. and active in HI-Y also spoke. Paul Hobbs, President of the local HI-Y presented the speaker.

Friday assembly at the Academy was in charge of the sophomore class who put on an interesting program dealing with the noted people of New Hampshire and a comedy, “A Trip In A Ford Through New Hampshire Hills.”

The Academy has protected the windows at the town hall and are carrying on weekly gymnastic classes.