Hampton News

The tractor certainly is a fine investment for this progressive town as the roads are kept open and travel, even on the back roads, is not a burden.

Mrs. Frank Leavitt left for Cleveland on Thursday to spend a few weeks with her daughter Mrs. Edward Davidson and the little new grand-daughter.

The West End club met with Mrs. M. M. James January 15. After the business and literary program a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments were served by the hostess.

W. C. T. U. will meet at 2:30 Friday afternoon January 23, in the library rooms at the Center school. At 3:15 Mrs. Harlan Bisbee of Robinson Seminary, Exeter, N. H., will entertain the children with story telling, in the auditorium.

William Gilpatrick is taking numerous orders for the Victor Adding machine. He will be glad to demonstrate the merits of the machine to any interested party. The Fyr Fyter Extinguisher is also being sold to many in Hampton. It is the same extinguisher as the government is using in submarines.

Monday afternoon the Monday Club met at the home of Mrs. William Cash, with Mrs. William Gookin as assistant hostess. The club voted to give ten dollars toward the new school curtain.

Mrs. Ross gave a very interesting report of a State Federation meeting held in Portsmouth, and a short resume of Mrs. Fellows’ appeal for action on the Child Labor Amendment. Mrs. Russell Leavitt read a very interesting paper on Palestine and the River Jordan illustrating her talk with pictures brought from that country by her husband. The hostesses then served very attractive refreshments.

On account of the severity of the storm, the schools were dismissed at noon on Tuesday.

The Men’s club Monday night was one of the largest meetings yet held. Fifty-two sat at table for a most delicious boiled dinner and before the business was started ten more members joined those assembled. During the business meeting the club voted $25.00 toward the new curtain for the school. The 1924 officers were reelected for the ensuing year and the executive committee was increased to six, Charles F. Adams, Harry L. Moore and William Gilpatrick being the new members. The discussion of the evening was the Electric Railroad. The officers and directors of the road were present and gave their views of the road. Mr. Moore spoke on the transportation of the school children and brought out the number of tuition pupils that the railroad brings into our schools. Questions were asked by the members which brought out many points, showing how necessary the road is to the community, also facts that were little known or before discussed.

Wednesday evening the Mother’s Circle entertained the teachers of our schools and their guests with a most pleasant programme. The hostesses in charge of the evening were Mrs. Wilson Olney, Mrs. Charles Palmer and Mrs. Fred Perkins. The programme opened with a selection by the school orchestra. This was followed with a reading by Mrs. Alice Noyes and a selection by the Cecilian Quartette. The school orchestra played other selections. Mrs. Olney gave some readings and Miss Marjory Wood played piano selections. The hostesses then served refreshments.

Henry Johnson Perkins:

Another of our old and respected citizens has passed into the Great Beyond, and the town is just a little lonelier because his familiar figure is no longer seen on the streets.

Henry Johnson Perkins was a lineal descendant of Abraham Perkins, one of the earliest settlers of Hampton. He was the son of James Perkins, who lived to be the oldest man in town and was for many years a deacon in the Congregational church. He was born January 11, 1840, in the Perkins’ homestead on the Old Tide Mill road. By occupation he was a farmer, although for some years he was employed in building fences for Boston and Maine railroad. Five years ago he sold his farm and moved to the village, where he pleasantly occupied himself in reading, working about his little place and in labor for the interests of the church.

February 2, 1890, he united with the Congregational church upon profession of faith, and ever since then has been a valued and active member. He had the interests of the church ever on his heart. The church showed its appreciation by making him deacon and treasurer, and at the time of his decease he was the senior deacon of the church.

“Deacon” Perkins, as he was universally known, was a man of most pleasant personality, friendly, optimistic, loyal to the town and to the church. Although not a fluent speaker he was a man of excellent judgment, and progressive in his ideas. He was a man of uprightness and integrity, and was universally beloved and respected. He was a patriotic man, and an honorary member of Perkins Post G. A. R.

The last illness was severe but short. The first Sunday in the new year, January 4, Deacon Perkins was in his place in church and Sunday school, assisted in the distribution of the sacred element at communion. He was stricken down on Tuesday, and lingered until Sunday suffering intensely. He entered into eternity on his 85th birthday.

Deacon Perkins was thrice married. His first wife, Mrs. Luannah Johnson, was the mother of his daughter Minerva, now Mrs. Eugene Nudd. She died in 1898. His second wife was Mrs. Ellen Miner. The third wife, Mrs. Carrie Miller, whom he married in 1909, survives him.

Besides his wife and daughter Deacon Perkins is survived by three grandchildren and one great grandchild, a foster son Clarence Johnson, a brother, James Warren Perkins, and two sisters, Miss Maria Perkins of Newburyport, and Mrs. Arthur Noyes of Hingham, Mass.

The funeral took place at the Congregational chapel, Wednesday afternoon, January 14, and was largely attended. Rev. John Cummings, pastor of the church, officiated, assisted by Rev. Edgar Warren. The ladies’ quartette sang very sweetly and with much expression, two selections, “Abide With Me” and “Lead, Kindly Light.” The bearers were officers of the church.

Deacon Perkins will be greatly missed to the community and to the church, and especially by those who were closest to him. But his memory will abide as a precious inheritance, and though he rests from his labor his work follows him.