Hampton News

Hampton is rich with history of the early times, being one of the first placed settled in New Hampshire. Dow’s History is full of interesting data but there are more incidents and anecdotes known to the older people in town. The younger generation should know these things and town paper is a good medium. A column of the paper will be devoted to this purpose. Send all communications to the Union office marked “The Hampton Column” and the articles will be greatly appreciated.

The Executive Committee of the Men’s club is making arrangements for a fried clam supper at its regular meeting on Monday evening, February 16. At this meeting it is expected that the members of the appropriation committee will be present and the various items of appropriations will be discussed, as well as other matters which are to be voted on at the March meeting. All men interested in these things are cordially invited to come to this meeting. The supper will be fifty cents a plate and will be served at 6:30 o’clock.

Louis Ewer, the well known artist in oil paintings, a former resident of this town and Exeter, but for the past year living at Little River, died by his own hand at his home on Tuesday night. The real cause for the act is not known, but he left a note showing his intentions and giving the names of relatives. He committed suicide by shooting himself through the top of the head with a rifle. He had attached a string to the trigger and his foot. The body was discovered the next morning. He left a note to notify Mrs. S. B. Ewer, 366 Centre street, Bangor, and he is known to have a sister in California and a niece in Yonkers, N. Y. He was in his 72nd year.

Middle Rib Corned Beef 15c at Carberry’s Market.

Thomas Cogger left Monday for Florida, where he will spend the next two months.

Captain Myers, who has been in command of the coast guard station in this town, has resigned his position to take a more responsible one as the commanding officer of the government’s ship in the rum-running prevention service, with headquarters at Gloucester.

Mr. Russell Leavitt gave a talk on his experiences in Syria, at the Congregational church in North Hampton, Sunday evening.

A very beautiful and impressive Candle Light Service was held at the Methodist church Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. D. Asbury Marston were given a surprise Tuesday evening when a very sociable family party gathered in honor of his birthday. A social hour was enjoyed and an oyster stew, cake, coffee and tea was served after which the guests wended their way home wishing Mr. Marston many more happy years.

Friends of Mrs. Chas P. Buck, who is spending the winter in St. Petersburg, Florida, will be very sorry to learn that she has been confined to the house since the 16th of December, caused from stepping off a high curbing, and tore the ligaments in her knee. But the sunshine and beauty of St. Petersburg, she is enjoying very much.

Thursday afternoon Mrs. Everett Nudd, was hostess to the H. T. G. Club. At the end of a pleasant afternoon of cards, Mrs. Roscoe Palmer, a guest of the club was the holder of the highest score. Mrs. Warren Drew was second and Mrs. Thomas Moore received the consolation. Very delicious refreshments were then served by the hostess.

Arthur Sanborn has been spending the week in New York City.

Mrs. H. P. Wells has closed her home on Nook Lane Road, and gone to Amesbury, for the rest of the winter.

The Mother’s Circle will hold its next meeting Wednesday evening February 11th, at the Center School. The programme is to be given by the old children of the members and includes a short play, a fancy dance, readings and musical numbers. Any one not a member who wishes to enjoy the programme is cordially invited to come, paying a small guest fee of fifty cents.

Attention! Every man and woman in town who has a child in the schools should read the notice of the Parent-Teacher’s meeting in the school notes. Every one should consider it an obligation to be present at the Association meeting, in that way coming in closer contact with teachers and school problems.

Mr. John Cummings met with a very painful accident Saturday night, wrenching his knee quite badly.

Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Moore were host and hostess for a moonlight snowshoe party. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leavitt, Miss Mary Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sears, and Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward made up the party. A two hour tramp through the woods and field, made the hot oyster supper Mrs. Moore served most appetizing. The rest of the evening was happily spent before the fire place.

Recently, Lester Mace killed a beautiful black otter in Dow’s river. It had come up through the ice and was eating eels when sighted and killed by Mr. Mace. A pair had been lately seen in that vicinity. Skinned, the glossy black fur measures from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail 4 feet and 10 inches. Within the knowledge of the older townspeople it is the first one to be killed in Hampton in the last 50 years.

Mrs. William Hill and Miss Maude Patch of Waltham, are guests this week end of Mrs. Hill’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Godfrey.

Miss Mary Holland, of Jamaica Plain, was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leavitt.

Mrs. Harry L. Moore and Mrs. Arthur Ward spent Thursday shopping in Boston.

The Monday club was entertained Monday afternoon by Mrs. Christopher Toppan with Mrs. Harold Winchester as assistant hostess. The programme of the afternoon was of readings of selected Essays by Mrs. Toppan and Mrs. Coffin. Mrs. Olney read an original story written by the president Mrs. Caroline Shea, one entitled “Salter and Parker, A True Story of Portsmouth and Hampton,” which was very interesting. Ice cream and cake was served by the hostesses.