Hampton News

The next meeting of the Monday Club will be held Monday afternoon, February 16th, with Mrs. Albert Coffin.

Captain C. D. Hand of Providence, R. I., who has been in charge of the Coast Guard Station here for the past ten days since the transfer of Capt. J. B. Myers, leaves this week for Camden, Me., where he will enter the Coast Patrol. Another man will be sent to take command of the Hampton Station.

A Republican caucus will be held on Monday evening, Mar. 2, in the town hall to nominate town officers for the ensuing year, to be elected by the Australian ballot, March 10.

Mrs. Jerre Greely entertained the West End Club very pleasantly, February 5. The program was on Valentines and each member was given a souvenir valentine. The rooms were tastefully decorated. A social hour was enjoyed; refreshments were served by the hostess.

Anyone who has to file or is liable to file an income tax and needs help can secure it free of cost, February 16 and 17, at the post office when a deputy collector of internal revenue will be present to give any help or information needed. You may be liable to file without knowing it, and it is better to make sure.

The following item was clipped from the Lakeland, Fla., Star-Telegram, issue of Jan. 31: “Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lane of Hampton, N. H. are enjoying a visit to Lakeland. This is their first to this section of the State and they are very much pleased with Lakeland and Polk County.”

Hampton went “over the top” in its Christmas Seal sale, the sum of $141.53 being received from the sale and sent to headquarters at Manchester. We wish to thank each and every one for their hearty cooperation in this good work.

Fish and Game Warden Fred H. Thompson of Hampton, was in Newfields Monday to locate the owners of dogs which killed a deer Sunday afternoon. The deer was chased to the river where the fishermen were engaged in fishing, and they for a time drove off the dogs. The dogs, however, returned later and killed the deer.

At the Grange meeting on Friday evening, February 20, Mr. K. E. Barraclough, of Exeter, will give a lantern slide lecture on the pine tree blister rust problem. Let every member endeavor to be present, that the lecturer may have a large audience.

Miss Irene Trefthen spent last week as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moulton in Somerville, Mass.

The Congregational vestry was the scene on Thursday evening of the annual supper of the Friendly Class. The menu was baked beans, frankforts, salads, coffee and Washington pies, which the large gathering fully appreciated.

At the Mother’s Circle meeting on Wednesday night, an appeal was made for children’s clothing. Will those who have any leave them with Mrs. Everett Nudd, Academy Avenue, where the district nurse will get them as needed?

Another live meeting of the Men’s Club will be held next Monday evening at the Congregational Chapel. The budget of appropriations to be acted on at the March town meeting will be discussed and other matters pertaining to the warrant. There will be a fried clam supper served at 6:30 at 50 cents a plate. All men interested in town affairs are urged to come to this meeting.

Last Friday, the selectmen appointed seven citizens to act with the town officers as an appropriation committee, in accordance with the town ordinance. The members appointed are: Frank Leavitt, Joseph S. Dudley, Frank E. James, Edgar Warren, Fred E. Perkins, William Brown, and Ernest G. Cole. A meeting of the committee has been called for Friday evening, February 13, 7:30 o’clock, at the selectmen’s room and every member should be present.

A very pleasant surprise was given Miss Helen Gilpatrick last Saturday evening, when a number of her friends gathered at her home. The evening was passed very pleasantly by playing games. A beautiful string of crystal beads were presented to her from those present. Delicious refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. The guests departed at a late hour having enjoyed a very pleasant evening.

The Mother’s Circle meeting held in the Centre school Wednesday, was very enjoyable and well attended. The programme was given by the older sons and daughters of the members. Their enthusiasm and suggestions made possible the pleasant time. Miss Wilma Toppan began the evening’s entertainment with a very well rendered piano solo. This was followed by a short colonial play, “Dispatches for Washington,” in which Miss Constance Tobey portrayed the mother’s part, Caroline Philbrook and Lucella Hobbs as her daughters and Elizabeth Brown and Isabelle Hobbs as girl friends all played their parts well and looked very lovely in their fancy colonial dresses. Master Allen Moore took the part of the continental soldier who was being sought by the three Britishers who were Masters Richard Munsey, Lloyd Ring and Malcome Hamilton. The well and porch-trellis used as the scenery were made by the boys in the Manual Training class. Miss Elizabeth Brown read the poem “How Grandmother Danced the Minuet” which was followed by the six girls, the Misses Isabelle Hobbs, Wilma Toppan, Caroline Philbrook, Constance Tobey, Elizabeth Brown and Lucella Hobbs giving the dance. The final number was a group of songs sung by the young artists accompanied on the ukulele played by Miss Isabelle Hobbs.

Miss Nellie Nudd has been spending a week with friends in Portsmouth.

The young men who have joined the Hi-Y at the Academy had a sleigh party on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leavitt and Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward were chaperones. The party met at Cole’s corner and piled into the hay-filled pung which then went to North Hampton to pick up other members. There the team turned toward Exeter and the evening was spent at the movies. The trip home by moon-light was very enjoyable and the happy young people sang and made merry.

Saturday evening a party of eleven, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Olney, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dennet, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sears, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward, and Mrs. Russell Leavitt snow-shoed to the North Beach. Mr. Frank Leavitt opened his home and the party cooked their supper of bacon, frankforts and coffee, with rolls and delicious butter made by Mr. Leavitt. The feast was worth the tramp. The evening was spent with Mr. Leavitt, then the party put on their shoes and hiked cross-country to their homes perhaps a little weary but perfectly happy.