Hampton News

A week ago last Sunday evening a very pleasing service was held at the Methodist church. 18 Klansmen in their robes marched up to the altar with a beautiful American flag and presented it to the church. The choir sang American the Beautiful …(1)patriotic sermon after which the Klansmen retired. Rev. A. B. Thompson made some very fine remarks concerning conditions in America. The services closed with two stanzas of “America”. There were about 175 people present.

Miss Caroline Cutts was delightfully surprised on Monday evening when the teachers gathered at Miss Mary Toppan’s and extended to her a fare well party. She is leaving the teaching force in Hampton, and after vacation starts her new work in Nahant. They presented here with a beautiful boudoir lamp as a parting gift.

The Misses Marion Noyes and Helen Gilpatrick spent Friday and Saturday in Portsmouth, N. H. On Friday they attended both sessions of the Sunday school conference which was held at the Methodist church.

Saturday morning, Mrs. E. Henry Thompson drove to Auburndale, returning in the afternoon with her daughter Miss Isabelle and her roommate who came home for the weekend.

[(1)There is some missing type in this sentence.]

Miss Mary Gookin, who is teaching in the Malden schools, was a week end visitor in town.

Don’t forget the Republican caucus next Monday evening.

The Whatsoever Mission Circle will meet at the home of Miss Helen Gilpatrick, Saturday afternoon, February 21, at 2:30 o’clock.

Robin Coombs, Harriett Coombs, Eleanor Palmer and Arnold Palmer are the unfortunate little folks having the chicken pox.

Monday afternoon, Mrs. Albert Coffin, with Mrs. Robert Brown as assistant hostess, entertained the Monday Club. A very animated discussion was held on the “Child Labor Amendment” and the closed vote showed the club was not in favor of the Amendment. Mrs. Coffin and Mrs. Carberry played a duet on the piano. Mrs. Wingate read an article on Lincoln, ending by reading Mrs. Mary Chipman Andrews’ “The Perfect Tribute.” Mrs. Cole gave a paper on Jefferson that was very interesting. The hostesses served novelty ices and cakes.

The Men’s Club held a very large meeting in the Congregational vestry on Monday night with sixty members and guests present. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer had charge of the fried clam supper that was served. The discussion for the evening was “The Town Meeting” and the men thoroughly enjoyed talking over the coming issues in an informal way.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Young celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary Saturday evening. Twelve of their friends gathered at their home and spent a very pleasant time. As it was a wooden anniversary, they were presented with a beautiful mahogany boudoir lamp with a parchment shade.

Dr. and Mrs. Ward motored to Boston on Tuesday. Mrs. Ward visited her mother in Somerville, Mass. Her sister, Mrs. Wilda Bernard, has just returned with her baby girl, from California.

The “Square and Compass Club” is holding its second annual banquet at Hotel Echo on Monday evening. The gathering a year ago was pronounced one of the finest affairs ever held in Hampton, and it is safe to say that but few Masons in this vicinity will fail to be present with their lady on the present occasion.

Saturday night the E. R. class of the Congregational church gave Russell Durant a surprise party, it being his 15th birthday. Twenty young people gathered and spent a very jolly evening with games and songs. Ice cream and cake were served for refreshments. Russell was well remembered with a number of gifts.

Rev. John Cummings preached a most helpful sermon on Sunday. The music was fine, and the boys’ voices very pleasing.

Mr. Hartley Kierstead is making an addition on each side of his house where he makes and sells doughnuts, in summer. Mr. Kierstead is the only person (as far as known) who keeps such a place, whose signs are taken down and everything closed on Sunday.

Rev. Edward E. Eno, of Londonderry, Vt., has accepted a call as pastor of the Baptist church, to commence his services March 29.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Sumner Fall and Mrs. Lucy A. Marston, went to Kensington last Saturday, to visit Mrs. Addie Brown and Mrs. John W. York.

The Frances Willard memorial service will be held with Mrs. Annie M. True on Friday, at 2:30 P. M. All are invited who are interested in the work.

Mrs. Flora Joplin Feeney and son came to help celebrate father’s 77th birthday on Wednesday. Mr. Joplin is enjoying excellent health, and is very pleasantly situated with Mr. and Mrs. Sears, as tenants, who are very kind to him. Mrs. Sears and Mrs. Feeney served dainty refreshments to a few neighbors and friends were invited in.

Thursday night the H. T. G. club held its Gentlemen’s night in the Grange Hall. Since it was Lincoln’s birthday, patriotic decorations were used. The first of the evening was spent playing cards. Mrs. Eugene Leavitt received the highest honors for the ladies and Mr. “Billie” Stevens for the gentlemen. Mrs. John Janvrin and Mr. Harry Munsey were second while Mrs. Thomas Moore and Mr. Frank Coffin were recipients of the consolation prizes. After the refreshments served by the committee, games and a general good time was enjoyed by all.

Death has taken a heavy toll among the men of Hampton recently, and removed many who are needed, and sadly missed. The death of Edward J. Brown brought sadness to many friends, outside the immediate family. To the faithful wife and little daughter, the aged father and loving sister the sympathy of the entire community goes out in a great measure.

The memory of a loving husband, father, son and brother, cannot but be a precious heritage to them.

Funeral services were held at the house on Sunday. Rev. John Cummings their pastor in charge.

The Masons who were present in a large number held their service, Mr. Brown being a loved member. Rev. Edgar Warren a warm friend of the family offered prayer.

The floral tributes from friends and different orders, were many and beautiful.

William Brown was the undertaker in charge.