Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Pierce of five corners entertained Mrs. Pierce’s father, Mr. W. J. Pennington of Pawtucket, R. I., the past week.

Miss S. B. Lane, spent last week in Boston.

Mrs. Lucy A. Marston is quite ill with a bad cold and sore throat.

A minstrel show and dance will be given by Jr. O.U.A.M., at Centennial hall, North Hampton, on Saturday evening, March 7th, 1925, at eight o’clock. Latest snappy jokes and a big all-star chorus, supported by an orchestra. Come early and avoid the rush, admission; adults 35 cents. Children under 12 years of age 25 cents. Dancing, 10 cents extra.

Mrs. Marion Jenness is substituting in the third and fourth grades, taking Miss Cutts’ position. Miss Cutts resigned and went to Nahant where she will continue her teaching.

Mrs. Ernest Cole has been confined to her home. this past week, with a severe cold.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leavitt, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward and Miss Barbara attended the organ recital given by Mr. Shrewsbury, in Philps church, Exeter, Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Wilson Olney spent last week visiting with relatives in New York.

The Annual meeting and dinner of the Congregational Society was held on Thursday.

The weather was not encouraging for a large attendance, but 50 members braved the storm to enjoy the meat and chicken pie dinner served by the ladies of the church. Mr. John Cummings the pastor, acted as Master of Ceremonies. The roll call was answered by 67 responses, 17 letters from absentees being read. Miss Annie Akerman was re-elected clerk; Mrs. Margaret Noyes, treasurer; and three new Deacons were appointed, Mr. G. Sumner Fall, Mr. Warren Clark and Rev. Mr. Edgar Warren. Mrs. Annie May True, presented $1,000 to the church as a memorial to her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Marston.

The Parent-Teachers’ Association meeting will be held next Monday evening in the Center school, at 7:30. All the parents are interested in the progress children are making in Folk Dancing, under Mrs. Coombs and the teachers’ directions. Mrs. Olney has been very fortunate in being able to get Miss Bolles of Boston, for a speaker. She has long been an exponent of group dancing, having traveled through the South, organizing classes and has studied with the Morris dancers in England for many summers. She will explain the origin of the dance and how it has been worked up to the present date. Miss Cunningham, of Boston, will play the musical interpretations on the piano. The pupils of the High school are extended an invitation to be guests of the Association at this meeting.

Mr. William Leavitt of Garden City, Kansas, arrived in town on Wednesday to make a short visit with his mother, Mrs. Rebecca Leavitt and his brothers.

The Mother’s Circle held its regular meeting at the Center school, Wednesday evening. Thirty-three members responded to the roll call on “Bright Sayings of our Children.” Mrs. Marvin Young read a very well written and instructive paper on “The Pre-School age, children from 2 to 6-Diet, Clothes, and Daily Habits.” The music of the evening was community singing. The hostesses of the evening, Mrs. Florence Tufts, Mrs. Maude Ring and Mrs. Jessie Moore, served refreshments during the social hour which followed the meeting.

Mrs. Irving Leavitt spent a few days last week in Wollaston, with her daughter, Mrs. Byron Smith.

Saturday evening, the young people of the Methodist church repeated their concert at the Centre school. The pretty costumes and the young voices made the illustrated songs very interesting. The readings by the Elliot boys were certainly very humorous and brought forth spontaneous applause. The “village choir” had to repeat an encore and the final ensemble around the old wells was very colorful.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt may feel justly proud of their son Mr. Lawrence Leavitt. He has made a name for himself in the Atlantic records of Dartmouth, and now has received the high honors of being chosen Senior Class Marshall.

The Ladies’ Aid are hostesses at a Silver Tea at the Congregational chapel, Wednesday afternoon, from 3 to 5:30. Every woman in town is cordially invited.

Dr. Herbert Day’s death in Exeter, on Friday, took from that town and the surrounding community a much loved physician. Dr. Bixler, in his service, spoke of the twenty-seven years of faithful work, without professional jealousy, doing his best for those needing his services. The beautiful and profuse floral tributes silently told of the high esteem in which he was held. Ten of his professional associates acted as honorary pall bearers. Drs. Nute, Colby, Chesley and Knowlton of Exeter, Dr. Mitchell from Epping, Dr. Butler from Newmarket, Dr. Fernald from Nottingham, and Drs. Fernald and Ward from Hampton.

The Monday Club held its regular meeting in the Center school, Monday afternoon. Mrs. E. Henry Thompson was hostess with Mrs. John Wingate assisting. The program for the afternoon was of the Modern Poets. Mrs. Robert Brown read an article on Amy Lowell; some of her poems are cited, especially her new book, “The Life of John Keats” which has just been published. Mrs. Harry Noyes read selections from the works of New Hampshire poet, Robert Frost, and Mrs. Wilson Olney read selections from the writings of Vachel Lindsay. Mrs. Albert Coffin rendered two vocal selections, after which the hostesses served the refreshments.

The Womens’ Missionary Society of the Congregational church was entertained on Wednesday, by Mrs. Christopher and Miss Mary Toppan. Devotionals were in charge of Mrs. John Cummings, and the study of the afternoon “The Missionary Work in Ming-Kwong China,” read by four of the ladies was very interesting. Fifty-one members and friends enjoyed the refreshments served by the hostesses. The What-So-Ever Society furnished the music for the afternoon. The Seniors represented by Misses Louise Mullin and Marjory Wood, who played a duet on the piano. The juniors represented by the Misses Wilma Toppan and Caroline Philbrook, singing soprano and Isabelle Hobbs and Rita Brown singing alto, gave a very pretty selection. The primary department represented by the little Misses “Betty” Scott, “Dolly” Toppan sang “Jesus Bids Us Shine.”

Friday evening, twelve members of the Friendly class of the Congregational church were most enjoyably entertained by the pastor’s wife, Mrs. John Cummings.

Miss Esther Scott has had a rare privilege in that, as a guest of her Uncle, Mr. Benjamin Shanklin, in Washington, D. C., she has witnessed the occasion of President Calvin Coolidge and Vice President Charles Dawes, taking their oaths of office.

Miss Marjory Wood celebrated her 15th birthday, Tuesday evening. Twenty-four of her young friends joined with her to make it a happy occasion. With a round of games, songs and dancing the evening passed all too quickly. Miss Wood received many beautiful gifts and the good wishes of all her friends for many happy returns of the day.

At a Republican caucus held Monday evening, the following officers were chosen to appear on the ballot, at a town meeting, March 10th: clerk, William Brown; selectman for three years, Harry D. Munsey; treasurer, Chester G. Marston; taxes, William Brown. The Australian ballot will be used at the March election, and the above names will appear as Republicans. The polls for the election of officers will be open at 10:00 o’clock, and will close at such hour as the meeting may vote, which will probably be three o’clock in order to have the result known before adjournment of the regular business, which will be going on at the same time.

Miss Annie Richardson, who was spending the winter with Mrs. Edwin Batchelder, has been called to Andover, Mass., by the death of her sister-in-law to keep house for her brother, Mr. John Richardson.

Roy Wood, who is spending the winter in St. Petersburg, Fla., had the misfortune to lose his auto by fire last week. In filling the tank with gasoline some was spilled over the tank and in some way took fire.

Miss Emma J. Young went to Haverhill on Sunday to attend the concert given by the entire Boston Symphony of 108 pieces, which was a rare treat.

Charles Durkee, who purchased the home of Charles Blake two years ago, has recently purchased the Hall bungalow near his home.