Hampton News

Don’t forget the New Hampshire University Glee Club, at town hall, Saturday evening April 18. Dancing will follow the entertainment.

There will be a food sale at Creasey’s electrical store Sat. afternoon, at 2:30. It will be in charge of Margurite Moraratty.

Mrs. Marion Cole, of Groveland, Mass., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Leavitt.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer entertained 15 of their friends on Friday evening, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bean, of Boston, who were week-end guests,

Little Hollis Durant is quite ill with bronchitis. Sunday he was taken to the Exeter Hospital for observation.

The Mother’s Circle will be held next Wednesday evening, March 25, at the Center school at 7:45. Mrs. Margaret Murray and Mrs. Bella Nudd are hostesses.

The senior class of the High school are holding their rehearsals for their play “Thirteen Plus” to be given in the town hall, Friday evening, April 3d.

The C. E. of the Congregational church held a very pleasant Box Social Tuesday evening with twenty young people present. It being St. Patrick’s Day the paper caps and boxes were made of green and white paper, and the games played pertained to the occasion.

Capt. Jasper Myers, until recently, commanding officer at the Coast Guard Station at Hampton, now in charge of one of the Coast Guard Cutters brought his boat into Hampton on Tuesday, anchoring opposite the station, and came ashore to visit with his friends. Recently Mr. Myers took a trip to the Isles of Shoals with him.

Monday evening, the Men’s club held their annual Ladies’ night at the Center school. It being guest night the business was postponed until the next meeting. The programme included duets by Mrs. Charles Palmer and Mrs. Harold Noyes accompanied by Miss Louise Mullin, followed by a very clever comedy film, “Dog Sense.” Mrs. Drew Bernard sang a group of four songs, then Mr. Benedict was introduced as the speaker of the evening. He had served a number of years as one of the Y. M. C. A. secretaries in Poland. His subject was “Impressions of Poland.” The dining room looked very pretty as the guests went down stairs, with the tables covered with dainty cloths and red and green candles burning in the candle sticks. The refreshments were very attractive, fruit salads with cheese crackers, and a novelty charlotte russe ice cream furnished by David Colt, with cake.

Mr. Joshua James is almost entirely confined to the house.

Miss Francis [sic] Towle is much improved after her recent fall.

Mrs. Drew Bernard, nee Wilda Chipman and her little daughter, Beverly May, from Hollywood, California, are visiting with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Ward.

The work of installing new electric fixtures in the Congregational church will be started this week.

Mrs. Ernest G. Cole is slowly recovering from a second attack of a very severe cold, which has confined her to the house. She is now getting down stairs a little, but will not be able to get out for a while yet.

The many friends of Mr. D. Asbury Marston are pleased to hear he is much improved and hope to see him out again soon after his severe illness.

Mrs. James H. Hutchings is spending a few days this week visiting her sister, Mrs. Oscar A. Noyes of Lynn, Mass.

The sale of the Ladies’ Aid at three o’clock on the afternoon of March twenty-fifth at the Congregational chapel, is not far away. We hope you are saving this date, and having the children save their pennies to buy a mystery package. There will be tables as follows: Apron gift, mystery, food candy, and ice cream. Do not miss this opportunity to buy home-made food, ice cream and candy.

The Ladies’ Aid will meet on Tuesday afternoon, March 24, at the home of Mrs. William T. Keene, Windmill road. As this is the day before our sale it is requested that as many members as possible be present.

The Monday club held its regular meeting Monday after noon, at Mrs. Harry Noyes’s with Mrs. W. Scott Noyes assistant hostess. The subject of the afternoon was “Timely Topics” and a number of the members read very interesting articles. Miss Helen Lamprey played some musical numbers on the piano, after which the hostesses served refreshments.

Mrs. Harry L. Morse has her mother, Mrs. Follansbee, of Whitefield, as a home guest.

Friday evening the community picture at the Center school is to be Thomas Meighan in “Woman Proof.” Mrs. Drew Bernard will sing a solo as an added feature.

The Men’s Club play “The Dutch Detective” will be given at the town hall, Friday evening, April 17th.

On Sunday, occurred the death of Mrs. Caroline L. Howe, at the advanced age of 92 years. Mrs. Howe belonged to one of the oldest Hampton families, being a daughter of Dearborn and Clarissa Blake Shaw. She is the last of a large family. Mrs. Howe married Buckley Howe, a widower with three children, one son and two daughters, all of whom are living. She was a good mother to these stepchildren. They went to Evans, Colorado, and bought a ranch. Her only child, Edgar was born there. At her husband’s death, Mrs. Howe returned to Hampton, and purchased the home where they now live. Until within a year she has retained her faculties in a wonderful degree. She was a very refined, dignified woman. A great reader, fond of flowers, and out of doors. She was always glad to see her friends, and was always pleasant and kind to all. She had a happy home with her son and his family, who have done everything possible to make her last days happy. She was buried from the home on Tuesday. The service was in charge of Rev. Edgar Warren, assisted by Rev. R. E. Barker. Mrs. Howe has been a member of the Congregational church in Evans, Colorado, for many years. The floral tributes from friends and neighbors were many and very beautiful. Mrs. Belle Perkins and Mrs. Alice Noyes, sang two pleasing selections. The bearers were Geo. M. Dearborn, John C. Blake, George P. Mace and Frank Hill. William Brown was the undertaker in charge.

Drakeside road is some bad after our good roads this winter. Try the tractor again.

The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Alice Barker on Friday, March 20, at 2:30.

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Batchelder, long of Hampton and now a boarder at the Rockingham county farm at Brentwood, today observed her 100th birthday anniversary. The event was made enjoyable by Supt. And Mrs. Fred Rand, who planned a reception. A guest of the day was Mrs. Mary E. Weeks of Concord, a cousin and her nearest kinsman. She received 160 postcards, flowers, confectionery and a birthday cake from Supt. And Mrs. Rand inscribed “1825-1925.” An original poem was read by the Rev. Thomas Brewster, pastor of the Brentwood Congregational church. Mrs. Batchelder was born in Epping, her maiden name being Elizabeth A. Cawley. She was married at Exeter in 1856 to Samuel C. Batchelder, who was from a Northwood family. She lived here for four years and then moved to West Newbury. For years she conducted the Penobscot House at Hampton Beach, which was one of the old-time hostelries long before the electric road and the automobile. She catered to visitors at the beach from far and near, and the Penobscot stables did a thriving baiting business in early times. Mrs. Batchelder retains her faculties and delights to entertain callers. She has done much fancy needle work during the winter.

Through the columns of our newspaper, the committee in charge of the silver tea held in the Congregational chapel on Wednesday of last week, wish to thank all those who in so many ways helped make this such a success, socially and financially. Many of our friends, delving deeply into their old green chests, brought out priceless silver heirlooms to be polished and loaned for the occasion. Among these we would mention in particular a beautiful silver sugar bowl presented by ex-president Pierce (elected as New Hampshire’s first president of the United States in 1853), to Mrs. John Warner of North Hampton. This bowl is now owned by Mrs. Emma Young, sister of Mrs. Warner, and is to be passed on to Mrs. Young’s daughter, Mrs. Janvrin, of Hampton Falls. The display of beautiful silver, with pink flowers and candles giving a touch of color, made the tea tables of the three pourers, Mrs. Cash, Miss Annie Johnson, and Miss Olive Nudd, look most attractive. The fourth table, used as a replenishing table, was equally attractive, with silver candelabra, candle sticks, cake baskets, etc. To make the occasion as social as possible, a number of our little junior members of the Sunday school were called on to pass the pink and white napkins, and the servers were chosen from the assembled company. One looking into the chapel about four o’clock, and seeing ladies merrily at work crocheting, embroidering, etc. as they listened to the pleasing entertainment prepared by Mrs. Young, would have seen that the social success of the afternoon was assured. An article from an “Exeter News Letter” of twenty-five years ago entitled “What Our Grandmothers Did Sixty-five Years Ago,” thus carrying us back ninety years, was read by Mrs. Winchester, dressed in Martha Washington costume. This was very interesting to all. We were pleased to have so many of our Baptist friends with us, and regretted that this date conflicted with that of the regular monthly meeting of the ladies of the Methodist
church, making it impossible for them to be present.

Victoria A. Dow:

The old native-born residents of Hampton are fast passing away. Mrs. Dow belonged to one of the oldest families. She was a daughter of Dea. Jerre Knowles. She spent her last years in sight of her early home. Mrs. Dow married in 1859 Joseph Warren Dow, and though there were five children born to them they all passed away before the mother. For many years they lived in Boston, and then in the pleasant home where for a number of years she has been kindly cared for by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lamprey. Mrs. Dow was a fine looking, intelligent woman. For many years, though unable to go out she was always interested in the affairs of the town and church. The funeral was on Tuesday, at the home, attended by Rev. John Cummings. She was laid to rest amidst the beautiful flowers she loved so well.