Hampton News

Mr. Frank Palmer was taken to the hospital on Sunday to have a carbuncle opened.

Mrs. H. P. Wells spent the weekend with friends in Framingham and Brookfield.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Pratt of Lynn, with their two children drove Mrs. Addie Brown home Saturday. Mrs. Brown has been spending two weeks visiting with the last relatives in Somerville and Chelsea.

Mrs. Harlan P. Wells was a weekend visitor in Worcester, Mass.

Mrs. Thomas Cogger and Miss Mary Craig were visitors in Manchester on Monday.

Mrs. E. G. Cole is spending the week in Manchester.

Mr. Cyrus Clark is spending the week with his folks, in Berlin.

A very successful meeting of the W. R. Corps was held on Wednesday. The Odd Fellows Lodge have kindly given them the use of the hall free for several years.

The long anticipated minstrel show given under the auspices of the Gr. Order of Mechanics was held Tuesday evening, and appreciated by the large audience. The end men were particularly fine. Mr. Marvin Young, bringing peals of laughter from those present by his songs and actions. Mr. Dennett showed adeptness in his sketching and Dwight Standish in twinkle toes, called both such applause he was obliged to give an encore.

The Ladies’ Aid was entertained by Mrs. Annie M. True, with sixteen present. Much work and business was accomplished. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Cash.

The executive members of the Monday club were guests of Mrs. Bertram Janvrin, at a delightful luncheon on Saturday. Mrs. Bixter of Exeter gave a most interesting talk on her trip to Italy last summer.

That the former residents of Hampton have not forgotten her and are still interested in community movements was most gratifyingly illustrated this week when Rev. I. S. Jones, who had led the movement to establish a memorial to the early settlers of Hampton, on the old Church Green, received a letter from Edward Tuck, the eminent banker of Paris. Mr. Tuck had learned of the establishment of a memorial park in which all the towns once a part of Hampton are interested, and became interested in this work. Learning further that the Association wished to purchase the Frank Fogg property, adjoining the site of the park, he took it upon himself the privilege of buying the property for the Association, and sent Mr. Jones a check for $7,000, which will not only buy the property but enable the Association to remodel the building.

Mr. Herbert Tetlow and his two sons and daughter, all of Fall River, Mass., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gilpatrick.

Mrs. Elmer Kink is convalescing in the Exeter Hospital after a serious operation performed a week ago Saturday.

Monday afternoon, little Mrs. Eleanor Palmer reached the seventh mile stone in her life. To celebrate she had seven of her little friends in for the afternoon. Games were played and a happy time was spent by all.

The H. T. G. Club was entertained on Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Harold Winchester. The afternoon was most entertainingly spent playing cards. Mrs. Everett Nudd carried off the honors with the highest score, Mrs. Charles Palmer was second and Mrs. Frank Coffin had the consolation score. The hostess served very delightful refreshments in her most gracious way.

The 12th annual Rockingham County Y. M. C. A. Boys’ Conference will be held in Hampton on May 2 and 3. It is expected that about 250 boys will be present, for the discussion of boys’ problems, under the leadership of various men of the county. A varied program for the boys entertainment is also being prepared, including a banquet on Saturday evening. Arrangements are being made for putting up the boys over night. If any of the townspeople can entertain one or two boys, it is hoped they will communicate with one of the ministers who are members of the committee. Full details of the program of the conference will be published in next week’s issue of the Union.

Monday afternoon at the Centre school, the Monday Club held its annual Reciprocity Day. The unseasonable weather kept the visiting club from being present with the exception of Exeter. The programme was opened by Mr. Thomas J. Brennan of Dover, singing a group of songs. Mr. Brennan had a very beautiful and strong tenor voice, and his selections were greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Everett Coombs then gave a group of songs, her lovely sweet voice soared out on the beautiful melodies. Mr. Harry L. Moore, the Supt. of our schools was introduced as the speaker of the afternoon. His subject was “The Child Labor.” His clear concise explanation made all these, who did not before, understand the new Amendment. Mr. Brennan closed the programme with another group of songs. The hostesses served fruit punch, sandwiches and cakes from a very attractive arranged buffet table. The decorations being carried out with beautiful baskets of forsythia.

An interesting meeting of the Men’s club was held in the Congregational chapel, Monday evening, with fifty or more present. A very nice supper was served at 7:00 o’clock, which was followed by a brief business session and the reception of several new members. The remainder of the evening was given to the address by George A. Wood of Portsmouth, speaker of the House of Representatives. Mr. Wood was listened to with much interest throughout. He began with the relating of some political experiences of his father, who belonged to the old school of politicians, and gradually came to the time of his own first participation in New Hampshire politics, telling amusing anecdotes, and some amazing facts of a post-political age. The latter part of the address was given to work of the present legislature and was instructive as well as interesting. At the close of the address, Mr. Wood was given a rising vote of appreciation and thanks.

Clinton A. Durant has taken a position at the Portsmouth Navy Yard as machinist after three calls from the Navy Yard.

Miss Isabelle Thompson returned to Lasalle on Sunday, after spending a ten-day vacation with her parents.

New Hampshire State College has just made a report of the Hampton-Sanborn debate, which took place in March. Having had plenty of time to look over the judges’ note, they make the statement that Verna White, 26 was declared the best speaker of the home contest.

Editor C. F. Adams accompanied his daughter, Constance, to Sherborn, Mass., Saturday, April 18, when she will spend a week with her aunts, returning home Saturday, April 25.

The snow storm of April 19 did some slight damages. One of which was the stopping of the town clock, on which so many depend. Not long ago this clock was repaired after being struck by lightening.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Buck have returned from a most enjoyable winter, spent at St. Petersburg, Fla. Mrs. Buck is slowly recovering from her accident, while there. They are both very much in love with the sunshine city.

The many friends of Fred Blake, our local blacksmith, will be glad to know that he is back at the shop again, after having been confined to the house for nearly a week with a severe cold. Some have missed his work, all have missed his genial smile.

Instead of the usual Sunday evening service at the Baptist church, the pastor, Mr. Eno, put upon the screen a series of stereopticon slides showing some of the vital and interesting results of religious education among the children of the Negroes, Indians, Chinese and Japanese in our country. Owing to the storm, many of children who would have enjoyed the service could not be present. However, Mr. Eno says there will be similar occasions in the near future.

Mrs. Althea Kennedy of Oxford, Mass., together with her son, his wife and little son, were guests at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. M. Teague, Sunday and Monday of this week.

The police have recently notified the Brooks Brothers that a Ford coupe body minus the chassis had been found in the woods near Breakfast Hill, but there were no means of identifying it. The body had been scratched and cut as though some one was venting his spite. Any one giving information leading to the arrest of auto robbers is a public benefactor and anyone having any knowledge of the matter above will aid the cause of justice by notifying Brook’s Garage, Portsmouth, or Hampton.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Melzar Dunbar was the scene of a very pretty double wedding on Saturday afternoon, April 18th. All four participants were residents of Boston, Mass. One of the grooms was Mr. Royce E. Adams, of 147 Worcester St., his bride being Miss Mary G. Peterson. The other groom was Mr. Harold E. McKenney, half brother of Mr. Adams, the bride being Miss Amanda M. Sweeney. Rev. Edward E. Eno performed the ceremony using the double service. The four happy young people left immediately for an extended tour.