Hampton News

The N. H. Tuberculosis Association will hold a clinic in Legion Hall, Exeter, Tuesday, May 12, at 2:30 P. M.

All friends of Mrs. Mary I. Keene will be pleased to know that she is doing as well as expected in Exeter Hospital.

Wednesday afternoon, May 13th, the Mothers’ Circle will hold a “Fashion Show” in the Centre school at 3:30 p. m. Every woman interested in the clothes question is cordially invited to be present.

The H. T. G. club was most enjoyably entertained on Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Thomas Hobbs at her attractive Tea Room at the beach. Mrs. Harry Munsey had the highest score of the afternoon, with Mrs. Marvin Young, second, Mrs. Frank Dennett, third, Mrs. William Ross, fourth and Mrs. Roscoe Palmer with the consolation score. The hostess served her party with a very delicious supper.

There are many calls for town histories which are all gone. It is hoped at some time to have another edition printed. There was a small book by Miss Lucy Dow which was very popular. Mrs. Lucy A. Marston, to whom all rights of Dow histories belong, has been asked to rewrite the smaller book, bring to date and collect the legends of Hampton. All who have family legends to preserve, pass them on to Mrs. Marston who will go to work on this book.

Mr. Clarence Philbrook will return to Hampton this week, after his sojourn in the South.

Mrs. Leonora B. Wing returned with Miss Adeline Marston from Boston, Mass., for a weekend visit.

A fine time was enjoyed by the ladies of the Congregational church when they met to clean church on Thursday. The church was thoroughly cleaned.

Chester G. Marston’s barber shop has been brightened up with fresh white paint on the ceiling and upper walls, the work of Edward S. Batchelder, painter.

Mrs. Margaret Murray will leave Hampton May 17 for several months’ visit in Scotland.

Mrs. Frances Blanchard had opened her home on the Exeter road after spending the winter with her sister and friends in Lynn, Mass.

Mrs. John Elliot has returned to her home after a winter spent in Beverly, Mass., where Mr. Elliot has been at work on a new school building.

Mrs. Bruce Franklin of Charlotte, North Carolina, with her little son, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Caroline Shea.

Friday night the Monday club is giving an entertainment at the town hall, with the Bartlett Glee club, of Amesbury, Mass., as entertainers. They come highly recommended and a most enjoyable evening will repay everyone for attending. The tickets are 35 cents; children 25 cents.

Perkins Post, G. A. R. has given up the hall in the Odd Fellows building, as the three remaining members who are able to be out, cannot go so far, and they did not feel that it was right to keep the hall which the Odd Fellows had kindly given them the use of for the last few years, when the order might get some income from it. The Post will keep their charter at the home of Com. Godfrey, and transact what business they have there. They cannot go to the town hall on memorial day, but there are to be special exercises in school to take the place of an address on Memorial day, early in the afternoon, the Post and people will meet in the cemetery where probably there will be something more than usual. Will whoever knows of the whereabouts of one of the flags which is carried in the service of decoration, please report to Mr. Godfrey. It has been missing since last Memorial day. It is on a staff with an eagle on top. They need it for use this year.

At two o’clock Tuesday afternoon, May twelfth the Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church will meet with Mrs. Cash. Please make a special effort to be present as you are needed.

The annual clean-up week campaign under the auspices of Winnicummet Improvement Association will begin Friday, May 8, and end May 15. Teams will collect rubbish on Friday, May 15, at the following streets: Beach road, Exeter road, High St. to Five Corners, Old Mill road to Second Four Corners, Lafayette road to North Hampton bridge, Academy and Highland avenues.

Harvey & Osgood have opened the Ferncroft bowling alleys for the season, and are having much patronage, teams from various places contesting nearly every night. Friday night, a team representing Exeter Odd Fellows will play a team from the men constructing the new Academy buildings.

Meeting of the committee appointed at the March town meeting to cooperate with the Meeting House Green Memorial Park Association in composing an inscription for the boulder which has been set up in the park, and for making arrangements for the celebration next October, was held with the chairman, Frank E. Leavitt, last Tuesday evening. Seventeen members were present. Sub-committees on inscription, program and invitations were appointed and some of the work outlined. The names of the sub-committees will be printed next week.

Wednesday evening the young people of the Senior class and friends of Miss Esther Scott tendered her a birthday surprise party. Twenty-five young people were present and the evening was spent in merry making, playing games and a general good time. Miss Scott was remembered with a beautiful under-arm bag given her by her friends. Refreshments and the birthday cake served, after which the merry party went to their homes wishing their hostess many happy returns of the day.

Miss Melinda Blake is quite ill.

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Elliot wish to extend their hearty thanks and appreciation to the friends who gathered at their surprise party last Saturday evening at the Methodist church.

Monday afternoon the Monday club meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Ward, with Mrs. Addie Brown, assistant hostess. As it was the annual meeting a regular paper was not read. Master Allan Moore played two solos on the piano and Mrs. Drew Bernard of Hollywood, California, pleased every one by singing a number of vocal selections, playing her accompaniments. The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: Mrs. Hutchins, President; Mrs. Vrylena Olney, vice-president; Mrs. Elizabeth Ward, secretary; Mrs. Margaret Wingate, treasurer. The hostesses served a fruit salad with cheese crackers, coffee and cakes.

The Missionary Society of the Congregational church were hostess to the societies of the other churches in town, and of Hampton Falls and North Hampton, Wednesday afternoon. About eighty (80) members and guests were present. The programme was opened with a solo by Miss Eloise Lane. Miss Scott and Mrs. Staples sang a very lovely duet and Mrs. Drew Bernard sang two solos, after which the speaker of the afternoon, Mr. Russell Leavitt, Principal of the High school, was introduced. Mr. Leavitt spent three years in Syria as a teacher in the American College at Beirut, and his talk was on his experiences and impressions while there. He also showed a number of souvenirs and pictures that he had brought home with him. The hostesses, Mrs. Addie Brown, Mrs. George Philbrook and Mrs. Annie Johnson, assisted by the Misses Caroline Philbrook, Isabelle Hobbs, and Louise Mullin as waitresses served a delicious scalloped salmon and potato salad supper.

Saturday night, May 15th, a benefit entertainment will be held in the Center school auditorium. The proceeds will be used to buy silver for the dining room. Keep the date in mind, save a quarter, and don’t miss it. You will get a lot of enjoyment besides helping along a good cause.

Friday night the Hampton town hall echoed with laughter caused by the performance of the Men’s club play, “The Dutch Detective.” It was hard to tell any of the men when they came on the stage as their make-ups were all so individual and so clever. Mr. John Cummings in the title role was very effectively dressed and played the part well. He delivered his funny lines in a manner that brought forth screams of delight. Mr. William Gilpatrick, as Plunk Jarleck and Mr. Wallace Philbrook as Hortensey Smatters, both escaped from the asylum, made the audience feel that seeing things was really so. Mr. Sam Brown portrayed the police force of Hampton Falls to audience feel that seeing things was really so. Mr. Sam Brown portrayed the police force of Hampton Falls to perfection. Mr. Warren Clark played the part of Augustus Coo the newly wed, who had eloped with Gladys Howler-Coo. Gladys was a very stunning bride as portrayed by Mr. Ralph Johnson. The howls of her father, Major Hannibal Howler, taken by Mr. George Philbrook could be heard all over town. Mr. Harold Noyes was a powerful Katrina Kraut and an able protector of her man, the Dutch Detective. Mr. Bruce Fall was a very coquettish Miss Araminta Sourdrops, who lost her Jabo after waiting sixty years, but gained the Major. The lunch counter in the waiting room of the Hampton Falls railroad station, where the scene of the play takes place, was presided over by Miss Ambrosia McCarty, the blond queen. Mr. Walter Clark, in his part kept the audience guessing as his portrayal of the “I Should Worry” type was so well acted. Mr. Cummings besides taking the leading role also coached the play and he and the Men’s club may feel quite well repaid for their efforts, as it was a great financial success, as well as a great laugh maker.