Hampton News

Mrs. Ruth Ford Smith and little daughter, Esther of Somerville, were guests of Mrs. Arthur Ward over the week-end.

The Parent-Teachers’ Association are making plans for a lawn party to be held on the Centre school grounds, Monday evening, June 8. This will be followed by a cantata in the auditorium under the directions of Mrs. Coombs. Further notice next week.

Friday evening, an audience that neatly filled the hall of the Centre school auditorium, enjoyed a concert given by the Musical Organizations of the schools. The first number was given by the school orchestra. The young people showed their year’s training and played splendidly. Mrs. Doris Cowden Currier of Amesbury, Mass., then sang a group of songs. Joseph Raymond gave two numbers on the violin, which was followed by the cantata “Barbara Freichie,” sung by the double quartette of the High school, Mrs. Currier singing the soprano solos. The quartette presented Mrs. Coombs a beautiful bouquet at the close of the number to show their appreciation for her good work with them. The final number was an ensemble by the orchestra.

Monday, the Monday Club Outing was changed to an indoor picnic at Mrs. Wilson Olney’s. Twelve members were present and a very jolly time was enjoyed by all. The annual reports were read at a short meeting held after the picnic.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sokolofski and their little daughter, Sonia are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leavitt, while the Y. M. C. A. drive is being held here in town.

Mr. John Creighton was very delightfully surprised on his birthday, Monday, when Mrs. Morey’s plans brought his whole family, with the exception of one brother, as dinner guests. Twenty sat at the table making a very merry party.

The Friendly Class will hold a food sale in Cole’s Periodical store on Friday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock.

Joseph H. Durant has retired from his work in the Navy Yard at Portsmouth, on account of the age limit. He has spent nine years of continuous work there and is glad to retire.

Don’t forget the Tag Day on Saturday, which is going to make it possible for our Visiting Nurse Association to back the nurse financially for the Free Baby Clinic, which will be held during the summer months.

Miss Wilma Toppan celebrated her birthday in a quite unexpected manner, as her Sunday school class gave her a surprise party after school. Besides the class members all the school teachers she has had were present. The afternoon was spent playing games and singing songs, and then Mrs. Toppan served a very delicious supper for them. Miss Wilma received many pretty gifts from her friends.

Mrs. John Cummings entertained the Ladies Aid of the Congregational church on Tuesday afternoon. Twelve members were present and final arrangements for the summer sale were made. Mrs. Cummings served tea and fancy cakes.

Saturday, Master Philip Toppan entertained 8 of his little boy friends at a cracker-jack party. The occasion being his 8th birthday. The boys more than enjoyed the novelty of the party and their happy shouts were proof of their good time.

There will be Memorial exercised by the schools in the Centre school auditorium on Friday afternoon, at 1:30 o’clock, after which the children will march to the cemetery and decorate the graves of veterans. On Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock Perkins Post will hold exercises in the cemetery. There will be singing by Mrs. Grady and other exercise. All are cordially invited to attend the exercises on both days.

Winthrop D. Blake’s face is wreathed in smiles, for he is the proud father of a little daughter, born in the Homeopathic Hospital, Newburyport, Monday afternoon, May 25, at 6 o’clock. Both mother and child are doing well. Congratulations, Winthrop.

Rev. Edgar Warren is supplying the pulpit of the Christian church at Little River and is speaking to increasing Congregations. Before the sermon it is Mr. Warren’s practice to take up some topic of popular interest and discuss it briefly. Next Sunday morning he will answer the question, “Is it any worse for a woman to smoke than for a man?”

Wednesday evening the Mother’s Circle held its regular meeting at the Centre school. It was voted that the Circle pay the expenses incurred by the Baby Clinic for one day having it known as Mothers’ Circle Day. The programme for the evening was the topic “How Much and What Supervision Should the Children Have During Vacation?” A number of interesting papers were read and the roll call brought out a number of helpful suggestions. Mrs. Harry Munsey, with Mrs. Earnest Cole and Mrs. Robert Brown served very delicious baskets of ice cream with macaroons. The dining room was very attractive with its candle-lighted tables.

Tuesday afternoon the Camp Fire Girls gave a children’s party to the boys and girls of the town. A general invitation was extended to the 1st and 2nd grades and about 25 youngsters were present. The girls conducted the whole affair, playing games and giving every one a good time before serving ice cream and cake.

The Winnicunnet Improvement Society wish to thank those who so whole heartedly responded in making Hampton Clean-up Week a success. Prizes were offered to the children doing the most effective work, and these were as follows: 1st, Katherine Clough; 2nd, Charles Lewis Bragg; 3rd, Irving Stanley. Throughout the week the work went steadily on, and a glance at the teams sent around by the town testified to the necessity of this important end of the work. Civic pride is a long step on the road to future good citizenship. Encourage the children on their way to this goal.

A fine dinner was served last Monday evening in the dining room of the Centre school building to the men who are making the drive for Y. M. C. A. funds in Hampton, North Hampton, Hampton Falls and Seabrook. Twenty or more from the four towns were present besides the leaders in the movement, county secretary, Percy E. Jewell and his assistant, Edwin Sokolofski, and the State Y. M. C. A. Secretary, Mr. Morrison. The fund to be raised by this drive is to be used for regular Y. M. C. A. work and also for carrying out the new plans for interesting and developing the boys of the county through various stages from 8 or 9 years to 17 years. It is a most important work and the drive will undoubtedly raise all the money asked for. The total amount for the county is $8,700 and of this Hampton is to raise $800. G. Sumner Fall is the chairman of the Hampton committee.

Hampton Boy is Ordained to the Priesthood

Rev. Edward Joseph Murphy, of Little Rock, Ark., will celebrate his first Solemn High Mass, at St. Andrew’s church, Hampton Beach, Sunday, May 31, at 10:30 A.M.

He is a native of Exeter, and the son of Mr. Patrick L. and Mrs. Annie E. Hesty Murphy.

He was educated in Exeter public school, and later entered Haverhill High, playing with the champion football team of 1916.

He left school to join the colors at the call of the President, and served with Co. F. of Haverhill Mass.

He prepared at Boston College, and graduated from Little Rock College, and entered St. John’s Seminary, from which he was ordained to the Priesthood, by the Rt. Rev. John Baptist Morris, D. D., at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Little Rock, Ark.

Fr. Murphy is better known by many as the genial police officer at Hampton Beach, where he served for three seasons.

Fr. Murphy will be pleased to see his many friends and neighbors present at the Mass, Sunday morning.

After the sermon a reception will be held at the cottage of Mr. Patrick L. Murphy, on Marsh Ave., Hampton Beach.